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St. Philip’s College. 17% Full-Time, 83% Part-Time 56% Female, 44% Male Ethnicity 52% Hispanic 12% African-American 30% White 34% Economically Disadvantaged.

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1 St. Philip’s College


3 17% Full-Time, 83% Part-Time 56% Female, 44% Male Ethnicity 52% Hispanic 12% African-American 30% White 34% Economically Disadvantaged 1 51% Receive Financial Aid 2 86% Require Remediation* 17% Dual Credit Students *Preliminary 1 Only 1.5% of our student population live in the 78202/78203 zip codes 2 Actual % is higher. This number includes dual credit students who are not eligible for financial aid.


5 * preliminary Action Plan: Early Alert, Mandatory Tutoring, Faculty Advising

6 * preliminary Action Plan: Early Alert, Mandatory Tutoring, Faculty Advising


8 Student Engagement Domain200920112013 Active & Collaborative Learning51.348.348.6 Student Effort52.554.450.4 Academic Challenge50.351.349.5 Student/Faculty Interaction50.548.848.4 Support for Learners54.8 54.5 Action Plan: Professional Development and Sharing of Best Practices during the report out of the Operational Unit Planning Process

9 National average: 69% VLCC average: 58.2% State average: 53.9% Action Plan: 4DX, Early Alert, Mandatory Tutoring, New Student Orientation, Advising Model, declaration of academic/career path, and creation of an individualized success plan.


11 National average: 24.2% VLCC average: 15.9% State average: 17.7% Action Plan: 4DX, Early Alert, Mandatory Tutoring, New Student Orientation, Advising Model, declaration of an academic/career path, and the creation of an individualized success plan.


13 Action Plan: New University partnerships



16 1. 4DX Strategies for persistence and graduation 2. Academic Advising New advising plan including faculty advisor 3. Mandatory Tutoring All students enrolled in college prep courses 4. Professional Development Opportunities for faculty and staff

17 5. University Relationships Partnerships with UIW, UH, Univ. of Phoenix, Prairie View A&M, and National Graduate School 6. Completion of Degrees and Certificates Contacting students who qualify for certificates 7. Early Alert Early alert reports are generated mid-semester and reviewed immediately with subsequent follow-up


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