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Holt High School PROM 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Holt High School PROM 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Holt High School PROM 2016

2 The Holt High School PROM will be held on April 23, 2016
in the school auditorium. Tickets will go on sale beginning February 1, 2016 until April 15, 2016.

3 2015/2016 Parent/Student Information Guide
According to the 2015/2016 Parent/Student Information Guide STUDENTS SHOULD: 1) be clean, neat, and appropriately dressed 2) abide by the rules and regulations of the school.

4 The HHS staff and administration want you to make good choices.
We are not trying to inhibit your style. Prom should be fun, but we want everyone to be comfortable and safe.

5 This Dress Is Appropriate for PROM.
#1 Dresses may not be cut below the bust line. The bust continues around your sides directly under the armpit. With arms down at your side, if flesh touches flesh below the bust line, the dress is inappropriate. This Dress Is Appropriate for PROM. Bust Line on the Side Bust Line

6 Inappropriate Dresses

7 Dresses may be backless as long as they are not cut below the naval.
#2 Dresses may be backless as long as they are not cut below the naval. These dresses meet the dress code. Please notice how the bust is covered on the sides.

8 Midriffs will not be exposed. This includes both front
#3 Midriffs will not be exposed. This includes both front and side. With arms down at your side, if flesh touches flesh in the midriff section, the dress is inappropriate.

9 Unacceptable Dresses

10 These dresses meet dress code.
#4 Dresses may not have a slit that exceeds mid-thigh. This is finger tip length. These dresses meet dress code.

11 Unacceptable Dresses

12 There are many beautiful and stylish dresses out there which meet the dress code.

13 Formal Dress Code Girls: * Dresses must be formal, short or long, appropriately fitting and modest. * Hemlines or slits for dresses must be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee. * No extreme low backs, low necklines, visible midriffs, straps or cutouts below the traditional bra line. * Strapless dresses and spaghetti straps are allowed provided they follow the previous rules. Boys: * Tuxedos, Suits, or sport coats with dress pants. * No blue jeans. * No opened toed shoes. * No extreme-colored shoes * No bandannas, baseball caps, or non-formal hats.

14 Appropriate Wear for Guys:
Suits T U X E D O S Dress pants Formal Hats Sports coats

15 X X X X X X X X X Inappropriate Wear for Guys
Open toed shoes and extreme-colored shoes Jeans X Non-formal hats, baseball caps, and bandannas X X X

16 Make “Good” and “Smart” Choices
2015/2016 Holt High School PROM Make “Good” and “Smart” Choices Be Safe Have Fun

17 If you come on campus inebriated, parents/guardians will be called
No alcoholic beverages, tobacco (smokeless or cigarettes), or drugs will be allowed on school property. If you come on campus inebriated, parents/guardians will be called to come pick you up. You may not leave or drive away.

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