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Effect of Educational intervention on Quality of life of diabetic patients type 2, referred to diabetic Research Center of Yazd.

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1 Effect of Educational intervention on Quality of life of diabetic patients type 2, referred to diabetic Research Center of Yazd

2 1-Baghianimoghadam MH 2- Afkhami- Ardekani M 1- Associated professor of health faculty of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical sciences, Yazd, Iran. 2- Associated professor in endocrinology of Diabetes Research Center, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Science, Yazd, Iran

3 Introduction Diabetes is a complex disorder associated with several potentially preventable disabilities, such as blindness, amputation, neuropathy, retinopathy and cardiovascular disease. Type 2 diabetes is the most common metabolic disorder that patients suffer from symptoms of hyperglycemia and diabetic complications. Diabetes related morbidity and premature mortality impose a sizeable burden on individuals with diabetes and on society, signifying a major public health concern.

4 The incidence of diabetes is increasing and the prevalence of diabetes is approaching epidemic proportion in many developing countries in Middle East including Iran. The prevalence of type 2diabetes in Iran is 4-4.5% and in population aged above 30 years is greater than 14%. The incidence and prevalence of diabetes vary in different areas of Iran, so the prevalence of type 2diabetes in Yazd is higher than other province of Iran.

5 Diabetes is 5th reason of death in Europe and about 15% of financial cost to the public health services in USA is for diabetes. WHO estimates that the prevalence rate of diabetes (4% in 1995) will increase to 5.6% in 2025. Dietary restriction, medication, the actual symptoms of diabetes and concomitant diseases may lead to deterioration in the Health-Related - Quality Of Life (HEQOL).

6 Diabetes as a chronic disease requires medical care and education to prevent acute and long term complications.QOL was defined as "The perception of individuals or groups that their needs are being fulfilled and that they are not being denied opportunities to achieve happiness and satisfaction". QOL is considered as a multidimensional entity incorporating both a cognitive component (satisfaction) and an emotional component (happiness).

7 The results of the studies have shown that type 2diabetes is associated with impaired HRQOL. Type 2diabetes itself seemed to impair all dimension of HRQOL, except mental health and pain in the Medical Outcomes study9. In most studies, HRQOL was associated with hyperglycemia,insulin treatment.

8 Finally the guidelines for treatment and prevention of type 2diabetes emphasize that one of the primary objectives of treatment and secondary prevention is to improve the patient's HRQOL. The improvement in QOL not only benefits the patients but also reduces the health care cost related to readmission1. The aim of the present study was to improve the HRQOL of type 2diabetes patients with health education and identify factors which may be associated with the QOL to decrease the complications of them.

9 Materials and Methods The subjects in this study were type 2diabetes patients with range 25-75 years old, living in the area served by the Diabetic Research Center of Yazd, Iran. The type 2diabetes patients were identified according to WHO criteria. In total, 120 individuals were randomly selected from the list of the referee patients of the Diabetic Research patients of Yazd based on date of admission.

10 They were divided into two groups: case group (60persons) and control group (60 persons) alternately. Information on demographic and clinical characteristics such as height, weight and smoking status were collected together with information on preexisting medical conditions.

11 To ensure the clarity of questionnaires, pilot testing of the questionnaire was also performed using the coherence and consistency upon 10 diabetic patients who were not included in the survey. Then after, the questionnaire was modified on the basis of their feedback. Content validity was established by 5 experts who were academic staff or endocrinologist.

12 Data were collected by a questionnaire in case and control groups before and after intervention by interview, in waiting room of clinic of diabetes. The patients were asked to have a clinical examination and laboratory tests to evaluate the diabetic complications, and standard laboratory tests were applied. Background data (age, gender, duration of diabetes, type of treatment) were collected from patient records and by structured interview.

13 The education as intervention factor was performed using face – to- face and group teaching methods to case group in two, one hour, sessions by an endocrinologist, a nutritionist and a health educationist.we used PowerPoint, overhead and pamphlets for education of patients. Control group received only usual care. For data analysis, Chi- square, t test were used and level of confidence interval was 95%.

14 Results Socio- demographic and clinical characteristics: The age of 40% of participants was lower than 50 years old(25-50 years), and 60% more than 50 years old( 50- 75 years), males constituted 41.23%, about 29.8% were illiterate and 45.6%completed 8years of education. The mean duration of diabetes of patients

15 was 9.87(SD=7.2) years.8.3% patients managed diabetes by diet only, while 84.4% and 7.3% were taking oral hypoglycemic agents and insulin respectively. About 72.4% of patients had neuropathy, and 66% retinopathy. In table 1, the mean quality of life scores of participant in case and control groups, before and after intervention relevancy to job.

16 The results of this table shows, Intervention caused an increase in scores of the QOL of case group after intervention. The differences were remarkable. There was significant difference between job and QOL of patients of case group before and after intervention (P= 0.04). The QOL of case group before intervention was 49.26(SD=14.4) out of 100, that increased to 60.49(SD=16.8) after intervention.

17 In table 2, the mean quality of life scores of participant in case and control groups, before and after intervention relevancy to sex. There was significant difference between job and QOL of patients of case group before and after intervention (P= 0.017). In table3, the mean quality of life scores of participant in case and control groups, before and after intervention relevancy to education.

18 There was significant difference between education and QOL of patients of case group before and after intervention (P= 0.014). The data in table 4, shows, we can improve the complications of diabetes that effect on QOL of patients by education. The QOL of patients in the case group with retinopathy and neuropathy, before intervention was 46.28(14.58) and 46.64(14.5) respectively, increased to 58.57(19.44) and 58.9(18.27) after intervention.

19 DISCUSSION Diabetes requires the patients to self-manage their disease and is a lifetime struggle to maintain and increase QOL. Treatment plans that inherently improve or include strategies to enhance patients' QOL may increase compliance, thereby improving these patients' metabolic status.

20 If one of the goals of health care is to improve QOL, then it seems important to understand how diabetes affects QOL and how we can control diabetes and increase the QOL. Indeed, one rationale for including QOL assessment in clinical trials is to provide patients with information and skills to help them choose treatment strategies consistent with lifestyles. We report here the effect of health education, as an intervention factor to QOL.

21 These results indicate that health education have an impact on all of the quality –of-life measures. The participants in this study suffered major impairment in all aspects of quality of life, before intervention compared with after intervention. The results of table 1 shows, Intervention caused an increase in QOL of case group after intervention. There was significant difference between three job of patients and QOL of them in case group before and after intervention (P= 0.04).

22 The findings of this study are consistent with the observations of Bockting et al, who described the increase of AIDS knowledge after intervention and the finding of Tan et al, who found that the HbA1C in diabetic patients declined when their awareness increased.the increase of awareness in this study is also consistent with the finding of Lin et al, who observed the change and improvement of behavior of individual in vaccination rate of HB.

23 and the finding 0f baghianimoghadam, who found the intervention basis on constructs of Health Belief Model(HBM)improved in the practice of hairdressers for prevention of HB in their clients. The practice of hairdressers led to the improvement of the condition of barbers and the prevention of HB in their clients.

24 In general, several studies support the results of present study. The results of a clinical trial study in England show that, increase of knowledge of diabetic patients, controlled their diabetic complication and data of a study in Iran revealed that, increasing the knowledge of diabetic patients, decreased their HbA1C.

25 The impact of diabetic complications on HRQOL was Retinopathy and neuropathy. The QOL patients with retinopathy and neuropathy was lower than patients without these complications. These results don’t support the results of study that carried out by Jouko Hanninen et al,

26 he showed that retinopathy and neuropathy had no impact on HRQOL of patients.But supports the results of Ensaf Saied and Jacobson et al, they revealed that: QOL was lower among patient with diabetes complications. In present study the patients who did sports had significantly higher QOL and increased their QOL after intervention.

27 TABLE І : Determination of relevancy between the quality of life job in case and control group, before and after intervention P Quality of life in control group p Quality of life in case group Job After intervention Before intervention After intervention Before intervention SDMeanSDMeanSDMeanSDMean 0.703 48.29 20.03 46.78 14.97 60.9 15.83 59.1 16.86 67.25 9.18 64.3 5.69 53.12 21.63 56.3 22.24 0.04 46.82 12.96 72 13.92 51.32 13.68 62.5 21.83 64 12.99 79 3.14 47.63 18.6 69.2 14.49 Total 16.4451.7219.5152.3616.8460.4914.4149.26

28 Table ІІ: Determination of relevancy between the quality of life and sex in case and control group, before and after intervention p Quality of life in control group p Quality of life in case group Sex After intervention Before intervention After intervention Before intervention SDMeanSDMeanSDMeanSDMean 0.092 48.69 18.64 47.03 14.74 57.39 19.47 58.71 18.07 0.017 48.26 13.69 55 15 52.21 15.77 66 17.33 Total 16.3851.4219.4652.3616.1460.4914.6249.98

29 TABLE ІІІ: Determination of relevancy between the quality of life education in case and control group, before and after intervention TABLE ІІІ : Determination of relevancy between the quality of life education in case and control group, before and after intervention p Quality of life in control group p Quality of life in case group Education After intervention Before intervention After intervention Before intervention SDMeanSDMeanSDMeanSDMean 0.106 51.72 23.47 44 15 49.29 17.27 50.91 18.31 59 17.91 66 5.42 69.5 3.54 67.5 2.12 0.014 45.5 10.02 51.94 15 48.29 15.43 63.28 14.16 63.8 9.12 72.66 14.1 68.3 9.8 81.5 3.12 Total 16.3951.4219.4652.0916.8460.514.6349.98

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