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2 The ABET criteria consist of eight General Criteria plus program-specific criteria. The program-specific criteria are divided into two parts: 1.Curriculum.

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2 2 The ABET criteria consist of eight General Criteria plus program-specific criteria. The program-specific criteria are divided into two parts: 1.Curriculum 2.Faculty ABET Criteria

3 The Context for Change 3 Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge, Second Edition (BOK2) published by ASCE Civil Engineering Program Criteria changed for consistency with BOK2 BOK/Program Criteria changes planned on an 8- year cycle

4 Background – The BOK and CE Program Criteria BOK1-compliant Accreditation Criteria BOK1-compliant Accreditation Criteria Levels of Achievement NAE 2020 Vision 2025 Levels of Achievement NAE 2020 Vision 2025 Mechanism for fostering curricular change BOK2-compliant Accreditation Criteria BOK2-compliant Accreditation Criteria BOK3-compliant Accreditation Criteria BOK3-compliant Accreditation Criteria

5 EventBOK 2 nd Ed.BOK 3 rd Ed.BOK 4 th Ed. BOK Committee of CAP 3 /COE assigned Already accomplished Oct 2016Oct 2024 BOK finalizedSept 2018Sept 2026 BOK publishedMarch 2019March 2027 Accreditation Committee of CAP 3 /COE organized Oct 2020Oct 2028 Draft CE Program Criteria publishedMarch 2022March 2030 CE Program Criteria approved by ABET EAC (1 st reading) July 2022July 2030 CE Program Criteria approved by ABET Board of Directors/Delegates (1 st reading) Oct 2022Oct 2030 Public Review of CE Program Criteria initiatedNov 2022Nov 2030 CE Program Criteria approved by ABET EAC (2 nd reading) July 2023July 2031 CE Program Criteria approved by ABET Board of Delegates (2 nd reading) Oct 2023Oct 2031 First Reviews Under New CE Program CriteriaSept 2016Sept 2024Sept 2032

6 EventBOK 2 nd Ed.BOK 3 rd Ed.BOK 4 th Ed. BOK Committee of CAP 3 /COE assigned Already accomplished Oct 2016Oct 2024 BOK finalizedSept 2018Sept 2026 BOK publishedMarch 2019March 2027 Accreditation Committee of CAP 3 /COE organized Oct 2020Oct 2028 Draft CE Program Criteria publishedMarch 2022March 2030 CE Program Criteria approved by ABET EAC (1 st reading) July 2022July 2030 CE Program Criteria approved by ABET Board of Directors/Delegates (1 st reading) Oct 2022Oct 2030 Public Review of CE Program Criteria initiatedNov 2022Nov 2030 CE Program Criteria approved by ABET EAC (2 nd reading) July 2023July 2031 CE Program Criteria approved by ABET Board of Delegates (2 nd reading) Oct 2023Oct 2031 First Reviews Under New CE Program CriteriaSept 2016Sept 2024Sept 2032 8 year cycle 8 year cycle

7 7 Changes in effect beginning 2016/17 review cycle

8 8 Commentary on the civil engineering program criteria can be downloaded from ASCE’s website

9 9 Bloom’s Taxonomy and Associated Verbs list, recite, define, … explain, describe, … apply, solve, … analyze, formulate, … design, create, … assess, evaluate, … 1. Knowledge 2. Comprehension 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Synthesis 6. Evaluation

10 1. Curriculum 9 Program Criteria:

11 Notes about CE Curricular Requirements 10 Curricular requirements are not additional student outcomes and do not require assessment and evaluation as such If a program chooses to incorporate one or more elements of curricular requirements into its stated Student Outcomes, then assessment and evaluation in accordance with Criterion 4 is required

12 12 The civil engineering curriculum must prepare graduates to apply knowledge of mathematics through differential equations, calculus-based physics, chemistry, at least one additional area of basic science (No change from previous criteria)

13 12 One or more courses in Calculus that cover differentiation, integration, and applications of calculus in engineering problems A course in differential equations One or more courses in college-level Physics that have a Calculus course as a prerequisite or corequisite A course in college-level chemistry Specific courses are not required, but these criteria are usually met by:

14 14 Requires that students be exposed to a third area of basic science to develop greater science breadth (versus depth in physics or chemistry). Additional areas may include biology, ecology, geology, meteorology, or others. Computer science and engineering science (e.g. thermodynamics) are not additional areas of basic science. It is not required that all students take the same additional area of science.

15 15 The civil engineering curriculum must prepare graduates to apply probability and statistics to address uncertainty (New criterion)

16 16 Uncertainty can be addressed in the analysis of data or other calculations A course on probability and statistics is not required The criteria does not specify topics in probability and statistics that must be covered

17 17 The civil engineering curriculum must prepare graduates to analyze and solve problems in at least four technical areas appropriate to civil engineering (Changed from “apply knowledge of” to “analyze and solve”)

18 18 “Analysis” refers to the ability to break down material into its component parts to understand its organizational structure. To “analyze and solve problems” requires an understanding of both the content and organizational form of the relevant material.

19 19 Generally recognized, but non-exhaustive, list of civil engineering areas: o structural o environmental o transportation o geotechnical o construction o water resources o hydraulics/ hydrology o surveying/ measurements

20 20 The civil engineering curriculum must prepare graduates to conduct experiments in at least two technical areas of civil engineering and analyze and interpret the resulting data (Changed from “conduct civil engineering experiments” to “conduct experiments in at least two technical areas of civil engineering”)

21 21 Student laboratory experiences include exposure to experimental procedures and data analysis in areas associated with civil engineering projects, for example, but not limited to: o soil properties o properties of structural materials, e.g. steel, concrete, wood o water and wastewater properties o performance of transportation systems

22 22 The civil engineering curriculum must prepare graduates to design a system, component, or process in at least two civil engineering contexts (No substantive change, editorial change from “more than one” to “at least two”)

23 23 Note ABET definition-engineering design: “Engineering design is the process of devising a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. It is a decision-making process (often iterative), in which the basic sciences, mathematics, and the engineering sciences are applied to convert resources optimally to meet these stated needs.”

24 24 Engineering design typically includes both analysis and synthesis. Analysis without synthesis is not design. Students should have some iterative design in the curriculum, but not all design experiences need be iterative. Engineering design does not necessarily involve the devising of a complete system; a component or subsystem constitutes an acceptable design experience.

25 25 Students should have exposure to design problems that are incompletely defined and open-ended. Exposure should be in at least two civil engineering contexts. Engineering standards and realistic constraints are critical in civil engineering design; the program must show that standards and codes are taught and applied.

26 26 The civil engineering curriculum must prepare graduates to include principles of sustainability in design (New criterion)

27 27 The criterion does not define a specific set of sustainability principles in design that must be covered. Programs can include principles of sustainability in a design context that is most appropriate for their curriculum. This criterion can also be used to partially meet Criterion 3(c) that requires “an ability to design a system….within realistic constraints such as…sustainability.”

28 28 Prepare graduates to explain basic concepts in project management, business, public policy, and leadership. (Changed “management” to “project management”)

29 29 Project Management The criterion focuses on project management, not just management. Business management is not the same as project management. Examples of project management coverage: -project work plans, scope, deliverables, budget and schedule preparation and monitoring -interaction with non-civil engineering disciplines -quality assurance and quality control, dispute resolution processes, and other relevant topics

30 30 Business Examples of business coverage: - legal forms of ownership - organizational structure and design - income statements - engineering economics - finance - marketing and sales - billable time - overhead - profit Exposure to business topics may by through a stand-alone course or integrated into several courses

31 31 Public Policy Examples of public policy coverage: - the political process - formulation of public policy - laws & regulations - funding mechanisms - government & business interaction -the public service responsibilities of -engineering professionals Exposure to these topics may by through a stand-alone course or integrated into several courses.

32 32 Leadership The curriculum must cover the components of leadership; students do not need to display leadership. Examples of leadership coverage: - Broad motivation, direction, and communication skills which complement management - Desirable behaviors that include earning trust, trusting others, formulating and articulating vision, openness, consistency, commitment, and discretion

33 33 Prepare graduates to analyze issues in professional ethics. (New criterion)

34 34 Program need only show how it prepares its graduates to analyze issues in professional ethics..

35 35 Prepare graduates to explain the importance of professional licensure. (No change)

36 36 The criterion is met if topics which communicate the importance of professional licensure are included in the required curriculum. For example, provide students with sufficient background to: - explain engineers’ professional and ethical responsibilities - explain the unique nature of the civil engineer’s relationship to the public and the consequent emphasis on professional licensure for the civil engineering professional.

37 37 2. Faculty Program Criteria:

38 38 Faculty teaching courses that are primarily design in content must be qualified to teach the subject matter by virtue of professional licensure, or by education and design experience (No change)

39 39 Design courses in the curriculum must be identified. If the faculty members teaching the design courses are professionally licensed, then the criterion is met. If an unlicensed faculty member is teaching a design class, then it is up to the program to demonstrate that the faculty member is qualified by virtue of education and design experience.

40 40 Examples of demonstrating that a faculty member is “qualified by education and experience”: The faculty member has relevant experience in practice or consulting. The faculty member’s experience would be accepted toward the experience requirement for professional licensing.

41 41 The program must demonstrate that it is not critically dependent on one individual (No change)

42 42 Examples of demonstrating that the program is not critically dependent on one individual: - The required courses can be taught by more than one faculty member. - Only one person teaches a specific required course, but the program can cover that faculty’s coursework in an absence. - Qualified adjunct faculty are available. - One faculty member does all student academic advising, but the program can deal with an unexpected loss of that individual.

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44 44 For further information contact: Thank you! Leslie Nolen Director, Educational Activities Dion Coward Manager, Educational Activities

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