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Now it is time for a lecture on population issues!

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Presentation on theme: "Now it is time for a lecture on population issues!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Now it is time for a lecture on population issues!

2 YAY!

3 I hope it isn’t on aging population! (please don’t let it be on aging population…)

4 What is Globalization?  Weakening of the nation-state and strengthening of transnational political processes  Emergence of a global economic market  Emergence of a world-spanning global culture

5 Anything but aging population! (fingers crossed…)

6 Aging Population: How it Works  Statistically speaking, an aging population is caused by an unbalanced increase in the mean and median age of a population  Demographers use the Population Pyramid to illustrate this

7 Aging Population: Causes  Lower fertility rate (the average births per woman in a nation)  (at least 2.1 births per woman is required for a balanced population)  Higher life expectancy

8 Aging Population: Consequences  High dependence ration  Lower rates of consumerism  High welfare costs  Later retirement age  Lack of manpower

9 Where is it happening?

10 Where is it (not) happening?

11 So what is the opposite of an aging population?

12 What is called the “Youth Bulge” (ugh… gross!)

13 Youth Bulge: How it Works  The Youth Bulge is created by an unblancing decrease in the mean age of a nation  This is accompanied by an only marginal increase in the median age of a nation

14 Youth Bulge: Causes  A short-lived explosion of the fertility rate in a nation  A marginal increase in life expectancy  Population Momentum  Societal factors

15 Youth Bulge: Consequences  Scarcity and competition  Lack of legacy  Low dependency ratio  Internal migration  Poverty and inequality  International/transna tional migration

16 Youth Bulge: Benefits  Demographic Bonus Labor effect Savings effect  Functional migration

17 Youth Bulge: Drawbacks  Domestic political instability  International/tra nsnational political contagion  Dysfunctional migration

18 Past Youth Bulges in History



21 Present Youth Bulges


23 Future Youth Bulges


25 Consequences for the Nation  Positive consequences:  Offers a window of opportunity for a demographic bonus from labor and savings  Healthy migration can lead to remittances and workers returning home with new skills  Negative consequences:  Rapid urbanization and migration can stretch a nation’s resources and slow the economy  This leads to poverty and inequality  Which leads to political conflict an instability  Which pushes out foreign investment an slows the economy  And so on…

26 Consequences for the World  Positive consequences:  Economic cure for aging populations  Negative consequences:  Contagion of political conflict  Clash of civilizations from migration  Refugee floods

27 So What are the Solutions?  Create jobs  Encourage family planning and reduce fertility rate  Education and/or jobs for women  Reduce infant mortality rate  Democratization and/or representation  Open economies for more labor intensive jobs  Permit migration without backlashes against migrant workers

28 So What are the Consequences for Singapore?

29 Sit back and Enjoy the Video!

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