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Published byRudolph Cole Modified over 9 years ago
Alberica Toia Physics Department CERN HGS-HIRe Lecture Week Manigod 24-31 January 2010 High Energy Dilepton Experiments Experiments @ SPS
Alberica Toia 2 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod SPS @ CERN l SuperProtonSynchrotron (since 1976) l parameters –circumference: 6.9 km –beams for fixed target experiments –protons up to 450 GeV/c –lead up to 158 GeV/c l past –SppS proton-antiproton collider discovery of vector bosons W ±, Z l now –injector for LHC l experiments –Switzerland: west area (WA) –France: north area (NA) dileptons speak french!
Alberica Toia 3 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod Dilepton experiments @ SPS ExperimentSystemMass rangePublications HELIOS-1 ee p-Be (86)low massZ.Phys. C68 (1995) 64 HELIOS-3 p-W,S-W (92)low & lntermediate E.Phys.J. C13(2000)433 CERESeepBe, pAu, SAu (92/93) Pb-Au (95) Pb-Au (96) low massPRL (1995) 1272 Phys.Lett. B (1998) 405 Nucl.Phys. A661 (1999) 23 CERES-2eePb-Au 40 GeV (99) Pb-Au 158 GeV (2000) low massPRL 91 (2002) 42301 preliminary data 2004 NA38/ NA50 p-A, S-Cu, S-U, Pb-Pblow (high m T ) intermediate E.Phys.J. C13 (2000) 69 E.Phys.J. C14 (2000) 443 NA60 p-A, In-In (2002,2003) p-A (2004) >2m PRL 96 (2006) 162302
Alberica Toia 4 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod The CERES/NA45 experiment
Alberica Toia 5 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod Experimental setup: CERES-1
Alberica Toia 6 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod Target region 13 l segmented target l 13 Au disks (thickness: 25 m; diameter: 600 m) l Silicon drift chambers: l provide vertex: z = 216 m l provide event multiplicity ( = 1.0 – 3.9) l powerful tool to recognize conversions at the target
Alberica Toia 7 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod Electron identification: RICH l main tool for electron ID l use the number of hits per ring (and their analog sum) to recognize single and double rings
Alberica Toia 8 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod Dielectron analysis strategy
Alberica Toia 9 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod l dielectron mass spectra and expectation from a ‘cocktail’ of known sources Dalitz decays of neutral mesons ( → e + e - and ’ l dielectron decays of vector mesons ( → e + e - ) l semileptonic decays of particles carrying charm quarks dielectron production in p+p and p+A collisions at SPS well understood in terms of known hadronic sources e + e - in p+Be & p+Au collisions
Alberica Toia 10 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod What about heavy-ion collisions? CERES PRL 92 (95) 1272 l discovery of low mass e + e - enhancement in 1995 l significant excess in S-Au (factor ~5 for m>200 MeV)
Alberica Toia 11 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod As heavy as it gets: Pb+Au l dielectron excess at low and intermediate masses in HI collisions is well established onset at ~2 m - annihilation? maximum below meson near 400 MeV hint for modified meson in dense matter e-e- e+e+ CERES Eur.Phys.Jour. C41(2005)475
Alberica Toia 12 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod - annihilation: theoretical approaches low mass enhancement due to annihilation? spectral shape dominated meson vacuum l vacuum values of width and mass in-medium l Brown-Rho scaling –dropping masses as chiral symmetry is restored l Rapp-Wambach melting resonances –collision broadening of spectral function –only indirectly related to CSR l medium modifications driven by baryon density l model space-time evolution of collision e-e- e+e+
Alberica Toia 13 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod Theory versus CERES-1 data l attempt to attribute the observed excess to vacuum meson ( ) –inconsistent with data –overshoot in region –undershoots @ low mass modification meson –needed to describe data –data do not distinguish between –broadening or melting of - meson (Rapp-Wambach) –dropping masses (Brown-Rho) l indication for medium modifications, but data are not accurate enough to distinguish models largest discrimination between and need mass resolution!
Alberica Toia 14 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod CERES-1 CERES-2 l addition of a TPC to CERES l improved momentum resolution l improved mass resolution l dE/dx hadron identification and improved electron ID l inhomogeneous magnetic field a nightmare to calibrate
Alberica Toia 15 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod CERES-2 result l the CERES-1 results persists l strong enhancement in the low-mass region l enhancement factor (0.2 <m < 1.1 GeV/c 2 ) 3.1 ± 0.3 (stat.) l but the improvement in mass resolution isn ’ t outrageous
Alberica Toia 16 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod Dropping mass, broadening, or thermal radiation dropping meson mass (Brown et al) * in-medium modifications of : broadening spectral shape (Rapp and Wambach) thermal radiation e + e - yield calculated from qq annihilation in pQCD (B.Kämpfer et al) l interpretations invoke l + - * e + e - l thermal radiation from hadron gas l vacuum not enough to reproduce the data
Alberica Toia 17 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod PRL 91 (2003) 042301 CERES @ low energy (40 GeV/c) l data taking in 1999 and 2000 l improved mass resolution l improved background rejection l results remain statistics limited l Pb-Au at 40 AGeV l enhancement for m ee > 0.2 GeV/c 2 –5.9±1.5(stat)±1.2(sys)±1.8(decay) strong enhancement at lower s or larger baryon density vacuum Brown-Rho scaling broadening of
Alberica Toia 18 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod And what about p T dependence? l low mass e + e - enhancement at low p T qualitatively in a agreement with annihilation l p T distribution has little discriminative power m ee <0.2 GeV/c 2 0.2<m ee <0.7 GeV/c 2 m ee >0.7 GeV/c 2 hadron cocktail Brown-Rho scaling broadening of
Alberica Toia 19 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod Centrality dependence of excess l naïve expectation: quadratic multiplicity dependence l medium radiation particle density squared l more realistic: smaller than quadratic increase l density profile in transverse plane l life time of reaction volume F=yield/cocktail m ee <0.2 GeV/c 2 0.2<m ee <0.6GeV/c 2 m ee >0.6 GeV/c 2 CERES p T > 200 MeV/c 1995/96 2000 N ch strong centrality dependence challenge for theory !
Alberica Toia 20 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod What did we get from CERES? l first systematic study of e + e - production in elementary and HI collisions at SPS energies l pp and pA collisions are consistent with the expectation from known hadronic sources l a strong low-mass low-p T enhancement is observed in HI collisions consistent with in-medium modification of the meson data can’t distinguish between two scenarios dropping mass as direct consequence of CSR collisional broadening of in dense medium l WHAT IS NEEDED FOR PROGRESS? l STATISTICS l MASS RESOLUTION
Alberica Toia 21 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod How to overcome these limitations l more statistics l run forever not an option l higher interaction rate –higher beam intensity –thicker target l needed to tolerate this –extremely selective hardware trigger –reduced sensitivity to secondary interactions, e.g. in target l can’t be done with dielectrons as a probe, but dimuons are just fine! l better mass resolution l stronger magnetic field l detectors with better position resolution l silicon tracker embedded in strong magnetic field!
Alberica Toia 22 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod The NA60 experiment l a huge hadron absorber and muon spectrometer (and trigger!) l and a tiny, high resolution, radiation hard vertex spectrometer
Alberica Toia 23 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod Standard + - detection: NA50 thick hadron absorber to reject hadronic background l trigger system based on fast detectors to select muon candidates (1 in 10 4 PbPb collisions at SPS energy) l muon tracks reconstructed by a spectrometer (tracking detectors+magnetic field) l extrapolate muon tracks back to the target taking into account multiple scattering and energy loss, but … poor reconstruction of interaction vertex ( z ~10 cm) poor mass resolution (80 MeV at the ) Muon Other hadron absorber muon trigger and tracking target beam magnetic field
Alberica Toia 24 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod 2.5 T dipole magnet hadron absorber targets beam tracker vertex tracker muon trigger and tracking magnetic field Muon Other A step forward: the NA60 case or ! matching of muon tracks l origin of muons can be determined accurately l improved dimuon mass resolution
Alberica Toia 25 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod DIPOLE MAGNET 2.5 T HADRON ABSORBER TARGETS ~40 cm 1 cm The NA60 pixel vertex spectrometer l 12 tracking points with good acceptance l 8 small 4-chip planes l 8 large 8-chip planes in 4 tracking stations l ~3% X 0 per plane 750 m Si readout chip 300 m Si sensor l ceramic hybrid l 800000 readout channels in 96 pixel assemblies
Alberica Toia 26 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod Beam Tracker sensors windows z ~ 200 m along the beam direction Good vertex identification with 4 tracks X Y Extremely clean target identification (Log scale!) Vertexing in NA60 Resolution ~ 10 - 20 m in the transverse plane
Alberica Toia 27 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod Contributions to mass resolution l two components l multiple scattering in the hadron absorber –dominant at low momentum l tracking accuracy –dominant at high momentum l high mass dimuons (~3 GeV/c 2 ) l absorber doesn’t matter l low mass dimuons (~1 GeV/c 2 ) l absorber is crucial l momentum measurement before the absorber promises huge improvement in mass resolution l track matching is critical for high resolution low mass dimuon measurements!
Alberica Toia 28 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod Muon track matching l track matching has to be done in l position space l momentum space l to be most effective l the pixel telescope has to be a spectrometer! Muon spectrometerPixel telescopeAbsorber Measured points
Alberica Toia 29 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod 6500 A 4000 A dN/dM (Events/50 MeV) (80% of collected statistics) (100% of collected statistics) Vertex selection and muon track matching M ( ) 80 MeV M (J/ ) 100 MeV M ( ) 20 MeV (1020) (1020) M (J/ ) 70 MeV Improvement in mass resolution l unlike sign dimuon mass distribution before quality cuts and without muon track matching l drastic improvement in mass resolution l still a large unphysical background
Alberica Toia 30 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod hadron absorber muon trigger and tracking target fake correct Hadron absorber Muon spectrometer Nothing is perfect: fake matches fake match: matched to wrong track in pixel telescope l important in high multiplicity events l how to deal with fake matches keep track with best 2 (but is is right?) l embedding of muon tracks into other event l identify fake matches and determine the fraction of these relative to correct matches as function of –centrality –transverse momentum
Alberica Toia 31 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod Event mixing: like-sign pairs l compare measured and mixed like-sign pairs l accuracy in NA60: ~1% over the full mass range
Alberica Toia 32 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod 32 LMR data: peripheral (N ch <30) In-In collisions Eur.Phys.J.C 49 (2007) 235 Well described by meson decay ‘cocktail’: η, η’, ρ, ω, f and DD contributions (Genesis generator developed within CERES and adapted for dimuons by NA60). Similar cocktail describes NA60 p-Be,In,Pb 400 GeV data Eur.Phys.J.C 43 (2005) 407
Alberica Toia 33 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod Acceptance-corrected data (after subtraction of , and peaks) fitted by three contributions: 33 EM transition form-factors for and peripheral NA60 InIn data Confirmed anomaly of F wrt the VDM prediction. Improved errors wrt the Lepton-G results. Removes FF ambiguity in the ‘cocktail’ In-In, peripheral pole approximation: hep-ph/0902.2547, submitted to PLB
Alberica Toia 34 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod LMR data: Min.Bias In-In collisions BR = 5.8x10 -6 ! Low Mass Region Improvement Statistics Resolution
Alberica Toia 35 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod l ω and : fix yields such as to get, after subtraction, a smooth underlying continuum l : ( ) set upper limit, defined by “ saturating ” the measured yield in the mass region close to 0.2 GeV (lower limit for excess). ( ) use yield measured for p T > 1.4 GeV/c Cocktail subtraction (without ) l how to nail down an unknown source? l try to find excess above cocktail without fit constraints
Alberica Toia 36 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod Clear excess above the cocktail , centered at the nominal pole and rising with centrality Excess even more pronounced at low p T No cocktail and no DD subtracted data – cocktail (all p T ) Excess versus centrality
Alberica Toia 37 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod Quantify the peak and the broad symmetric continuum with a mass interval C around the peak (0.64 <M<0.84 GeV) and two equal side bins L, U continuum = 3/2(L+U) peak = C-1/2(L+U) Peak/cocktail drops by a factor 2 from peripheral to central: the peak seen is not the cocktail nontrivial changes of all three variables at dN ch /dy>100 ? peak/ continuum/ peak/continuum Fine analysis in 12 centrality bins Excess shape versus centrality
Alberica Toia 38 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod data consistent with broadening of ( RW), mass shift (BR) not needed Comparison with prominent models l Rapp & Wambach l hadronic model with strong broadening but no mass shift l Brown & Rho l dropping mass due to dropping chiral condensate calculations for all scenarios in In-In for dN ch /d = 140 (Rapp et al.) l spectral functions after acceptance filtering, averaged over space-time and momenta l Keeping original normalization
Alberica Toia 39 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod Role of baryons l improved model calculation (Rapp & van Hees) l fireball dynamics 4 processes l absolute normalization! towards high p T the vacuum becomes more important (Rapp/van Hees; Renk/Ruppert) l without baryons –not enough broadening –lack of strength below the peak
Alberica Toia 40 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod The high mass region (M>1GeV) l hadron-parton duality Rapp / van Hees Ruppert / Renk l dominant at high M l hadronic processes 4 l dominant at high M l partonic processes l mainly qqbar annihilation
Alberica Toia 41 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod central collisions M (GeV/c 2 ) Intermediate mass region (IMR) l NA50: excess observed in IMR in central Pb-Pb collisions l charm enhancement? l thermal radiation? l answering this question was one of the main motivations for building NA60
Alberica Toia 42 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod D0D0 K-K- ++ e D0D0 100 m Disentangling the sources in the IMR l charm quark-antiquark pairs are mainly produced in hard scattering processes in the earliest phase of the collisions K+K+ -- charmed hadrons are “long” lived identify the typical offset (“displaced vertex”) of D-meson decays (~100 m) need superb vertexing accuracy (20-30 m in the transverse plane) NA60
Alberica Toia 43 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod How well does this work? l measure for vertex displacement l primary vertex resolution l momentum dependence of secondary vertex resolutions l “dimuon weighted offset” l charm decays (D mesons) displaced J/ prompt l vertex tracking is well under control!
Alberica Toia 44 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod IMR excess: enhanced charm? l approach l fix the prompt contribution to the expected Drell-Yan yield l check whether the offset distribution is consistent with charm l charm can’t describe the small offset region! Prompt ~50 m ~1mm Eur.Phys.J. C59 (2009) 607
Alberica Toia 45 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod How many prompt pairs are needed? l approach l fit offset distribution with both charm and prompt contributions as free parameters l prompt component l ~2.4 times larger than Drell-Yan contribution l charm component l ~70% of the yield extrapolated from NA50’s p-A data Fit range 1.12 0.17 Data Prompt: 2.29 0.08 Charm: 1.16 0.16 Fit 2 /NDF: 0.6 Prompt Eur.Phys.J. C59 (2009) 607
Alberica Toia 46 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod Decomposition of mass spectrum IMR: 1.16 < M < 2.56 GeV/c 2 (between and J/ ) l definition of excess l excess = signal – [ Drell-Yan (1.0 ± 0.1) + Charm (0.7±0.15) ] Mass (GeV/c 2 )
Alberica Toia 47 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod Centrality & p T dependence of IMR excess l increase more than proportional to N part l but also more than proportional to N coll ! p T distribution is significantly softer than the (hard) Drell-Yan contribution: rules out higher-twist DY? [Qiu, Zhang, Phys. Lett. B 525, (2002) 265]
Alberica Toia 48 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod More detailed look at p T dependence l investigate excess in different mass regions as function of m T l fit with exponential function (shown for IMR) l extract T eff slope parameter l ~ 190 MeV l is this related to temperature? l if so, this is close to the critical temperature at which the QCD phase transition occurs
Alberica Toia 49 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod Interpretation of T eff l interpretation of T eff from fitting to exp(-m T /T eff ) l static source: T eff interpreted as the source temperature l radially expanding source: –T eff reflects temperature and flow velocity –T eff dependens on the m T range –large p T limit: common to all hadrons –low p T limit: mass ordering of hadrons l final spectra: space-time history T i →T fo & emission time l hadrons –interact strongly –freeze out at different times depending on cross section with pions –T eff temperature and flow velocity at thermal freeze out l dileptons –do not interact strongly –decouple from medium after emission –T eff temperature and velocity evolution averaged over emission time
Alberica Toia 50 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod 158 AGeV Central collisions Pb-Pb In-In Si-Si C-C pp Mass ordering of hadronic slopes l separation of thermal and collective motion l reminder l blast wave fit to all hadrons simultaneously l simplest approach l slope of vs. m is related to radial expansion l baseline is related to thermal motion l works (at least qualitatively) at SPS
Alberica Toia 51 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod v T = 0.1 v T = 0.2 v T = 0.3 v T = 0.4 v T = 0.5 (specific for In-In: Dusling et al.) Example of hydrodynamic evolution hadron phase parton phase l monotonic decrease of T from l early times to late times l medium center to edge l monotonic increase of v T from l early times to late times l medium center to edge l dileptons may allow to disentangle emission times l early emission (parton phase) –large T, small v T l late emission (hadron phase) –small T, large v T
Alberica Toia 52 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod NA60 analysis of m T spectra in In-In l decomposition of low mass region contributions of mesons ( , , ) continuum plus meson extraction of vacuum hadron m T spectra for l , , vacuum l dilepton m T spectra for l low mass excess l intermediate mass excess Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006) 162302
Alberica Toia 53 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod Examples of m T distributions l variation with mass are obvious
Alberica Toia 54 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod Dilepton T eff systematics hadrons ( ) l T eff depends on mass T eff smaller for , decouples early T eff large for , decouples late l low mass excess l clear flow effect visible l follows trend set by hadrons l possible late emission l intermediate mass excess l no mass dependence l indication for early emission Eur.Phys.J. C (2009), in press, nucl-ex/0812.3053
Alberica Toia 55 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod 55 NA60 also measured the polarization (in the Collins-Soper frame) for m≤ m Lack of any polarization in excess (and in hadrons) supports emission from thermalized source. Polarization of dileptons Submitted to PRL, nucl-ex/0812.3100
Alberica Toia 56 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod 56 Evidence of ω in-medium effects? Flattening of the p T distributions at low p T, developing very fast with centrality. Low-pT ω’s have more chances to decay inside the fireball ? Appearance of that yield elsewhere in the spectrum, due to ω mass shift and/or broadening, unmeasurable due to masking by the much stronger contribution. Disappearance of yield out of narrow ω peak in nominal pole position Can only measure disappearance Eur.Phys.J. C (2009), in press, nucl-ex/0812.3053
Alberica Toia 57 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod 57 yield suppression Determine suppression vs p T with respect to (extrapolated from p T >1GeV/c) Account for difference in flow effects using the results of the Blast Wave analysis Reference line: ω/N part = 0.131 Strong centrality-dependent suppression at p T <0.8 GeV/c, beyond flow effects Eur.Phys.J. C (2009), in press nucl-ex/0812.3053 Reference line: /N part = 0.0284 (central coll.) Consistent with radial flow effects
Alberica Toia 58 HGS-HIRe Lecture Week 24-31-01/10 Manigod What did we get from NA60? l high statistics & high precision dimuon spectra l decomposition of mass spectra into “sources” gives access to in-medium spectral function data consistent with broadening of the data do not require mass shift of the l large prompt component at intermediate masses l dimuon m T spectra promise to separate time scales l low mass dimuons shows clear flow contribution indicating late emission l intermediate mass dimuons show no flow contribution hinting toward early emission
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