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AMVA4NewPhysics Executive Board meeting November 24 th 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "AMVA4NewPhysics Executive Board meeting November 24 th 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 AMVA4NewPhysics Executive Board meeting November 24 th 2015

2 Agenda News Selection process at UCL (finished) and UOXF (in progress) Advertisement of LIP and CERN positions Blog creation and contributions Organization of meeting in Venice First activities in UNIPD AOB Present at the meeting: To be filled here

3 News Deliverable 7.1 (creation of Supervisory Board of the network) has been submitted to the EU The consortium agreement is (still) converging – Last sticking point: the warranties that one party makes on products that it shares with other parties – Oxford and INFN admins have been struggling to agree on the text. Now it looks like they are, so I do not expect further delays Those of you who are recruiting: please remember that after the contract is signed with the ESR, I have 20 days to make a «researcher declaration» to the EU – It is important that you keep me informed of the whole process ! – So far I only «declared» Grzegorz Kotkowski; others although selected have not signed the contract yet. The Data Science workshop at CERN was a big success. Had a chat with Sergey Gleyzer afterwards – there is a forum being set up which will continue to operate on development of SL tools. We should subscribe to it and/or keep an eye on it. Remember that next year we will want to be directly involved in the organization of a similar event. I am in the international advisory committee but was not asked to participate in any way in the organization this time

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5 Summary of recruitment process at UCL  Andrea Giammanco

6 Ongoing recruitment at UOXF The Oxford call closed on November 12th They received 11 applications – I have the feeling we did too little to advertise this time – We are now in the process of shortlisting the candidates. Expect to interview 3-4 of them in one week – Selection board includes D. Bortoletto, A. Sarkar, N. Saoulidou, T. Dorigo More news from Daniela

7 LIP and CERN calls  Pietro Vischia  Paris Sphicas

8 Blog creation This is deliverable 7.2 – due December 31st Sabine is in the process of creating the site and soon we will "go public" by advertising it around Remember that we will be judged by the effectiveness of this outreach action at some point down the line – We need to produce good content for the blog – So far Pietro has encouraged submissions, in order to create a backlog of articles we could publish – It will become important to provide this feedback soon One thing we will want to do is to publish short articles describing the nodes of the network in turn, and posts by the ESRs we hire, who will present themselves So this will become a formal request to each node at some point next month


10 Organization of network meeting in Venice The date which works is March 3th – 4th The agenda could be something like what is shown in next slide The Ca' Sagredo hotel can give us the space for 1.5 days and the use of the facilities, plus 3 coffee breaks, and drinks with munchies at the end of the public lecture, for 2300 euro including VAT – This also includes support to make the public event a success – The hotel also offers a dozen rooms for Eur 160+10% tax for participants, buffet breakfast included INFN does not agree to organize the meeting in Venice, due to its internal rules, so I have asked UNIPD to organize it – Bruno Scarpa (UNIPD) agreed to take care of the organization – With my support and that of our Press Office (Dr. Hemmer) The hotel expense for this workshop should be paid with our common pocket funds (the INFN M&O) – I am asking the SB to vote on this; we will do this by e-mail – Then INFN will also spend some money for advertisement (printed matter) from our own funds

11 Tentative Agenda Thursday, March 3rd Sessione 1: 14.15-18.00 14.00 - 14.15 Welcome and introduction 14.15 - 16.00 Activities reports 16.00 - 16.30 Coffee break 16.30 - 18.00 Activities reports 18.15 - 19.30 Public event: conference by D. Bortoletto 19.30 - 20.00 Drinks and refreshments served by hotel 20.00 - 23.00 Social dinner Friday, March 4thSessione 2: 9.00 - 12.30 9.00 - 11.00 Organization of common work activities 11.00 - 11.30 Coffee break 11.30 - 12.30 Outreach session 12.30 - 14.00 Lunch break Sessione 3: 14.00 - 17.30 14.00 - 15.30 Organization of events and future calls 15.30 - 16.00 Coffee break 16.00 - 18.00 Supervisory Board meeting 18.00 End of workshop and tour of city center

12 Other details We need to set up a registration web page – No fee, but we need to know the number of participants – You should ensure that at the very least a couple of participants (hopefully 3 or more) from your node attend this meeting One reason is: we want this to be our real "startup" workshop, getting together to meet and organize our common activities. We also want to give a good impression to the PO (who should be able to join us in person) I would like to finalize early the whole thing, such that cheap plane tickets and hotels can be booked, and that people do not fill otherwise their agendas – For the time being, mark the dates An idea might be to invite somebody for a ML seminar (e.g. on deep NNs) for workshop participants. We can also think of enriching the program with theory talks on topics of interest to WP1 and WP2 This is probably a bit costly and we should think whether it can be useful

13 First activities UNIPD has already started research activities in the area of the hh  bbbb classification problem – Annalisa Balata, undergraduate student, is working at this for her Laurea thesis (due March 2016) – Grzegorz Kotkowski is also working at this in his spare time (first year in UNIPD is heavy with statistics courses)

14 HH discrimination Annalisa started to look into the discrimination of hh  bbbb events Comparing results with standard (loosely optimized) BDT from TMVA Slight improvement using RF or NN tools Work in progress

15 AOB

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