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 A fun, new reading software for students in Grades 1 through 6  Will be used twice a week for approximately 30 minutes.

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Presentation on theme: " A fun, new reading software for students in Grades 1 through 6  Will be used twice a week for approximately 30 minutes."— Presentation transcript:


2  A fun, new reading software for students in Grades 1 through 6  Will be used twice a week for approximately 30 minutes

3 Help you to read better!

4  Practice “fluency”, which means you will practice reading more quickly and easily

5  You will learn new vocabulary and improve comprehension. What is vocabulary? What is comprehension?

6  It will be fun!


8  Verify your headphone number  Remove headphones from plastic bag  Place the end of headphone (USB) into rear left USB port of computer  Place plastic bag under keyboard for safe keeping

9  Place headphones over your head with the boom on the left side and adjust to fit  Lower the boom until it reaches the corner of your mouth (NEVER BEND THE BOOM)  Immediately report any damage or problems – YOU are responsible to care for school equipment

10  When done, raise the boom straight up  Remove the headphones from the head  Unplug the USB from the computer (DO NOT pull the wiring)  Wipe down the headphone ear pieces and mic with a wipe (used wipe goes in garbage)  Place headphones in plastic bag and lay to the right of the keyboard for collection

11  Pencil or pen  Student Checklist (not needed for test)  Headphones with mic  Your student number and password to log on the computer  Your student number and Reading Assistant password to log into

12  You will need to complete a multiple-choice reading assessment based on your grade level  The test will determine your level on Reading Assistant—Those who read well will be placed on a higher level than those who struggle (so it won’t be too easy or too hard for anyone)

13  Go to  Click on STUDENT LOGIN

14  CLICK the LOG IN in the left box (mySciLEARN)

15  If asked for SCHOOL or DISTRICT, type “wood” or “woodland” in the box  Click “WOODLAND HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT” from the pull-down menu  WOODLAND HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT will appear in box – Click CONTINUE

16  Type in your 5-digit student number for USERNAME  Type in the password given to you by your teacher for the PASSWORD  Click LOG IN

17  Check for correct name (click THAT’S NOT ME if not your account)  Click START at bottom left on screen to begin

18  Wait for test to load (need headphones – no audio for test)  Click START at bottom left to begin

19  Click on GREEN AUDIO CIRCLE to listen to question and answers  Click EXIT at bottom right to quit (either done or time is up) for work to save

20  Click LOGOUT button at top right to log out  Your teacher will assign Reading Assistant for next lab time

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