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US History Core 100, Goal 4 The Great West and the Rise of the Debtor (1860s-1896) - The learner will evaluate the great westward movement and assess the.

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Presentation on theme: "US History Core 100, Goal 4 The Great West and the Rise of the Debtor (1860s-1896) - The learner will evaluate the great westward movement and assess the."— Presentation transcript:

1 US History Core 100, Goal 4 The Great West and the Rise of the Debtor (1860s-1896) - The learner will evaluate the great westward movement and assess the impact of the agricultural revolution on the nation.


3 Belief that the U.S. was destined by God to expand from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean Justification for moving West


5 US gov’t gave up to 160 acres of land to families for a $10 registration fee Must live on land for 5 years and improve the land to receive the deed Huge incentive for many people to move and settle in the west (Great Plains) 2/3 Failed Lived in Sod Houses


7 Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, founded by Joseph Smith, were persecuted for their faith Smith is killed by a mob in Illinois Brigham Young takes over and leads the Mormons to Utah territory (then belonged to Mexico)


9 Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroads were connected on May 10, 1869 at Promontory Point, Utah to create the first transcontinental railroad (a railroad that connects the east to the West) Chinese and Irish immigrants Increase in trade and transportation


11 Chief Joseph Sitting Bull Battle of Little Big Horn Wounded Knee Buffalo


13 Feb 8, 1887 Gave Native American families 160 acres of reservation land for agriculture An attempt to assimilate (Americanize) Native Americans into American culture FAILED


15 A Century of Dishonor Published in 1881 Exposed the issues with Native Americans


17 Farmers political movement Populist Party: The People’s Party Against the railroad –Corporate interests in RR were taking advantage of farmers –Deflation Wabash v. Illinois: Interstate Commerce Commission


19 Gold standard: Monetary system in which the value of paper money is based on gold


21 Populists Wanted: –Silver backed currency –Gov’t regulation of RR –Direct election of senators –Progressive Income Tax


23 Democratic presidential candidate in 1896, 1900, 1908 Promoted Free Silver in 1896 “Cross of Gold Speech”


25 Failed to attract city workers


27 Barbed Wire: Joseph Glidden Refrigerator Car: Can ship fresh meat from Great Plains to East Windmill: brought water to the service from underground; able to water crops

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