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HEAD AND NECK TUMOR BOARD Radiation Oncology Cases November 7 - 26, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "HEAD AND NECK TUMOR BOARD Radiation Oncology Cases November 7 - 26, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 HEAD AND NECK TUMOR BOARD Radiation Oncology Cases November 7 - 26, 2013

2 SUMMARY OF CASES PRIMARY SITEn Nasopharynx4 Major Salivary Glands1 Oral Cavity2 Oropharynx1 Hypopharynx2 Larynx1 TOTAL11 HEAD AND NECK TUMOR BOARD November 7 - 26, 2013

3 GEN DATA ONCOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS HISTOPATHTREATMENT HISTORY PLANSAMD (CD/PAY) Nasopharynx J.C. 53/M NPC Stage IVA T4N2M0  CCRT (not completed, 10 fractions RT, cis1, 2013)  Review previous RT MAM/Pay G.L. 45/M NPC Stage IVA T4N2Mx ACT13-2140: nonkeratinizing carcinoma  Mets W/U MAM/CD C.F. 61/M NPC Stage IV rT4N2Mx, with jugular foramen syndrome (?)  CCRT (70Gy, cis3)(Sept – Nov 2012)  ACT (cisFU1, carbo/CAP2)(Dec 2012 – Apr 2013)  Palliative chemo MAM/CD AJ.R. 26/M NPC Stage IV T4N3M0, progressive disease  NACT (cisFU2)(Oct – Nov 2013)  MRI of the nasopharynx  CCRT MAM?CD Jayson Co, German Leogo, Conrado Fechalin, Abdul Jalal Ramber HEAD AND NECK TUMOR BOARD November 7 - 26, 2013

4 GEN DATA ONCOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS HISTOPATHTREATMENT HISTORY PLANSAMD (CD/PAY) Major Salivary Glands P.A. 48/F Parotid gland cancer, left Stage IVB T4bN2bMx ACT13-xxxx: CXPA Excision (x2) for pleomorphic adenoma  Primary RT + CT MAM/CD Porcia Aggalut HEAD AND NECK TUMOR BOARD November 7 - 26, 2013

5 GEN DATA ONCOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS HISTOPATHTREATMENT HISTORY PLANSAMD (CD/PAY) Oral Cavity M.P. 37/F Cancer of the oral tongue Stage IVB cT4bN1M0 MR#13-2482 ACT13-xxxx: SCCA, G1  Induction TPF MAM/CD N.S. 54/M Cancer of the floor of the mouth Stage IVA cT4aN2cM0 MR#13-2556 SCCA (JRMMC)  Induction TPF MAM/CD May Punsalan, Nelson Salinas HEAD AND NECK TUMOR BOARD November 7 - 26, 2013

6 GEN DATA ONCOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS HISTOPATHTREATMENT HISTORY PLANSAMD (CD/PAY) Oropharynx E.T. 53/F BOT cancer Stage T2N0Mx ACT13-2089: adenosquamous carcinoma, high-grade L13-1197 (Review): Mucoepidermoid carcinoma p63 (+) (SLMC) Excision biopsy (Oct 8, 2013)  Cervical MRI  Mets W/U MAM/CD Elfa Tabora HEAD AND NECK TUMOR BOARD November 7 - 26, 2013

7 GEN DATA ONCOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS HISTOPATHTREATMENT HISTORY PLANSAMD (CD/PAY) Hypopharynx E.D. 57/M Hypopharyngeal cancer Stage IVA cT4aN2aMx SCCA  Definitive CCRT versus  Postop RT + CT TSO/CD P.V. 70/M Hypopharyngeal cancer Stage IVA pT4aN2bM0 CT#13-3232 AC13-4066: SCCA, G2, hypopharynx, T4a (4.0cm, (+) R larynx, level of transglottic), (+) LVSI, R1 (proximal larynx, posteromedial, and inferior margins), N2b 5/35 R level 2-5, (+) ECE Oct 29, 2013: Total hypopharyngectomy and RMRND  Postop CCRT  Entry into IHN01 TSO/Pay Eduardo Dulay, Sr., Pepito Velasco, Sr. HEAD AND NECK TUMOR BOARD November 7 - 26, 2013

8 GEN DATA ONCOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS HISTOPATHTREATMENT HISTORY PLANSAMD (CD/PAY) Larynx A.C. 61/M Laryngeal cancer, glottic Stage II T2N0M0 AT13-401: SCCA, G1  Cervical CT TSO/Pay Antonio Chua HEAD AND NECK TUMOR BOARD November 7 - 26, 2013

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