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American Landmarks By Meghan Cleveland Menu. Pentagon White House Ground Zero Lincoln Memorial Quiz.

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Presentation on theme: "American Landmarks By Meghan Cleveland Menu. Pentagon White House Ground Zero Lincoln Memorial Quiz."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Landmarks By Meghan Cleveland Menu

2 Pentagon White House Ground Zero Lincoln Memorial Quiz

3 Pentagon Arlington, Virginia Credits Menu Next Slide

4 Pentagon Started September 11, 1941 Completed January 15, 1943 $35 million to construct Menu Credits Next Slide

5 Pentagon Architects chose to give the Pentagon five sides because five roads led up to the site. Menu Next Slide Credits

6 Pentagon September 11, 2001 attacks Hijacked plane 77 crashed into left side of building Menu Next Slide Credits

7 Pentagon Reconstruction was finished by August 15, 2002 Damage cost $500,000,000 to repair “Phoenix Project” was the plan to improve security features, including walls and windows with greater blast resistance. Menu Next Slide Credits

8 Pentagon 23,000 employees including War Department employees Covers 29 acres 131 stairways, 19 elevators, 4,200 clocks, 284 restroom, 691 water fountains. 200,000 phone calls made a day, 1,200,000 pieces of mail monthly Menu Next Slide Credits

9 White House Washington, DC Menu Next Slide Credits

10 White House George Washington picked the site for the White House in 1791 The White House was finished during John Adams presidency in 1800 George Washington picked the site for the White House in 1791 The White House was finished during John Adams presidency in 1800 Menu Next Slide Credits

11 White House Every president since John Adams has lived in the White House since its completion During Roosevelt’s presidency in 1902, renovation began Menu Next Slide Credits

12 White House The Oval Office was constructed in 1906 An enlarged office wing was added to build the Oval Office Menu Next Slide Credits

13 White House 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms, 412 doors, 147 windows, 28 fireplaces 570 gallons of white paint is required to paint the outside of the White House Menu Next Slide Credits

14 Lincoln Memorial National Mall, Washington, D.C. Menu Next Slide Credits

15 Lincoln Memorial Idea for the building began in 1902, and construction began in 1914 The Lincoln Memorial was completed in May 1922 Credits Next Slide Menu

16 Lincoln Memorial A statue nearly 20 feet tall of Abraham Lincoln is centered inside the interior of the memorial. Menu Next Slide Credits

17 Lincoln Memorial During Lincolns presidency, 11 states seceded from the colony in response to the presidents abolishing of slavery. The 13 th amendment was passed during the Civil War, which abolished slavery in the United States. Six days after the Civil War ended, President Lincoln was assassinated. Two years later, the ideas for the monument began. Credits Next Slide Menu

18 Lincoln Memorial The memorial stands 99 feet tall There are 36 large columns that each stand 37 feet tall. The columns represent the 25 US states and the 11 seceded states after Lincoln’s death. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address and Second inaugural address are enshrined in south and north walls. There is an angel inscribed into the north wall, to represent truth and on the south wall, the inscription is that of a slave being freed. Menu Next Slide Credits

19 Ground Zero Lower Manhatten, New York City Credits Next Slide Menu

20 Ground Zero Height: 1,368 and 1,362 feet Both completely finished by April 4, 1973 Called “One and Two World Trade Centers”, nicknamed, “The Twin Towers” Held offices for various companies on each of the 110 floors. Menu Next Slide Credits

21 Ground Zero Credits Next Slide Menu

22 Ground Zero The Twin Towers were hit by hijacked plans on September 11, 2001. The terrorist attacks killed thousands and completely demolished both buildings. Menu Next Slide Credits

23 Ground Zero Ground Zero Memorial was built to honor the men and women killed in the 9/11 tragedy. The Memorial was finished on the ten year anniversary of the attacks. Credits Go To Quiz Menu

24 How many Presidents have lived in the White House? A.Only 10Only 10 B.NoneNone C.All but oneAll but one D.AllAll

25 Great Job! Every President except for George Washington has lived in the White House since its construction. Next Question

26 Try Again! Hint: George Washington had the idea to build the White House during his presidency. Try Again

27 Why does the Pentagon have five sides? A.The architects thought it would be coolThe architects thought it would be cool B.They only had room for five sidesThey only had room for five sides C.There are five roads that lead to the PentagonThere are five roads that lead to the Pentagon D.Because a star has five pointsBecause a star has five points

28 Good job! There are five roads that lead to the land that the Pentagon was built on. Next Question

29 Try Again! Hint: The construction workers took five different roads to get to work every day. Try Again

30 How many bathrooms does the White House have? A.55 B.100100 C.3535 D.11

31 Good Job! The White House has 35 bathrooms, 132 rooms, 412 doors, 147 windows, 28 fireplaces. Next Question

32 Try Again! Hint: It is an odd number that ends in 5. Try Again

33 Who is the statue of in the Lincoln Memorial? A.Abraham LincolnAbraham Lincoln B.Ms. ClevelandMs. Cleveland C.George WashingtonGeorge Washington D.John AdamsJohn Adams

34 Good Job! The Lincoln Memorial was dedicated to President Abraham Lincoln. Next Question

35 Try Again! Hint: The memorial was named after a president. Try Again

36 What buildings used to be where Ground Zero now is? A.The White HouseThe White House B.The PentagonThe Pentagon C.Lincoln MemorialLincoln Memorial D.The Twin TowersThe Twin Towers

37 Good Job! The Twin Towers were hit on September 11, 2001 in a terrorist attack against America. Next Slide

38 Try Again! Hint: There were two buildings. Try Again

39 End of Quiz! Great Job! Thank you for participating! Credits

40 Title Slide

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