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REPORT of.  Nasheed as an alternative entertainment among youth  (2x increased)  Promoting Malaysian traditional music and cultures  (international.

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Presentation on theme: "REPORT of.  Nasheed as an alternative entertainment among youth  (2x increased)  Promoting Malaysian traditional music and cultures  (international."— Presentation transcript:


2  Nasheed as an alternative entertainment among youth  (2x increased)  Promoting Malaysian traditional music and cultures  (international participants)  Giving charity to whom in need  locally & globally

3 DescriptionDebitKredit 1)Performance akbar transport15.50 fee akbar600 2)Promotion ticket500.00 donation300.00 promo posters10.00 3)Special task Venue50.00 Technician150.00 Akbar40 Car rental35 Percussions rent50.00

4 DescriptionDebitKredit 4)Registration250 5)Media booklet30 tag20 6)Food vip60 volunteeers food160 food claims80.51 Food Sales103.4 Food participants92.5 7)Protocol Gifts94.4 trophies116.7

5 DescriptionDebitKredit judges100 participants300 exhibitions15 8)Sponsor unit Overall1702.72 Roll over400 INCOME2963.62 EXPENDITURE1912.11 PROFIT1051.51


7  Profit: 1051.51 pound : sponsor, registration, ticket sales, food, and also the donation.  7/8 goes to Interpal, Muslims Welfare House Sheffield,Pertubuhan Pondok Turath Pulau Pinang (Islamic School),Maahad Attarbiyyah al-Islamiyyah(MATRI) (Islamic School)  1/8 roll over next year’s NEXT


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