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Organizing Data. Raw Data Data collected in its original form.

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1 Organizing Data

2 Raw Data Data collected in its original form

3 Suppose a researcher wants to do a study on the number of miles that employees of Wal- Mart travel each day. She collects the following data: (see data set 1) 126712132695 187315 4171145 516458651852 911121921011410 918884147326

4 Frequency Distribution The organization of raw data in table form, using classes and frequencies Class – a subset of the data Frequency – number of times in a class Class limit – beginning and end of a class

5 126712132695 187315 4171145 516458651852 911121921011410 918884147326 Class limits TallyFrequency 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18

6 126712132695 187315 4171145 516458651852 911121921011410 918884147326 Class limits TallyFrequency 1-3 ////’////’ 10 4-6 ////’////’////14 7-9 ////’////’ 10 10-12 ////’/ 6 13-15 ////’ 5 16-18 ////’ 5

7 Categorical Frequency Dist. Used when data can be placed in specific categories, such as nominal or ordinal data. For example, political affiliation, religion, class…

8 See Data set 2 Twenty five army inductees were given a blood test to determine their blood type. Data set 2 is the result. Create a frequency distribution for the data.

9 ABBABO OOB B BBOAO AOOO AOBA ClassTallyFrequencyPercent

10 ABB O OOB B BBOAO AOOO AOBA ClassTallyFrequencyPercent A B O AB

11 ABB O OOB B BBOAO AOOO AOBA ClassTallyFrequencyPercent A ////’520 B ////’//728 O////’////936 AB////416

12 Grouped Frequency Dist. Used when data is continuous. For example, the number of hours that boat batteries last (See Data set 3)

13 Class Class Cum. Limit Boundary Tally Freq. Freq. 24-30 23.5-30.5 /// 3 3 31-37 30.5-37.5 / 1 4 38-44 37.5-44.5 ////’ 5 9 45-51 44.5-51.5 ////’//// 9 18 52-58 51.5-58.5 ////’/ 6 24 59-65 58.5-65.5 / 1 25

14 Class Class Cum. Limit Boundary Tally Freq. Freq. 24-30 23.5-30.5 /// 3 3 31-37 30.5-37.5 / 1 4 38-44 37.5-44.5 ////’ 5 9 45-51 44.5-51.5 ////’//// 9 18 52-58 51.5-58.5 ////’/ 6 24 59-65 58.5-65.5 / 1 25

15 Class Limits Each limit is the same size

16 Class Class Cum. Limit Boundary Tally Freq. Freq. 24-30 23.5-30.5 /// 3 3 31-37 30.5-37.5 / 1 4 38-44 37.5-44.5 ////’ 5 9 45-51 44.5-51.5 ////’//// 9 18 52-58 51.5-58.5 ////’/ 6 24 59-65 58.5-65.5 / 1 25

17 Class Boundary Used to close the gaps in the frequency distribution. Class limits should have the same decimal place as the raw data Class boundaries should have one additional decimal place and end in a 5

18 Class Class Cum. Limit Boundary Tally Freq. Freq. 24-30 23.5-30.5 /// 3 3 31-37 30.5-37.5 / 1 4 38-44 37.5-44.5 ////’ 5 9 45-51 44.5-51.5 ////’//// 9 18 52-58 51.5-58.5 ////’/ 6 24 59-65 58.5-65.5 / 1 25

19 Cumulative Frequency Used when you want to know how much data falls into 2 or more classes.

20 Frequency Distribution Rules

21 Between 5 and 20 classes No hard and fast rule, but should give a clear description of the collected data

22 Class width should be an odd number This ensures that the midpoint of the class has the same decimal place value as the data Not always rigorously followed, especially when computers are used to group data

23 Class must be mutually exclusive No overlapping class limits. For example: Age 10-20, 20-30, etc. If you are 20, which group do you belong to?

24 The classes must be continous If there are no values in a class, the class must be included in the distribution. The only exception is if the first class has zero frequency or if the last class has zero frequency.

25 The classes must be exhaustive There should be enough classes to accommodate all the data.

26 The classes must be equal in width This avoids distorting the view of the data. One exception: Open-ended distributions. For example, age. 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, over 50

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