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Filming Procedures By: Danielle Doucot.

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1 Filming Procedures By: Danielle Doucot

2 Before the Day of Surgery: Preparation for Video
Give the doctor Video Release Form to sign well in advance of procedure This MUST be signed, dated and returned to you prior to filming Send the release form with the surgery video to NAME and Department (see slide 8) Develop a shot list Create a list of items you want to capture Set expectations with your surgeon and nursing/O.R. staff Explain that this recording will be used for training purposes and/or in the marketing department Ask their opinion on when they think you should video, work with them on timing (especially if you do not know) Talk about camera positioning and where you will need to stand Let them know that you will remind them closer to time to video and that you might need space or need them to move slightly (as discussed in the beginning) Ask if longer hand instruments are available and (if the surgeon feels comfortable using them during the surgery). This will help keep hands from blocking the video (i.e. deep pelvic or abdominal procedures)

3 Preparation Continued
Ask if there is a camera with video capture in the O.R. (overhead) light If yes ask if they would be willing to activate it during the surgery, if there is someone to operate the video capture, and (MOST IMPORTANTLY) if you would be able to obtain the footage (i.e. thumb drive/disc) Be sure to talk with the hospital to fill out appropriate paper work for copyright purposes of the video footage taken with their equipment This would be secondary source of video recording. The in-light camera/video can sometimes be blurred with hands in the way, not focused on the correct place, or grainy picture.

4 During the Surgery: Be Aware of Surroundings
Don’t touch anything blue. "Blue" in the OR equals "sterile.“ Always use a tripod or a monopod to stabilize the video and it will keep the camera away from the surgical field Nothing can touch the sterile field (this includes people) Make sure all your camera parts are secure Get the camera as close to the operative field as possible (incision and/or application of commercial product) Ask nursing staff questions Where should I stand? Communicate about anything you are not sure of Ask doctor to talk through the procedure Have the doctor talk through what he is doing during the procedure Point out relevant locations during the surgery Ask when to start recording (before use of product) Remind the surgeons to clean their gloves if they get really bloody

5 Things to be aware of when filming
Never record faces If there are recognizable parts they need to be blurred during the editing process Make sure that you can see procedure being performed Be aware that the doctors hands are not blocking the view of the camera Make sure you can see the product when it’s being used Always look through the camera at what you are filming This way you can adjust the camera angle if needed Get close up views of the product when it is being applied Kindly ask the surgeon if he/she will be able to stand back or move a little so their head/hand/arm is not blocking the camera view

6 Good angles Can see the product and how the surgeon is applying the product Clear view of surgery Close up viewing Surgeons hands are not blocking the camera’s view

7 Suggested Recording Devices
Camera Suggestions: Canon 5D EOS DSLR with video capabilities Sony Handycam HDR iPad suggested for shorter videos (red color is not picked up well by camera) If using iPad, hold the iPad in landscape view (see example) Have one or two cameramen (depending on space) 1 Camera wide angle 1 Camera close up shots of product and technique Ask if there is a videographer in the marketing department or someone who films to go in with the sales rep To avoid shaky videos and to ensure device does not slip from hands use: Tripod, monopod, wrist strap, case with leash

8 Sending Videos to your Local and Global Teams
Sending Videos to your Local and Global Teams *The raw footage needs to be edited and validated before usage Upload your video footage to computer Do not use the video for any professional purpose as is: contents needs to be edited and locally validated before use Do not share this video anywhere: send it directly to your local marketing team Recommended resolution is HD 1080 (whenever possible) SASHA: To Local Marketing Team: From: Choose the video Files In a separate send the video consent form along with the following information to your local marketing team: Your Name Doctors Name Name of hospital Date Filmed Name of Procedure Product Used The local team will then be able to share the final video with the global team

9 Thank you

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