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 What was the Whitehall Study and what were its findings?  What were the long term effects of being born during the The Dutch Hunger Winter?  How does.

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2  What was the Whitehall Study and what were its findings?  What were the long term effects of being born during the The Dutch Hunger Winter?  How does stress or stress hormones affect telomeres? What is the significance of these effects for health and aging?

3  Link between stress and social hierarchy, and how you put on weight. (weight around the center is related to the hierarchy). Subordinate monkey are more likely to have fat in their abdomen than dominant monkeys. Fat carried on the fat on the trunk or in the abdomen is much worse for you than fat elsewhere.

4  Our bodies respond to famine in much the same way that we respond to other stressors. Babies were exposed to stress in fetal life and are still suffering consequences. Babies who were conceived during the famine have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and more responsive to stress and are in poorer health. Possibly... mother's stress changed nervous system of the fetus.

5  Stress hormones can accelerate the shortening of telomeres. One year of taking care of a sick child can cause 6 years of aging.

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