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Psych 125 Human Development Christopher Gade Office: 1031-G Office hours: Tu 12-1:30 and by apt. Class: T 1:30-4:20 Room 2210.

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Presentation on theme: "Psych 125 Human Development Christopher Gade Office: 1031-G Office hours: Tu 12-1:30 and by apt. Class: T 1:30-4:20 Room 2210."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psych 125 Human Development Christopher Gade Office: 1031-G Office hours: Tu 12-1:30 and by apt. Email: Class: T 1:30-4:20 Room 2210

2 Looking at Developmental Psychology and Health When we examine how health relates to the field of developmental psychology, two different relationships emerge – The effects of psychological topics on health – Nervous system related health problems

3 How Psychological Factors Impact Health Cognitive development and age specific abilities that impact health Social factors that impact health Cultural factors that impact health

4 Cognitive Based Health Concerns Infancy – infants are almost entirely reliant upon their parents or caregivers – Proper diet, sleep, and low-stress environment has a big impact on the long-term health of infants All impact health and proper nervous system development – Breast feeding has been linked to a lot of health related issues Baby - weight, diabetes, SIDS, infections, and illness Mother – cancer (breast and ovarian), diabetes Childhood – many of our habits and approaches to health are believed to be learned at this age – Eating habits Diet Eating schedule (snacking, restricting, unfocused) – Exercise habits

5 Why Obesity in Childhood Matters Obesity during this age range predicts: – Long-term health problems – chronic pain, heavier adulthood, diabetes, hypertension, coronary disease, etc. – Long-term psychological problems – anxiety, depression – Long-term social problems – low self-esteem, greater social exclusion and teasing

6 Cognitive Based Health Concerns Adolescence – during this age, we are still primed to learn health related behaviors from our environment – Exercise – Diet This stage is also marked by the tendency to engage in riskier behaviors – Sexual activity – Drug use – Dangerous activities (e.g. reckless driving) – Note: this is cognitive based because we believe that a large portion of this deals with the brain’s development (hormones and amygdala) at this age

7 Cognitive Based Health Concerns Adulthood – by adulthood, most of us are set in our ways – Consistency in personality Big V studies in aging – Consistency in behaviors – Consistency in weight an exercise

8 Social Based Health Concerns Infancy to Childhood – children are learners during these stages, what they see is what they’ll most likely do when they become adults Adolescence – this period is marked by drastic social change – School (high school, college, etc.) – Social networks beyond the immediate family become extremely important Drug use video

9 Cultural Based Health Concerns Different cultures stress different diet, health, and lifestyle approaches – Japan, Honolulu, and San Francisco family study on coronary disease This can also occur within sub-groups of cultures as well – Ethnic group studies within the US Cultures have also been linked to other health related behaviors – Bulimia and anorexia nervosa (white females)

10 Why So Much Focus on Weight and Exercise? Weight and exercise have a big impact on a number of health outcomes – Physical decline over time (illness, chronic pain, mobility) – Cognitive performance at a young age (9-year-olds study) Weight, exercise, and calorie restriction = longevity – In rats and mice – In females (not males) They have been linked to psychological issues as well – Prevalence of disorders – Emotional health and cognitive performance

11 Another Reason Why We Discuss Exercise Exercise has been linked strongly to both age, gender, and ethnicity. Causing a number of groups to be more susceptible to the health related problems.

12 Moving on… In the next section, we’ll examine nervous system health and how it relates to human development. Note: some of this isn’t in the book, so please pay extra attention.


14 Nervous System and Psychological Disorder Problems Related to Aging A Nervous System Problem of Note – Alzheimer's Psychological Disorder Problems of Note – Schizophrenia – Substance Abuse

15 Nervous System Problem: Alzheimer’s Alzheimer’s disease – a progressive, irreversible brain disorder that is characterized by a gradual deterioration of memory, reasoning, language, and eventually physical functioning – Early onset – age 30-65 rare, about 1/50,000 – Late onset – age 65+ more common; 1/500-2,000 for 65-75 1/20-50 for 75-85 1/5-10 for 85+

16 More on Alzheimer’s Impacts women more than men (probably due to the fact that women tend to outlive men) Marked by a shrinking, plaque- filled, and tangled brain Gene linked (video)?

17 Psychological Disorders: Substance Abuse Substance abuse involves the inappropriate consumption of any type of drug (alcohol, nicotine, stimulant, hallucinogen, opiate, prescription, etc.) that has a significantly negative impact on one’s social, cognitive, or other major aspects of life. Substance abuse is often identified in early teenagers, but can arise throughout life Substance abuse frequency declines as we age

18 What Is Linked to this Disorder? Genetics – No gene linked, but inheritance has been established Early Exposure to Drugs Lower Parental Control and Monitoring – Dinner study School Success Peer Consumption – Onset age – Binge drinking

19 Why is this such a concern? Substance abuse not only has a negative impact on people’s current lives, the effects carry over – Longevity studies – Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome Thiamine linked Vision and memory problems – Liver Damage

20 Psychological Disorder: Schizophrenia Schizophrenia - a severe disconnect with reality with many cognitive and emotional symptoms. – Affects about 1% of the population – Almost identical incidence in men & women (7:5 ratio has been found in recent studies) – Onset is usually sometime between 16 and 25 yrs old (later for women).







27 So how is it linked? Schizophrenia is linked to development because: – This is a disorder that’s manifestations are linked to a specific age – This is a disorder that can be traced to genetics and the development of the brain

28 Reviewing Developmental Psychology and Health We examined how health relates to the field of developmental psychology by examining – The effects of psychological topics on health – Nervous system related health problems

29 Nervous System and Psychological Disorder Problems Related to Aging A Nervous System Problem of Note – Alzheimer's Psychological Disorder Problems of Note – Schizophrenia – Substance Abuse

30 Moving On… In the next class, we move onto physical growth by studying motor and sensory development. Please have chapter 5 read by then.

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