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History of the Modern World Now! – part 2 Mrs. McArthur Walsingham Academy Room 111 Mrs. McArthur Walsingham Academy Room 111.

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Presentation on theme: "History of the Modern World Now! – part 2 Mrs. McArthur Walsingham Academy Room 111 Mrs. McArthur Walsingham Academy Room 111."— Presentation transcript:

1 History of the Modern World Now! – part 2 Mrs. McArthur Walsingham Academy Room 111 Mrs. McArthur Walsingham Academy Room 111

2 Ethnic and Religious Conflicts Many recent wars and conflicts have arisen over ethnic or religious differences. In Sri Lanka, Sinhalese Buddhists make up the majority and they have kept the Hindu Tamils from power, leading to civil war. A 2002 agreement to negotiate a separate regional government for the Tamils brought about a ceasefire. In Northern Ireland, Protestants and Catholics have fought over civil rights and the issue of unification with Ireland. In Canada, a peaceful solution was found to end the struggles of those in the French province of Quebec who wanted to maintain their language and culture. Regional Conflicts Section 1: Conflicts Divide Nations, pp 1044-1047 Witness History Audio: Caught in the Crossfire, text: pp. 1043 and 1044 War Ravages Chechnya Muslim Chechen nationalists have tried to free their homeland from Russia. Some Chechens have used terrorism to achieve this goal. Beslan School Hostage Massacre, 2004

3 Yugoslavia Breaks Apart Although most Yugoslavians spoke the same language, they had different religions. Each of the six republics had a dominant ethnic group. As the various republics broke away from Yugoslavia, fighting broke out in Croatia, Bosnia, and Serbia. Serbs in Bosnia and Serbia conducted campaigns of ethnic cleansing. NATO was finally able to restore peace. Section 1: Conflicts Divide Nations Color Transparency 194: Conflict in Yugoslavia Geography Interactive: Former Yugoslavia in 2005 Progress Monitoring Transparency Note Taking Transparency 185

4 Color Transparency 194: Conflict in Yugoslavia

5 Progress Monitoring Transparency (1 of 2)

6 Progress Monitoring Transparency (2 of 2)

7 China Reforms Its Economy But Limits Freedom When Deng Xiaoping took control of China, he allowed some features of a free market and welcomed foreign capital and technology, which brought growth—especially in coastal cities. When some Chinese demanded greater political freedom, however, they were thwarted and even killed when demonstrating in Tiananmen Square. 1 of 7 The Developing World Section 3: China and India: Two Giants of Asia Witness History Audio: A Violent Crackdown Note Taking Transparency 190

8 China Faces Continuing Challenges Some of the challenges facing China today are its large population, rapid urbanization, pollution, the spread of AIDS, and human rights abuses such as a lack of free speech and suppression of Tibet’s Buddhist culture. 2 of 7 The Developing World Section 3: China and India: Two Giants of Asia India Builds Its Economy India has used modern technology to expand agriculture and industry. It moved toward a free-market system in the 1980s, and many industries have expanded quickly. Population growth continues to hamper success, as have the spread of AIDS and the rise of the urban poor population.

9 Reforming Indian Society Discrimination based on the caste system has been banned in India, but opportunities are still unequal in education and employment. Women have made progress, but the lives of girls from poor families remain difficult. 3 of 7 The Developing World Section 3: China and India: Two Giants of Asia Color Transparency 202: World Per Capita GDP QuickTake Section Quiz Progress Monitoring Transparency

10 The Developing World: Section 3 Color Transparency 202: World Per Capita GDP 5 of 7

11 The Developing World: Section 3 Progress Monitoring Transparency (1 of 2) 6 of 7

12 The Developing World: Section 3 Progress Monitoring Transparency (2 of 2) 7 of 7

13 Assignment 1 1.Reading and questions – Marshall Mcluhan. Who was he and why was he important?

14 Assignment 2 1.Read text, pp. 1044-1047 and define 7 terms and answer 3 Checkpoint questions. 2.Map Skills (Europe) 3.Study appropriate slides. 4.Section Auto-test

15 Assignment 3 1.Read text, pp. 1076-1080 and define 7 terms and answer 3 Checkpoint questions. 2.Answer questions based on charts and pics. 3.Plot “4 Tigers” + India and China - Map Study (Asia) 4.Section Auto-test

16 Assignments 4-5 Homework Time set aside for Research Project

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