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Hunter-Gatherer Socieities

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1 Hunter-Gatherer Socieities
Mr. Korinek 7th Grade Social Studies

2 Prehistoric humans are called hominids

3 Australopithecus Afarensis: Lucy and her relatives
Anthropologist Donald Johanson discovered “Lucy” who is over 3 million years old. Lucy was short compared to humans today. About 3 feet tall, she had a mix of ape and human features.

4 Biped Early humans were BIPEDS who walked on two feet
This gave early humans advantages, because with their hands free they could gather and carry food more easily, and defend themselves.

5 Homo Habilis: Handy Man
Discovered by Mary and Louis Leaky. Brain was twice as big as Lucy’s Lived in groups And used simple tools: Rocks, and Animal Bones

6 Homo Erectus: Upright Man
Taller, and thinner Bones were strong, and the were good walker and runners Invented complex tools like fire, and hand axes made of stone.

7 Neanderthals Lived 230,000 to 30,000 years ago in Africa, Middle East, Europe, and parts of Asia. Shorter, stockier, and much stronger. Skilled toolmaker (over 60 tools) Traveled in groups Burial mounds, cared for the injured and sick

8 Homo Sapiens Means “doubly wise man” Our groups ancestors
High round skulls, large brains, small teeth, and slender bones. More skilled than Neanderthals, they attached thin blades to bone, antler and engraving and sculpting They survived because they created better tools and shelters. Needle for clothes Hooks and spears for fishing Shelters of earth and stone Spear, and bow and arrow


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