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Unit 3 Inventors and inventions. Listening on P62: Please read the questions before listening and discuss them in pairs. 1.What function are already included.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 Inventors and inventions. Listening on P62: Please read the questions before listening and discuss them in pairs. 1.What function are already included."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions

2 Listening on P62: Please read the questions before listening and discuss them in pairs. 1.What function are already included on a mobile phone? 2.Which ones do you find useful on P62? 3.What else do you expect a mobile phone to do for you?

3 Listen to the tape and tick the descriptions you have heard. a mobile that “thinks” a mobile that makes tea a mobile that spends your money a mobile that is a computer a mobile that can teach you English a mobile that wakes you up a mobile that chooses your holiday a mobile that orders your food √ √ √ √

4 mobiles can _________ and ________now. 3-G mobiles They will be able to ______ how you use your phone. They will _____________, ____________, _____ and an appropriate place to stay. It also helps people who are busy at work to ____________at the cheapest price. take photos act as a computer monitor book holidays choose the airline hotel order things

5 Listen to the tape again and finish the following chart. Mary will buy the mobile that _____________ when it receives important calls. worried it might_____________________ turns itself on spend her money

6 Listening and speaking on P26 Listen to the tape and tick the words you hear. washing machine bicycle carpet cleaner court refrigerator drum √ √ √ √

7 Listen again and make notes on James Dyson’s invention. ObjectThe problem James Dyson’s improvement Washing machine

8 ObjectThe problem James Dyson’s improvemen t Washing machine Washing machines at that time do not ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ _. He invented a machine ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___. clean the clothes as well as by hand. using two half drums which move in opposite directions

9 Brainstorming: Do you remember the expressions related to making telephone? Hello, may I speak to …? Sorry. He/ she is out. Hold the line, please./ Hold on, please. Wait a minute, please./ speaking. I’ll ring him/ her up again. Just a moment, please. I can’t get through. ……

10 Speaking activity Suppose you want to apply for a job in James Dyson’s company. So you ring up one of his engineers to ask what kind of person he needs. Remember to ask for as mush information as you can. Then swap roles and answer your partner’s questions. Remember you must behave as if you are a member of Dyson’s company and answer the questions honestly.

11 Some useful expressions: Hold the line, please. / Hang on, please. Just a moment, please. I’m sorry, but this phone is out of order. I can’t get through. Sorry. He/ she isn’t here right now. Can I ring back later? I’ll ring him/ her up again. I must ring off now because…

12 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions

13 Pre-writing : Discuss in groups of four on the following topic: Suppose you are going to apply for a job in a company, what skills will you tell the interviewer to qualify you?

14 Writing: Now you are going to apply for a job in James Dyson’s company and you write a letter to him. The following point may help you:

15 1.Use the list of skills to make new paragraphs in your letter. 2.For each skill set down any experience you have had, which shows that you are a suitable person. You may be creative in this part of the letter. 3.Finish the letter by mentioning again the skills that you have. 4.End the letter.

16 The beginning and the ending of the letter: Dear Mr. Dyson, I would like to apply to become an assistant in your company. ……. I would be grateful if you would consider employing me in your company. Yours sincerely, (your name)

17 Sample writing: Dear Mr. Dyson, I would like to apply to become an assistant in your company. I expect to get a degree in mechanical engineering from Beijing University at the end of this year. I have always been a good student and last year I finished third in my year and my professor expects me to do even better in this year’s exams.

18 I have worked (in my holidays) for a company that makes toys for the Western market. I helped in the design department and designed a range of new panda playing cards and board games. It was fun and made me think that I would like to work in a real inventor’s company. I understand that my qualifications and experience are what you look for in a new employee. So I would be grateful if you would consider employing me in your company.

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