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USPS-R Menu Menu options may look different for each user as they will only see the options available to them based upon their user account’s Role/Permissions.

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Presentation on theme: "USPS-R Menu Menu options may look different for each user as they will only see the options available to them based upon their user account’s Role/Permissions."— Presentation transcript:

1 USPS-R Menu Menu options may look different for each user as they will only see the options available to them based upon their user account’s Role/Permissions

2 Core Contains the central pieces of USPS-R. Adding and modifying Employee and Employer data

3 ACH Source  Used to create informational records for the school districts who choose to use direct deposit  These records are used to create a tape which will be sent to a local bank or directly to a Federal Reserve Bank  This is equivalent to the DIRDEP/DIRMNT option in the USPS Classic ACH Source: Formerly DIRMNT Terminology changes- Classic Redesign ACH Transfer Type Transfer Type ID ACH Transfer Code ID Designator Organization ID Designator ID Number Organization ID Number Name Organization Name

4 Attendance  Is used to track and update employee attendance and absence date  Accrual’s and Adjustments days will be tracked in a Journal Log and not in the Attendance option. This has not been made available yet  This is similar to the ATDSCN in the USPS Classic: Attendance: Formerly ATDSCN Terminology changes- Classic Redesign ID Employee #

5 EMIS Entry Screen  Display’s EMIS information entered in the Employee or Position screens  Includes Staff Demographic and Staff Employment records  Districts can create or choose roles for employee’s by using the ADMIN/ROLE option. Once created, employee’s can then be given access to the EMIS Entry screen by using the ADMIN/USER option  This is equivalent to OECN_USPS_EMIS identifiers

6 Date Codes  Date Codes are district used fields  Is used to create a new Date Code under the Employee option Date field  Can also be viewed, created, or Edited under the ADMIN/Custom Field Definition option Date Codes: Terminology changes- Classic Redesign Date Code Property Name Description Display Name

7 Employees  Is used to add New employees to payroll  You can view, modify and delete employees  There are different options under Employees:  Name  Address  Credential Id  Dates  Email  Employee Date CF  Evaluation  Experience  Legal name  Phone  Standard Payroll  Standard Personnel  This is equivalent to BIOSCN and DEMSCN in the USPS Classic

8 Employees-Differences Employee: Formerly BIOSCN and DEMSCN Terminology change- Classic Redesign Employee ID Number State Assigned ID Credential ID (Certified) State Assigned ID Non-Certificate Employee ID (ZID-Classified) Zip Postal Code Email Primary Email

9 Employee – New Fields New Fields in Employee on redesign ODJFS Reportable Spouse First Name Name: Full Name Name With Middle Initial Report name Email: Other Email Primary Email Secondary Email Employee Date CF: Test Application Received Received Interviewed

10 Employee Personnel  Contains personal information about the employee:  Employee Name  Address  Dates  Legal Name  Race  To be able to view or edit these records, an employee would need OECN_PPS or OECN_PPS_RO rolls

11 Leaves  Allows user to add, delete, and/or modify employee sick, vacation, personal leave accrual information  View current leave balances  This is equivalent to BENSCN in the USPS Classic Leaves: Formerly BENSCN Terminology change- Classic Redesign- Accum/month Accum Per Month Benefit unit Leave Unit Maximum Max Leave Amount Advance Used Advanced Units Used Advance Max Max Advance Leave Accum/Serv Service Hours Accumulator

12 Leaves – con’t New Fields in Leaves on Redesign Type Accumulate Based On Hours (Sick Only) Date last Accrued Leave 100 Percent Accrue Leave Adjustment Leave Units Accum last Pay Pending Leave Adjust Units Work Full Accum User Defined Leave Acc Begin Balance (Personal Only) Personal Leave Accum (Personal Only)

13 Pay Group  Allows to divide employees into Logical groups in order to apply mass changes to employee information, process payroll and generate reports  Allows you to add, modify, or delete Pay Groups Codes and Descriptions.  This is equivalent to USPSDAT/PGRPED in the USPS Classic Pay Groups Formerly PGRPED Terminology ch ange- Classic Redesign- Pay Group Code Pay Group Description Description Job Calendar Job Calendar Type

14 Payroll Items  Is used to add, modify, or delete Payroll Items for an employee.  Includes Tax Payroll Items, association dues, health insurance premiums, retirement Payroll Items, etc.  Payroll Items are equivalent to DEDSCN in the USPS Classic Payroll Items Formerly DEDSCN Terminology change- Classic Redesign- ID Number Name Last/First Name Job Position Number Name (deduction) Configuration Name Employee Type Deduction Type Fixed or Percent Rate Type Amount/percent Rate

15 Payroll Items – Con’t New Fields in Payroll Item on Redesign Position Processing Order No Max deduct flag or amount as of now No Board's share, error adjustment, board error adj No Start or Stop dates

16 Payroll Item Configuration  Payroll Item Configuration program allows you to add, change, delete, or view Payroll Items company Information  Address’s for the Payroll Item Configuration’s are not stored here, they are created in the CORE/PAYEE option. The districts will want to create a payee first. This will contain the payee address information. Then go into the Payroll Item Configuration and create a payroll Item and then from here can select that Payee with the address information (currently you can not select a Payee in the Payroll Item Configuration)  The Pay Item Configuration is now associated with this Payee  Payroll Items Configuration are equivalent to DEDNAM in the USPS Classic

17 Payroll Item Configuration (continued) Payroll Item Configuration/Payee ​Formerly DEDNAM Terminology change- Classic Redesign- Phone Number Vendor Vendor Number New Fields in Payroll Item Configuration on Redesign Country Province Extension International Code

18 Position  Positions summarizes the non-contract info  After a Position has been created, save this position, then a Compensation (Job) can then be created for each Position (need to reselect the Position in order to add a Compensation)  A compensation defines how it’s going to be paid  Once a Compensation has been created, Payroll Accounts can then be added  Position is equivalent to POSSCN, JOBSCN, and PAYSCN in the USPS Classic

19 Position (continued) Positions/Compensation/Pay Accounts Formerly JOBSCN/ POSSCN/PAYSCN Terminology change- Classic Redesign Job Position Number Position/Title Position Description Type of Appt. Appointment Type Assign Area Assignment Area Building/Dept. Building Code Building/Dept Department Code Work Days Contract Work Days Sick Eligible for Sick Personal Eligible for Personal Vacation Eligible for Vacation EMIS Appt Type State Reporting Appointment Type

20 Positions (continued) Classic Redesign Job Type Supplemental Type Daily Rate Unit Amount Hourly Rate Unit Amount Amount to Charge Rate Percent of Fixed Rate Type Brd dist acct. Employer Distribution Maximum to Charge Maximum

21 Position (Personnel)  The Position (Personnel) option is for employee’s with OECN_PPS role only. If an employee only has PPS role, then they would only see the Position (Personnel) option in their menu and not the Position option

22 Payroll Distributions  Pay Distributions are created for each employee  Determines how each employee should be paid, Direct Deposit or Check  This used to be done in DEDSCN as a deduction Pay Distributions Formerly DEDSCN - Direct Deposit Terminology change- Classic Redesign ​Acct # Account Number Deposit Type Direct Deposit Type Deposit Amount Rate

23 Payroll Distributions (continued) New Fields in Payroll Distributions on Redesign Priority Code 1 Code 2 Date Money 1 Money 2 Text ACH Source ACH Destination

24 Payee  Payee option is used to create Payee (contains the address information) that can be used for Multiple Vendors with the same address using a single Vendor Number  The Payroll Item Configuration is connected with a payee  A Payee needs to be created first before a Payroll Item Configuration can be created  The Vendor Number is stored in the Payee  Payee is similar to DEDNAM in the USPS Classic

25 Payments  Payments have two options:  Payroll are the Payroll checks or direct deposits for employee’s that were paid  Payee are the payments paid out  A district can use Payroll query to search for existing Employee’s Paycheck/Direct Deposit paid on the system  Th is is similar to BRWSCN  No Pay accounts  No detail of Deductions  Does not show Compensation (Job)  Just Number, Leave Balances and amount paid  Payee query allows the user to search for existing Electronic Transfers and Payee Payments paid on the system

26 Utilities Change password

27 Change Password  Any authenticated (logged in) user would have access to the Utilities/Change Password option  If the user knows their old password they can change their password using the 'change password' link found on the USPS- R Login page or by the 'change password' option under the Utilities Menu.  If they have forgot their password, currently an administrator with access to the Users screen could go to Admin/User and reset a password by selecting the Lock icon for the user in question.

28 Admin Admin menu contains programs that control how processing is defined and done on the system and other options that only an administrator would access.

29 Custom Field Fields districts can create for themselves Can be used in queries, grid, reports Enabled/disabled Numerous types Text, code, money, number, date, date/time, web address, email, user or Boolean, special CF i.e. created date/time, last modified date/time Some fields from Classic are now CF In documentation

30 DBA Data Base Administrator Direct queries against database Mostly used as a SSDT debugging tool

31 Imports  Import data from Classic USPS into USPS-R  Have the option to Anonymize the Data.  Training purposes

32 Modules  Displays all available modules within the software version the entity is using  Required  Won’t be able to uninstall  Installed  + = not installed  - = installed

33 Module Configuration  Configuration details for installed modules  Disbursements – how many line items, check stubs, etc

34 Monitor  Admin ability to view various types of events occurring within the system as well as status  Grid in two different tabs Events Status

35 Organization  The Organization option maintains district data  This is similar to USPDAT/USPCON in the USPS Classic

36 Posting Period  Open, closed, current Can re-open if corrections need made Archived Data imported into classic currently can’t re-open  Transaction dates will be required to be in an open posting period  Open means that you can still process a payroll and run reports for the posting period.  Current period effects the calculations such as MTD, FYTD  Current posting period would be the period in which you are currently running payroll. The posting periods are setup on a monthly basis. If running payroll now, the current posting period would be the January 2016 posting period  Before new payroll month can be ran, must mark posting period as the current posting period

37 Role  Similar to VMS identifiers  Defines basic functions, responsibilities, tasks of a user  Roles are granted one or more ‘Permissions’ Specific functionality within the software Create, update, delete, view, report Setup in hierarchy – top level gives all access  Roles are defined by the entity Treasurer Accounts Payable Payroll  Roles are assigned to users Can assign more than one

38 Rules  Various types of business rules and applied ‘on the fly’  Create, activate, search, edit, disable (enable) and delete a rule Edit, disable or enable a rule have to ‘activate’ before it takes effect  USPS-R comes with its own set of required business rules as well as optional ones that may be enabled/disabled Bundled means it came with USPS-R Mandatory means it can’t be disabled  Customized rules can also be written for individual districts Examples custom validations, sending emails or even updating fields based on certain criteria

39 User Username entered is the username they use to login Assigned one or more Roles Assigned account filters Create, search, edit, change password or delete a user

40 User Profile  The User Profile is a list of the roles that the logged in user’s have  This screen is accessible by any logged in user and can verify that they have the roles that are expected

41 Reports The Report module allows the user to generate a report from either a listing of predefined reports or create a custom report using the “detail” option.

42 ACH Submission  Creates a Submission file for Payroll ACH Transfer and a HSA Submission File  Once file has been created:  select Generate Submission File for Payroll ACH  select Generate HSA Submission File  ACH Submission is equivalent to PAYDIR in the USPS Classic

43 AFFORD Report  The AFFORD Report will assist in determining if an employee will exceed 30 hours per week or 130 hours per month and therefore, be classified as full-time under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).  The report files created are called AFFORD.TXT and AFFORD.CSV

44 ODJFS Report  Generates a report of the number of weeks worked, wages, and ODJFS taxable wages for each employee for the quarter  Enter Year, Quarter, and Sort By options

45 Quarter Report  Quarter Report program generates a report of QTD figures for employees and provides information necessary to complete the IRS Form 941 Quarterly Statement

46 SERS Monthly Report  Once the last payroll for the month is complete, it is recommended you run the SERS Monthly option  Selecting options:  Month  Year  Sort By  Report Format  Report Format options available:  PDF (download)  PDF (inline)  Comma Separated Values  Excel  View (html)  Plain Text  XML  Jasper Report Design  Option to ‘Generate Report’ first and then ‘Generate File’ for submission file to be created  SERS Monthly Report is equivalent to RETIRE/SERSREG in the USPS Classic

47 SERS New Hire Report  Option allows the user to create a new employee enrollment file to upload to the SERS website.  Option to ‘Generate Report’ first and then to ‘Generate File’ to create the submission  SERS New Hire Report is equivalent to RETIRE/SERSHIRE in the USPS Classic

48 SERS Report  SERS Report will be used for per pay submission to SERS  It will follow the same rolls as the STRSREG per pay submission in the USPS Classic  SERS Options:  Report Title  Sort By  Report Format  Historical Payrolls  Can only ‘Generate Report’ as of now  SERS Report is similar to RETIRE/STRSREG in the USPS Classic

49 STRS Monthly Report  Once the last payroll for the month is complete, can ran STRS Monthly option for balancing purposes.  STRS Monthly Report Options:  Report Title  Month  Year  Sort By  Report Format  PDF (download)  PDF (inline)  CSV  Excel  View (html)  Plain Text  XML Jasper Report Design  STRS Monthly Report is similar to RETIRE/STRSMONTH in the USPS Classic

50 STRS New Hire Report  STRS New Hire Report option allows users to create a New Employee Enrollment file to send to STRS  STRS New Hire will create a report and can create a submission file for new employees and employees who have had a lapse in service  Options:  Report Title  Generate Report  Generate Submission File  Generate Submission File and Submit to STRS Upload File- have ability to Browse for file Submit Uploaded File  STRS New Hires list

51 STRS Report  After completing each payroll, a STRS file needs to be created to be submitted to STRS  Options:  Report Title  Sort By  Employee Name  Employee SSN  Payment Method  Check  Electronic  Check or Transaction Number (needs to be entered)

52 STRS Report – con’t  Report Format  PDF (download)  PDF (inline)  Comma Separated Values  Excel  View (html)  Plain Text  XML  Jasper Report Design  Generate Report  Create Submission File  Generate Submission File and Submit To STRS  Upload File (Browse for file to be Upload)  Submit Uploaded File  Historical Payrolls list  STRS Report is similar to RETIRE/STRSREG in the USPS Classic

53 ODJFS New Hire Report  ODJFS New Hire Report is designed to assist in the reporting of new employees to the Ohio Department of Human Services. This reporting is to be done within 20 days of the employee's hire date.  When a new employee is entered in the Employee screen, an ODJFS Hire Date will be entered under the Dates section  Then ODJFS New Hire Report can be ran in Projection first using the ‘Generate Report’ option  Then to create the ODJFS New Hire File, select ‘Generate Submission File’ which creates a HIRE36461572420160128.CSV  This file can then be used to electronically submit new hire data  Once ODJFS New Hire is ran in Actual, the ‘New Hire Reported ODJFS’ field under the Core/Employee section will get a check mark in the box, stating it has been reported  ODJFS New Hire Report is equivalent to NEWHIRE in the USPS Classic

54 W2 Report  W2 Report creates a report similar to W2REPT in the USPS Classic.  Options for W2 Report:  Format  PDF(download)  PDF (inline)  CSV  Excel  View (html)  Plain Text  XML  Jasper Report Design

55 W2 Report – Con’t  Federal ID Number  State ID Number  Kind of Employer  Sort Options  Employee SSN  Employee Name  Building/Department and Employee Name  Building/Department, Pay Group, and Employee Name  Pay Group  Zip Code and Employee SSN  Zip Code and Employee Name  Check Distribution and Employee Name  Report for Year

56 USAS Integration Controls if and how the software is connected to the USAS-R system

57 Test Configuration  Test the connection between USPS-R and USAS-R  Module & Security Configuration must be done first  Summary appears stating whether the connection was refused or successful

58 Security Configuration  Generates an application ID and Key for USPS-R which is entered into USAS-R system (same thing must be done in USAS-R to enter in this option)  Must also enter information in USAS Module Configuration found under the ‘Module Configuration’ menu option

59 ADMIN-Modules To install the USAS Integration Module click the ADMIN-Modules-USAS Integration module When installed the will change to

60 ADMIN-Module Configuration Click on USAS Configuration

61 Payroll Payroll Menu is where payrolls may begin to be processed and to view previously posted payrolls

62 Payroll Processing  Two options in the Payroll Payments  Current The Current module is used to add payroll information for employees not included in the regular payroll (during initialization) or to modify or delete payroll information for employees already included in the current payroll.  Future Future allows a user to enter payroll exceptions before starting a payroll. Exceptions can be entered days, even months ahead of time. Future works in the same manner as Current. The only difference is that an effective date field appears in Future. This field allows the user to direct an Future record into a specific payroll. The effective date must be inclusive of payroll period begin and end dates in which the payment needs to be made.  Payroll Payments are similar to UPDCAL_CUR and UPDCAL_FUT in the USPS Classic

63 Payroll Processing  Payroll Processing is the start of a payroll  The options for the payroll are:  In Progress  Posted  To start a new payroll, click on ‘Initialize New Payroll’ (Formerly INICAL and CALCPAY)  To open an ‘In progress’ payroll, Click on Detail under ‘Payroll Detail’ option.  Shows Pay Groups included  Shows Payroll Detail (Similar to CURPAY.INI in USPS Classic)  From here you can: o Modify Payroll o View Pay Report o View Error Report o Post Payroll (Formerly CHKUPD) o Delete Payroll

64 Payroll Processing – Con’t  Once Posted, two files get created:  Budget Distribution Report  Payroll Account Distribution Report

65 Processing Process Outstanding Payables

66  The Process Outstanding Payables (formerly PAYDED) option list all Unpaid Payables (Payroll Items) from prior payrolls  The Payee option allows you to select Unpaid Payables from prior Payroll Cycles. The payroll items will be grouped together by the payee that each is associated with and will list the total employee and employer amount that is owed to the payee. To see more detail of who paid into the payable, click on the button to open up the detail of the employee's who paid into the payable.  The Item Type option displays a total amount owed for each payroll item configuration.  The Item Detail option displays in detail the employees and the amounts that they owe for a given payroll item  Options to how a payable should be paid by Electronic Transfer or Deduction Check

67 Process Outstanding Payables – con’t  The option, Per Payee or Per Item Type, indicates whether you want a payment generated based on the same payee, (all payroll items with the same payee will be paid with one payment), or if you want a separate payment for each payroll item type (ignoring the grouping by the same payee).  The Post Button just creates the payments as of now. So if you select deduction check, then a deduction check payment is generated for each payee or pay item type (whichever you choose). There is no print file produced yet. The payments are created and saved in the database as of now.  This is similar to PAYDED in the USPS Classic

68 Payroll Processing  To create the ACH submission tape and report go to Reports- Choose ACH Submission (Formerly PAYDIR)  To Post payroll to USAS- USAS Integration (Formerly Autopost)

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