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Org Change and Org Development Ch 16 May 1, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Org Change and Org Development Ch 16 May 1, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Org Change and Org Development Ch 16 May 1, 2008

2 Org Change and OD Org Change – in structure, technology or people –1 st order vs. 2 nd order Org Development – methods used to implement org change

3 Impediments to change –Reduced degrees of freedom; lack of training –Fear of the unknown; change in politics/in-groups Identify ways to overcome these impediments: –Employee voice, training, clear contingencies Does the nature of the situation seem to call for different ways of overcoming the impediments? –System v. personnel change

4 Lewin’s Force Field Analysis Model UnfreezeDesired State Refreeze How do we best unfreeze attitudes? How do we best refreeze the new state? developed 50 yrs ago, still prevalent today

5 Driving & Restraining Forces To increase driving forces: –1. –2. To reduce restraining forces: –1. –2. –3.

6 Employee Resistance to Change Main reasons for creating resistance: –1) Consequences of change - –Direct costs –Incongruent org systems –2) Process of change - –Saving face –Fear of unknown

7 Refreezing Through org structure changes Through org reward systems consistent with new changes Lewin’s model effectively describes change process, but overlooks what?

8 Evaluating Change Using Kirkpatrick’s training evaluation model – what does each level assess? –Reactions – –Learning – –Behavior – –Outcomes – –Reactions measure restraining forces, learning reflects change itself, behavior measures refreezing success.

9 OD Interventions OD implements org change w/emphasis on org effectiveness –Tries to improve org capability to solve problems & cope with change 1) Total Quality Management (TQM): –3 main concepts: 1. 2. 3.

10 OD Interventions (cont.) 2) Management by Objectives (MBO) – develop specific org goals –Main ideas of MBO:

11 Porras & Robertson meta-analysis Healthy % report pos changes, but more report no change Few reports of negative effects, but why?

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