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Shiloh Phyllis Reynolds Naylor By. Maegan Barber.

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1 Shiloh Phyllis Reynolds Naylor By. Maegan Barber


3 characters Marty- he is fun loving, cares about animals, and warm hearted. Dara Lynn-she love animals and very playful Becky-she is just like Dara Lynn, she loves nature. Dad- He is a fun loving dad and cares about the family. Ma (Lou)- She loves her family and loves Shiloh.


5 Shiloh I have a lot in conmen with Marty, one thing is caring about something and that you cant always let it go. Dara Lynn- how she has fun with things and always screams when Shiloh licks her. My dad has a lot in conmen with Marty’s dad when I tell my dad that I found a dog he’ll say “give that dog back to it’s owner!!!!” My mom has a little in conmen with Marty’s mom… when Marty came in (the movie) when Marty was dirty she said “get those cloths off right now”

6 Shiloh Plot- The story took place in West Virginia Mid July –August In the country Conflict-Marty wanted to keep the dog. Rising action- his mom found out. Climax- Judd found out Marty had his dog. Falling action-Dad found out when Bakers German Sheppard attacked Shiloh. Resolution- Marty gets to keep Shiloh.

7 Shiloh The book Shiloh is very excellent and when I read it I pretty much loved it, and I’ve learned that u don’t always get to keep every thing you found and hopefully I my self learned my lesson. So I hope u read this book and you’ll love it just like I halved.

8 About Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Phyllis Reynolds Naylor is the author of over 70 books including, Alice in Rapture. Sort of : Reluctantly Alice: Beetles, Lightly Toasted ; and One of the Third Grade Thonkers,all available in Yearling editions. She and her husband, Rex, Live in Bethesda, Maryland.

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