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Zebra Fish Danio rerio.

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1 Zebra Fish Danio rerio

2 What is a zebra fish? Tropical freshwater fish Minnow family
Generation time is ~3-4 months Adults ~ 4cm in length Omnivorous Eats primarily zooplankton, phytoplankton, insects and larvae

3 Why are zebra fish important?
The embryos are see-through allows us to watch the changes in development Adults breed rapidly good supply of embryos for our research Embryos develop quickly 4-5 days old the embryos become swimming larvae and start to catch their own food Zebra Fish Development Close homology to humans More closely related to humans then models such as the worm and fruit fly, easier to use than mouse/rat

4 Development HPF=Hours Post Fertilization

5 Zebra in the classroom Read through the zebra in the classroom article with a partner What must be done in order for zebra fish to successfully breed? Why are zebrafish embryos helpful for studying development? What does hpf stand for? What is it about zebra fish physiology that makes them good models to study in the lab? Explain why biochemistry and genetics are important aspects to understand about the zebra fish. Is it right to say that zebra fish are a “research tool”? What information is most important to know for conducting an experiment with zebra fish?

6 Salt Solution (Test Salinity)
Concentration mg/Liter Stock (40.0g/Liter) I.O. Solution Distilled Water 60 .75 mL mL 120 1.5 mL 498.5 mL 240 3.0 mL 497.0 mL 480 6.0 mL 494.0 mL 1000 12.5 mL 487.5 mL 10,000 125 mL 375.0 mL Must use 3 Concentrations of your choice

7 pH Solution (Test acidity)
Final volume of 500 mL 40 g/L Stock Solution I.O Solution Distilled Water Part 1 Additions to adjust pH to final pH pH 4.0 0.25 mL 150 mL Add 0.1M HCl until pH 4.0 pH 7.0 Add either 0.1M HCl to lower or 1M NaHCO3to raise to a final pH 7.0 pH 10.0 Add 0.1M NaOH until pH 10 Must Use 3 Concentrations of your choice ADD ACID TO WATER NEVER WATER TO ACID!!!

8 Ethanol Unstable…must make the day before use
[Final] in mM [Stock] in mM mL of Stock mL of Embryo Media Total volume in mL 300 1000 100 350 450 33 333 30 Unstable…must make the day before use Must use 3 Concentrations of your choice

9 Zebrafish Development - Zygote “The Bubble”
Zygote Period – 0 – 0.75 hpf Fertilized Egg to develop with its first division of cells

10 Cleavage Period “The bubbles boil over”
Cleavage – 2.25 hpf Cells begin to divide… still large enough to count

11 Blastula Period “The afro”
Blastula hpf Cells multiply very rapidly at the top

12 Gastrula Period – “The Solar Eclipse”
Gastrula hpf Outside of the cell begins to develop

13 Segmentation Period “ The six pack abs”
Segmentation – 24.0 hpf Somites form around the midsection for segmentation.

14 Pharyngula Period “The fat belly”
Pharyngula hpf Fish has large yolk sack present/ Body straightens

15 Hatching Period “The free fish”
Hatching hpf

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