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Effective SEND Provision Autism Dr Kim Taylor Spring Common Academy.

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1 Effective SEND Provision Autism Dr Kim Taylor Spring Common Academy

2 Autism Education Trust – schools standards New AET standards have mapped key legislation of the new SEND code of practice (2014) and new Ofsted framework (September 2015). Provides an effective school self evaluation and mapping tool to help the school to identify priorities and actions for school improvement. An effective means of recording outcomes to show the impact of school provision planned and evidence implementation. A key document to support all SEND pupils in the school.

3 AET training is available AET provider is Cambridgeshire Local Authority and Spring Common Academy: Level 1: Awareness Level 2: practitioners Level 3: Leadership of autism provision Book training by email to:

4 How to start using the AET standards for autism There are 40 standards but please don’t get overwhelmed. Level 3 training links directly to these standards but you can still start prior to training! Today I am linking to a brief summary. You will look at standards and key competencies for: Individual pupil Building relationships Curriculum and planning Enabling environments

5 Rating the standards Evaluate using: Documentary evidence (D) Relevant practice (O) Verbal accounts from pupils, parents/ carers and staff (V) Triangulate this evidence with an external professional with experience with autism to provide a more independent and objective view for your school self – evaluation.

6 Who completes the standards Although the standards can be completed by individuals it is not outstanding practice to do so. Instead: Introduce discussions into your meetings plan. Focus on one aspect at a time. Gain opinions and views from governors, staff, parents and pupils Introduce regular reviews Publish your outcomes and impact of actions so everyone shares the journey of improvement for effective provision.

7 Rating scale AET recommends this scale for establish a priority rating: Enhanced (well established across the school and being shared with other schools or settings) Established (now being spread across the school) Developing (work started) Not yet developed (work will be done to consider how to develop practice) Then decide if high, medium or low priority

8 Relevance of the standards AET standards describe good practice for pupils with autism. Designed to meet statutory duties outlined in the SEND code of practice 2015, criteria for the Common Inspection framework 2015. Help you to provide precise evidence for your SEND information report 2014 and Equality Duty 2010. Determine staff training needs accurately for your pupils and school autism provision and practice. Part of the school improvement plan Provide school self evaluation evidence.

9 Incidence of autism We talk about Autism spectrum condition. This is helpful because most children have co- occurring conditions. Approximately one third will have a learning disability which means two thirds are of average or above average cognitive ability. Revised diagnostic classification system DSM V (2013) This builds upon the work of Lorna Wing who in 1996 created the term Autism spectrum and identified 4 areas of difference. Incidence overall is thought to be 1 in 100 in UK

10 Research and finding out more National Autistic society has a programme to support schools and settings to develop Autism Accreditation. When you have collected evidence that you are established within the AET standards begin the process of accreditation at that point. 14 -18 March is Autism Awareness week and there are many exciting ideas and resources to download on the NAS website. 2 -8 April is World Autism Awareness week. Please send us examples of effective practice or positive images of pupils with autism for Discovery TSA website we would be delighted to publish and spread practice.

11 Contact: Spring Common Academy Thank you for listening and we hope this will get you all started to provide outstanding autism provision for your children and school. Spring Common Academy: 01480 377403 Dr Kim Taylor. National Leader in Education and lead for Discovery Teaching School Alliance. Head Teacher, Spring Common Academy. Caroline Place – Assistant Head, Autism

12 SEND Training requests Contact: Stela Plamenova Assistant Head, Spring Common Academy Telephone: 01480 375130

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