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The Lotus Sutra.

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1 The Lotus Sutra

2 Burton Watson on the Lotus Sutra
“Some of the most important principles of Buddhism are only touched upon in passing, as though the reader or hearer is expected to be acquainted with them already, while many of the more revolutionary doctrines are not presented in any orderly fashion or supported by careful or detailed arguments but rather thrust upon him with the suddenness of divine revelation.”

3 Important Features of the Lotus Sutra
Mythical scenarios Parables Cosmology

4 Major Teachings of the Lotus Sutra
Many Buddhas One Vehicle Skilful Means (+compassion) The Bodhisattva Path for All The continued life and availability to help of the Buddha

5 What’s NOT in the Lotus Sutra
No systematic explanation of emptiness or non-dualism No systematic treatment of ethics and compassion No systematic explanation of the bodhisattva way (the bhumis, the vow, the paramitas) the Tathagatagarbha doctrine

6 Paul Williams on the Lotus Sutra 1
“The principal message of the first half of the Lotus Sutra [is] the Buddha’s skilful means, the doctrine of the One Vehicle, and the complete joy of the Buddha’s disciples in finding that they will, indeed must, attain Perfect Buddhahood.” This message is supported by: The Parable of the Burning House The Parable of the Hidden Jewel The Parable of the Magic City

7 Paul Williams on the Lotus Sutra 2
“The doctrine that the Buddha remains, has not abandoned his children but is still here helping us in many infinite compassionate ways … forms the centrepiece of the Lotus Sutra’s second half.” This doctrine is supported by: The emergence of the Treasure Tower The Parable of the Physician The vast numbers of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas

8 The Appeal and Popularity of the Lotus Sutra 1
The Sutra’s ability to explain why Buddhist teachings vary so enormously The Sutra’s ability to justify changing Buddhist teachings and practices to suit particular cultures The magical power of the Lotus Sutra to save beings The sutra’s promise of disproportionately huge results for small acts of faith and devotion

9 The Appeal and Popularity of the Lotus Sutra 2
The majority of Mahayana Buddhists see the Lotus Sutra as a central text for doctrine and practice The Tendai School of Buddhism takes the Lotus Sutra (together with the Mahaparinirvana Sutra) to be the Buddha’s final and highest teaching The Nichiren school of Buddhism teaches that in this ‘Degenerate Age’ only the Lotus Sutra has the power to save us. Nichiren Buddhists chant ‘Reverence to the Lotus Sutra’ (Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo)


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