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CRYPTOGRAPHIC HARDNESS OTHER FUNCTIONALITIES Andrej Bogdanov Chinese University of Hong Kong MACS Foundations of Cryptography| January 2016.

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1 CRYPTOGRAPHIC HARDNESS OTHER FUNCTIONALITIES Andrej Bogdanov Chinese University of Hong Kong MACS Foundations of Cryptography| January 2016

2 K-to-one functions Say f is K -to-1 if for every y, |f -1 (y)| = K Complexity of proof system grows linearly in K When say K = 2 n/2 this is exponential in n Can we do better?


4 Graph isomorphism is isomorphic to Claim: Proof:

5 Graph non-isomorphism is not isomorphic to Claim: Interactive proof: G0G0 G1G1 Verifier: Choose random bit b, permutation  Send graph G =  (G b ) Prover: Answer with b’ Verifier:If b’ = b, declare “probably not isomorphic”

6 Graph non-isomorphism Analysis: If G 0, G 1 not isomorphic, then prover knows for sure that G came from G b, so he can answer b If G 0, G 1 isomorphic, then G is equally likely to have come from G 0 / G 1, so he can guess b with prob 1/2 Is there a classical proof system for graph non-isomorphism?

7 Decision problems Recall SUBSET-SUM : Decision version L : L YES are those eqn that have a solution L NO are those eqn without a solution 13174331003415 x 1 + 17285145771356 x 2 + 19133308147607 x 3 + 20768399988658 x 4 + 22857403444525 x 5 + 27320889680330 x 6 + 32609413435035 x 7 + 33346249486015 x 8 + 36451703583100 x 9 + 44137263807532 x 10 + 44383378110073 x 11 + 46011207828303 x 12 = 40168796369884 Given eqn =, find a solution x in {0, 1} 12 (if it exists) Given x, decide if x is in L YES or in L NO

8 The class NP input z Verifier Prover efficient unbounded proof p YES/NO Completeness: If z ∈  L YES, then V P (z) = YES Soundness: If z ∈  L NO, then V P* (z) = NO for every P*

9 An(other) NP-complete problem: SAT Input: A set C ⊆ {0, 1} n specified by a circuit L YES : C is not empty L NO : C is empty C(x 1, x 2, x 3 ): y := x 1 and x 2 and x 3 z := y or ( not x 1 ) output z and ( not y) Prover: Send x ∈ C (if x in L YES ) Verifier: Accept if C(x) evaluates to 1.

10 Interactive proofs Given a (promise) decision problem L VerifierProverinput z randomized efficient unbounded q1q1 a2a2 q R-1 aRaR... YES/NO Completeness: If z ∈  L YES, Pr[V P (z) = YES] ≥ 3/4 Soundness: If z ∈  L NO, Pr[V P* (z) = YES] < 1/4 for every P*

11 Normal form for interactive proofs The class AM consists of those decision problems that have constant round interactive proofs Such proofs have a normal form a(z, r) Verifier Prover public randomness r There is a compiler for converting protocols into this form; we’ll do an example instead.

12 An “AM-complete” problem Input: A set C ⊆ {0, 1} n (specified by a circuit) A size estimate 0 < S < 2 n L YES : |C| ≥ S L NO : |C| < S/8 Verifier: Interactive proof: Send a random 2-universal hash function h: {0, 1} n → {0, 1} r where 2S ≤ 2 r < 4S Prover: Send x (and a proof that x ∈ C ) Verifier: Accept if x ∈ C and h(x) = 0.



15 The set size lower bound protocol Input: A set C ⊆ {0, 1} n A size estimate 0 < S < 2 n L YES : |C| ≥ S L NO : |C| < (1 –  )S An error parameter  > 0 Running time of verifier is linear in |C|/  Proof: Run original protocol on (C k, S k ), k = 3/ 

16 Graph non-isomorphism via set size Given G 0, G 1 we want a proof of non-isomorphism For simplicity we’ll assume G 0, G 1 have no automorphisms C = {  (G b ):  is a permutation, b is a bit } G 0, G 1 are isomorphic |C| = n! G 0, G 1 are not isomorphic |C| = 2∙n! Reduction to set size lower bound:

17 AM ≈ NP a(z, r) Verifier Prover public randomness r If we replace r by the output of a suitable pseudo- random generator, proof can be derandomized Under a plausible assumption in complexity theory, AM = NP.


19 Hardness of regular one-way functions Say f: {0, 1} n → {0, 1} n - k is 2 k -to- 1 Suppose we have a reduction R ? that, given an inverter I for f, solves L Verifier will emulate reduction Prover will emulate random inverter I Given a query b, return each a s.t. f(a) = b with probability 2 -k independently of previous queries and answers

20 Hardness of regular one-way functions b1b1 a 1 = I(b 1 )... Verifier Prover btbt a t = I(b t ) x ∈  L Pr r, I [R I (x; r) accepts] ≥ 2/3 x ∉  L Pr r, I [R I (x; r) accepts] < 1/3 |{(r, a 1, …, a t ) valid and accepting}| ≥ (2/3) 2 |r| + kt |{(r, a 1, …, a t ) valid and accepting}| < (1/3) 2 |r| + kt

21 Hardness of regular one-way functions y1y1 x 1 = I(y 1 )... Verifier Prover ytyt x t = I(y t ) x∈∉ Lx∈∉ L x ∈  L Pr r, I [R I (x; r) rejects] ≥ 2/3 x ∉  L Pr r, I [R I (x; r) rejects] < 1/3 |{(r, x 1, …, x t ) valid and rejecting}| ≥ (2/3) 2 |r| + kt |{(r, x 1, …, x t ) valid and rejecting}| < (1/3) 2 |r| + kt

22 What we did so far We sketched why security of “structured” one-way functions cannot be provably NP-hard (More complicated for arbitrary functions) It may be that there exist such NP-hard to break functions; if true this is not provable Next we show examples where breaking the crypto is (provably) not NP-hard

23 Indistinguishability obfuscation O C Ц Functionality: Ц ≡ C Security:If C ≡ C’ then random vars Ц and Ц’ are indistinguishable ( Ц(x) = C(x) for all x )

24 Kinds of indistinguishability Perfect X and X’ look identical to every (boolean) test Statistical no test can distinguish with advantage > 1% Computational no efficient test can distinguish with advantage > 1%

25 Indistinguishability obfuscation No statistically secure indistinguishability obfuscation exists* * Unless NP is in coAM O C Ц


27 Graph isomorphism is isomorphic to Claim: Proof: Verifier learns the isomorphism!

28 A zero-knowledge proof Input: Prover:Choose random H isomorphic to G 0 and G 1 Send H Verifier: Answer with b Prover:Reveal isomorphism between H and G b Two graphs G 0, G 1 (Assume isomorphic) Verifier: If H ≡ G b, say “ G 0, G 1 probably isomorphic” Otherwise say “ G 0, G 1 not isomorphic”

29 Zero-knowledge proofs If G 0, G 1 are isomorphic, verifier does not learn the isomorphism (or anything else) So graph isomorphism has zero-knowledge proofs The proof for non-isomorphism is also zero- knowledge! Every problem that has zero-knowledge proofs also has zero-knowledge refutations … or SZK ⊆ AM ∩ coAM

30 Statistical distance (SD) Input: Two random variables X, Y over {0, 1} n L NO : X and Y are 1% statistically indistinguishable L YES : (specified by samplers) X and Y are 99% statistically distinguishable SD has statistical zero-knowledge proofs (and is in fact SZK-complete)


32 Indistinguishability obfuscation No statistically secure iO exists unless NP has short interactive refutations Proof:Assume it did Let C be any set (circuit) …and Z be the empty set (zero circuit) If C empty, then C ≡ Z …so Ц and З are stat indistinguishable If C empty, then C(x) ≠ Z(x) for some x …so Ц and З are perfectly distinguishable

33 Indistinguishability obfuscation No statistically secure iO exists unless NP has short interactive refutations We just saw a reduction from SAT to SD (assuming statistically secure iO) Since SD has short refutations, so does SAT (and all of NP)

34 Public-key bit encryption SKPK Bob Alice b Enc PK (b) Dec SK ( ) b Enc PK (b) PK message indistinguishability (PK, Enc PK ( 0 )) and (PK, Enc PK ( 1 )) are computationally indistinguishable

35 El Gamal encryption g, h in some large cyclic group PK = ( g, h )g SK = h such that Enc PK (b) = ( g r, 2 b h r ) where r random Dec SK (x, y) = b such that x SK = 2 b y

36 Homomorphism of encryptions Enc PK (b) = ( g r, 2 b h r ) Enc PK (b) Enc PK (b’) and Enc PK (b + b’) are identically distributed Dec SK (Enc PK (b) Enc PK (b’)) = b + b’ strongly homomorphic weakly homomorphic

37 Breaking homomorphic encryption Homomorphic encryption for XOR is not NP-hard to break* … because it can be broken in statistical zero- knowledge (nothing special about XOR, true for “most” f ) * Unless NP is in coAM

38 Rerandomization The ability to map a ciphertext into an i.i.d ciphertext without knowing the secret key C = ( g r, 2 b h r ) PK = ( g, h )g SK = h such that Rer PK (C) = C ∙ ( g r’, h r’ ) El Gamal example is i.i.d with C

39 Rerandomization from evaluation strong homomorphic evaluator for XOR H Enc( 0 ) Enc(b) Enc( 0 ) Enc(b) Enc( 1 ) Rer

40 Rerandomization from evaluation H Enc( 0 ) To H, Enc( 0 ) indistinguishable from Enc( 0 ) so output of H must forget most of Enc( 0 )

41 Rerandomization from evaluation If H is a strong homomorphic evaluator for majority on k bits, then (Enc(b), Rer(Enc(b)) is √ c/k -close to a pair of independent encryptions of b. Lemma We prove a weaker version for weak homomorphic evaluators and any sensitive f.

42 Distinguishing rerandomizations Rerandomizable encryption can be broken in statistical zero-knowledge: Enc(b) Rer( ) Enc( 0 ) If b = 0, they are statistically close vs. If b = 1, they must be statistically far so they can be distinguished in SZK

43 Conclusion (and more) Complexity helps us understand certain (theoretical) limitations of cryptography Structured one-way functions aren’t provably NP-hard One-way permutations [Brassard, Goldreich-Goldwasser] 2-to-1 [Akavia-Goldreich-Goldwasser-Moshkovitz] K-to-1, size-verifiable [AGGM, B.-Brzuska] General OWFs under non-adaptive reductions [Feigenbaum-Fortnow, B.-Trevisan, AGGM] Hash functions, limited adaptivity [Haitner-Mahmoody-Xiao]

44 Conclusion (and more) Crypto that can be broken in SZK Homomorphic encryption [B.-Lee] Private information retrieval [Vaikutanathan-Liu] There is no statistically secure iO [Goldwasser-Rothblum]

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