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Highlander Sheet Objective/SWBAT: Figure out what the periodic table is for. Warmup: What are 3 things that you know about the periodic table. What is.

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Presentation on theme: "Highlander Sheet Objective/SWBAT: Figure out what the periodic table is for. Warmup: What are 3 things that you know about the periodic table. What is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Highlander Sheet Objective/SWBAT: Figure out what the periodic table is for. Warmup: What are 3 things that you know about the periodic table. What is it used for? How is it organized? Responsibilities: Reminder!!! Last day for test takers to finish! November 5

2 Highlander Sheet Objective/SWBAT: Explain how we went from alchemy to chemistry. You will need a blank sheet of paper (to turn in) Warmup: List 3 ways the periodic table is organized. Responsibilities: HW. Webquest Due tomorrow. November 9

3 Discovering the Elements Create 5 questions and answers from the video.

4 WHOT Q Create a question and answer about flogiston

5 Highlander Sheet Objective/SWBAT: Explain how we know what is inside of an atom. Warmup: Describe what Democritus taught us about matter. Responsibilities: HW. Webquest Due tonight by 11:59PM. November 10

6 What do we know about atoms so far? Atomic Structure Lets get some information… Does matter show electrical properties? Protons are + Electrons are -

7 Compare with your neighbor Democritus’s theory of atoms. What did he discover? Create a data table in your journal.

8 1899 1897 1922

9 In case my setup doesn’t work. https://www.yo ch?v=YG-Wz- arcaY

10 So… Lets add this new information to our PPT. Just based on your evidence now… Lets add + and – to our atomic model.


12 Highlander Sheet Objective/SWBAT: Explain where electrons are and where the nucleus is. Warmup: Who discovered electrons and how did he accomplish this? Responsibilities: Tomorrow Turkey baskets are due, bring food! November 12

13 Speaking of WHOTs We are going to grade them… little differently this time. There will be 2 WHOTS graded. Last week’s and this. We will just be grading the Warm-ups. There are 7 Days total. 3pts per day. Total out of 21. Please staple them together and hand them in.

14 Gold foil experiment In 1899 Earnest Rutherford discovered that uranium emits fast-moving particles that have a positive charge. He named them alpha particles. He then sent his student to find out what happens when these alpha particles passed through a thin sheet of gold. Recall that in Thomson’s model of the atom the mass and positive charge are evenly spread throughout an atom. Based on this model Rutherford hypothesized that most particles would pass right through the sheet.

15 You are the student Rutherford is sending to do his experiment. This is your first day on the job. Lets put you through the training.

16 Alpha particle training Where do alpha particles come from? What is their charge? What are we shooting them at?

17 Alpha Particle Training. What would that mean if your alpha particle went right through?

18 Roll the marble with a LIGHT amount of force under one side of the board. Observe where the marble comes out and trace the approximate path of the marble on the paper. There will be ZERO alpha particles thrown or forcibly ejected from the testing site. The engineer responsible will be fired on the spot.

19 Working from all four sides of the board, continue to roll the marble under the board, making observations and tracing the rebound path for each marble roll. Roll the marble AT LEAST 10 TIMES from each side of the box. Be sure to vary the angles at which the marble is rolled. Use a whiteboard marker to draw the path of the marble. Be as exact as you can.

20 DO NOT LOOK UNDER THE GOLD BOARD You will also be fired. Dr. Rutherford does not want you putting unfair bias on his results. After sketching the apparent path from all sides and angles, the general size and shape of the unknown target should emerge. Your goal. Find the shape of the object under your board without looking. Make a large sketch in your journal of all pathways, and your guess of the shape.

21 Conclusion. So something just like this actually happened in Rutherford’s lab. Exept only 1/20,000 alpha particles came back. 1. Does an atom have the mass evenly spread out or is there some solid object inside the atom? 2. Where is the object located? 3. What does this say about the size of the nucleus? 4. So what is an atom mostly made up of? 5. If the alpha particles are (+) and are getting repelled… what charge is the object in the center of an atom?

22 You have just discovered the nucleus. It is very very tiny. It is + charged. It is in the center of the atom. An atom is made of mostly empty space.

23 Highlander Sheet Objective/SWBAT: Identify what a nucleus is made of and calculate the number of neutrons based on the atomic weight. Warmup: How small is a nucleus? Responsibilities: There will be a quiz next week (Wednesday)! November 13

24 You have just discovered the nucleus. It is very very tiny. It is + charged. It is in the center of the atom. An atom is made of mostly empty space.

25 How small are atoms? com/watch?v=yQP4U JhNn0I

26 Atom’s Anatomy. Electron Charge = -1 Weight =0 Proton Charge = +1 Weight = 1 Neutron Charge = 0 Weight = 1 How much charge would this atom have? How much weight would this atom have?

27 1. What elements are in these common items? (list at least one element that is present in each picture)

28 Periodic Table Notes

29 Lets Practice, the hard ones. Element# of Protons # of electrons.# of Neutrons Fe – Iron Pt – Platinum Rf - Rutherfordium Whhaaaaaaa?

30 Element Square What does it all mean? Atomic Number Atomic Mass Elemental Symbol These are electron orbitals, ignore these numbers

31 How to find the #of neutrons in the atom? Steps: 1. Round the atomic mass 2. Subtract the atomic number from that number 3. The difference in the number of neutrons Atomic Number Atomic Mass 56 -26 30 P + N = Mass

32 Lets Practice, the hard ones. Element# of Protons Atomic Mass# of Neutrons Fe - Iron 2656 Pt – Platinum 78195 Rf - Rutherfordium 104 30 117 157

33 Next Monday

34 Happy Hunting.

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