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1 “Public Opinion and Research Policy in Italy” Massimiano Bucchi Workshop on Research Policy Roma, 28 novembre 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "1 “Public Opinion and Research Policy in Italy” Massimiano Bucchi Workshop on Research Policy Roma, 28 novembre 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 “Public Opinion and Research Policy in Italy” Massimiano Bucchi Workshop on Research Policy Roma, 28 novembre 2002

2 2 Survey details: Method 876 phone interviews to a representative sample of subjects aged over 18, stratified by gender, age and size of place of residence Scientific supervision Massimiano Bucchi (Univ. Trento), Federico Neresini (Univ. Padua).

3 3 Observa is an independent research centre and non profit organization which intends creating a bridge between scientific research, political decisions and public opinion. The main aims of Observa are to analyse, develop and evaluate solutions for public participation in scientific, technological, health and environmental contexts; innovative procedures to involve the public in complex decisions and, in general, forms of dialogue between scientists and the wider public.Observa Science and Society Monitor

4 4 The study is part of a “Science and Society” Monitor series – Other issues touched include Assisted Reproduction and Nuclear Energy (forthcoming) Science and Society Monitor

5 5 Every year the State must decide how to invest the money destinated to science research. If this decision would depend on you, do you think the State should in the first place support (2 choices):  Research on human stem cells in an attempt to cure diseases like Alzheimer or Parkinson  Research aimed at improving the production of fruit and vegetables  Research aimed at improving teleccomunications (internet, mobile phones, tv)  Research aimed at building safer nuclear plants  Research aimed at understanding climate changes  Research in physics to uncover the basic components of matter  Research aimed at developing safer and more efficient assisted reproduction techniques  Research in the neurosciences to understand how the human brain works  Space research to discover other possible life forms in the universe

6 6 Research lines the state should give prority in supporting (N=876)

7 7 Research lines the state should give prority in supporting/by educational level (N=876)

8 8 Research lines the state should give prority in supporting/by political orientation (N=876)

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