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Whole Brain/Left Brain/Right Brain Team 2 Stephen, Josh, Anna & Kristian.

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Presentation on theme: "Whole Brain/Left Brain/Right Brain Team 2 Stephen, Josh, Anna & Kristian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Whole Brain/Left Brain/Right Brain Team 2 Stephen, Josh, Anna & Kristian

2 Introduction Our brain is divided into two halves, as most of us know: the left and right side. Each side processes information very differently than the other, and the biggest difference is the visual aspect. The right side of the brain looks at visual reference as a whole, whether it be a landscape, object, or piece of artwork, and then works its way into noticing finer details. The left side on the other hand, first sees the details and puts them together to form the bigger picture. Our brains use both of these sides, mixing and matching each side’s abilities for a fully- functional human brain. However, each of us has a dominant side that leans more towards the behaviors of that respected side.


4 Right Brain Those with a right-side dominant brain depend more on visual references for understanding and are often times visual learners. They are more emotional, swayed by feelings, and are able to better understand and reflect on these feelings. Furthermore, right-brained thinkers are very intuitive and curious about the world. Finally, as a down side, they tend to be disorganized, lacking in time- management, and unable to prioritize well.

5 Left Brain The left brain is the side that handles organization and logic. Because of this, those that have a dominant left side are also very organized; they prefer schedules and deadlines, and love rules and regulations. They are more auditory learners, and are better at using words to remember things rather than visual aids. They process ideas in a step-by-step, algorithmic way, and are therefore less prone to error.

6 Creative As one may have probably already guessed, those with dominance in the right brain may be more naturally creative. Right brained people may lean more towards abstract art, because of its lack of order and disorganization. Abstraction also gives no boundaries, so it can be considered more ‘outside-the-box’, or creative.

7 References, (2015). [online] Available at: Right-Brain.jpg [Accessed 3 Nov. 2015]. Right-Brain.jpg Webdesigner Depot, (2015). Understanding Your Brain for Better Design: Left vs. Right. [online] Available at: brain-for-better-design-left-vs-right/ [Accessed 3 Nov. 2015]. brain-for-better-design-left-vs-right/

8 Thank you Goodbye (Slow Clap)

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