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The First Epistle of John 1 John 3:10-15 The Necessity of Brotherly Love.

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2 The First Epistle of John 1 John 3:10-15 The Necessity of Brotherly Love

3 Clarification Questions were raised about 1 Jn 3:9, “...and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God” Is he saying that no Christian ever sins? – Would contradict 1 Jn 1:8 – 2:1 The problem is not with the author, but the translators

4 Clarification Greek scholar AT Robertson wrote: And he cannot sin ( και ου δυναται αμαρτανειν — kai ou dunatai hamartanein). This is a wrong translation, for this English naturally means “and he cannot commit sin” as if it were και ου δυναται αμαρτειν.... A great deal of false theology has grown out of a misunderstanding of the tense of αμαρτανειν — hamartanein here. Paul has precisely John‘s idea in Romans 6:1 επιμενωμεν τηι αμαρτιαι — epimeno ̄ men te ̄ i hamartia ̄ i (shall we continue in sin, present active linear subjunctiveRomans 6:1

5 Clarification Robertson's point was that the grammatical form word “sin” in 1 Jn 3:9 requires that it be translated as “continue in sin” or “go on sinning” – One who is a child of God cannot go on sinning Instead, a child of God will repent of sin and be forgiven

6 Review 1 Jn 3:8-9 –Two kinds of people Children of God who do not continue in sin Children of the devil who do live in sin Primarily, the rest of the book deals with brotherly love –In our text, John answers “Why must we love one another?”

7 Love distinguishes children of God 1 Jn 3:10 –2 things show the difference between children of God and the devil Practicing righteousness Brotherly love –The word “manifest” or “distinguish” means To demonstrate plainly, reveal To be evidence of, prove –No confusion as to who we are children of Just look at what we do and why we do it

8 Love distinguishes children of God 1 Jn 3:11 –The command to love is from the beginning Spoken by Jesus – Jn 13:34-35 –He also said it would reveal His disciples to the world

9 Love distinguishes children of God 1 Jn 3:12-13 –Because it shows the difference between children of God and the devil Expect some conflict between the children –Cain was a child of the devil »Angered by the contrast in their works »Murdered his brother –The world will be angered by the contrast in their works – Jn 15:18-20 The world wants all to conform –Being different shows people can be better and choose not to be »For that, the world hates us

10 Love signifies a passing from death to life 1 Jn 3:14a –Love is a mark of true conversion Hard to fake love of the brethren –Especially to ourselves – you know if you love the brethren or not

11 Love signifies a passing from death to life 1 Jn 3:14b-15 –Lack of love shows one abides in death 1 Jn 2:9, 11 Hate makes you a murderer –Just like Cain –No hope of eternal life

12 When Christians do not love their brethren May indicate one of three things 1.They were never converted in their heart 2.They are still babes in Christ – 1 Cor 3:1-3 3.They have fallen away – Heb 3:12-14

13 Conclusion 2 reasons for why we should love one another –It distinguishes children of God from children of the devil –It signifies a passing from death into life John has much more to say about the value of love –But we’ll see that in future lessons


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