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Introduction to Graph Theory

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1 Introduction to Graph Theory
Lecture 12: Graph Coloring: Vertex Coloring and Independent Sets

2 Introduction Partition of the graph into disjoint sets such that items within a given set are mutually nonadjacent. Applications including scheduling exams. The vertices are courses An edge represents sharing of students between two courses These problems are related to graph coloring

3 The Chromatic Number Vertex coloring of graph G is an assignment of clolors to the vertices so that adjacent vertices have distinct colors. A graph that permits a k-coloring is called k-colorable. The chromatic number of a graph G, , is the minimum number of colors needed for proper coloring. What is the chromatic number for A bipartite graph? An odd cycle?

4 An Example What is ? v8 v4 v6 v7 v2 v5 v1 v3

5 (con’t) If G is k-colorable means that
To prove that , we must show that and it is possible to k-color G. Show that

6 K-critical G graph is k-critical if
, and for every vertex If then G must contain a k-critical subgraph Why? Theorem 6.1: If G is k-critical, then

7 Proof for Theorem 6.1 Done by contradiction Let G be k-critical, where
Let v be a vertex of G satisfying We know that removing v makes Since , there is one color, say r, among the k-1 colors used to color G-v not used by any neighbors of v. So color v with r. This implies G is (k-1)-colorable => contradiction!

8 A related theorem Theorem 6.2: If , then G must have at least k vertices of degree at least k-1. Proof: We know that G has a k-critical subgraph H. It implies that H has at least k vertices (every vertex has at least one vertex). Since , H has at least k vertices of degree at least k-1.

9 Independence A subset S of vertices are independent if no pair of vertices of S are adjacent. So the vertices of the same color form an independent set Can you find an independence set in the graph b f g a h d c j e i

10 Independence Number : the max size of an independent set
What is for our previous graph? How about and ? We have a very nice lower bound for The upper bound is

11 The Lower Bound for Since , V(G) can be partitioned into k color sets
Since all vertices of cannot be adjacent with one another, therefore each is independent, and we have So,

12 The Upper Bound for Let S be the largest indep. Set. So
Now let H be the graph with vertices V(G)-S. It follows that Since , we have Combining the two inequalities we get

13 Uniquely k-Colorable Graph
A partition of a set X is a collection of k disjoint subsets. In coloring, V(G) can be partitioned into k subsets, and no pair of adjacent vertices of G are in the same subset. How many ways can we partition ? The existence of more than one partition is not always possible. For example

14 Uniquely k-Colorable Graph
The existence of more than one partition is not always possible. For example a e b c d

15 Uniquely k-Colorable Graph
A graph G with is uniquely k-colorable if there is only one partition of V(G) into k subset. Theorem 6.3: If G is uniquely k-colorable, then Proof: (done w/o using the fact that G is k-critical) By contradiction again.

16 (cont) Let the vertices of G be colored using
If a vertex v is assigned , it must be adjacent to every other color If this is not true, then we can change the color of v to the color not used by its neighbor, thus changed the partition This contradicts the fact that G is uniquely k-colorable.

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