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 Acceleration is a measure of how quickly velocity changes.  Acceleration is the change in velocity divided by the time it takes for the change to.

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3  Acceleration is a measure of how quickly velocity changes.  Acceleration is the change in velocity divided by the time it takes for the change to occur.  Whenever the motion of an object changes, it is accelerating.  Like velocity, acceleration has a direction.


5  Speed up  Slow down  Change direction

6  Acceleration (m/s 2 )= (Final speed (in m/s)- Initial Speed (in m/s) a=(s f -s i ) t

7  Find the acceleration of a train whose speed increases from 7 m/s to 17 m/s in 20 s.

8  a=(17m/s -7m/s) ÷ 120s= 10 ÷ 120 =.o83 m/s 2

9  A bicycle accelerates from rest to 6m/s in 2s.  What is the bicycle's acceleration?

10  a= (6 m/s – o m/s) ÷ 2s= a= 6 m/s ÷ 2s = 3 m/s 2


12  Time is graphed on the x-axis  Velocity is graphed on the y-axis

13  (A)When the line rises the object is speeding up.  (C)When the line falls the object is slowing down.  (B)A horizontal line represents zero acceleration

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