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Connect communicate collaborate GÉANT and EGI: enabling seamless distributed computing infrastructures through high-speed, dedicated networking Richard.

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Presentation on theme: "Connect communicate collaborate GÉANT and EGI: enabling seamless distributed computing infrastructures through high-speed, dedicated networking Richard."— Presentation transcript:

1 connect communicate collaborate GÉANT and EGI: enabling seamless distributed computing infrastructures through high-speed, dedicated networking Richard Hughes-Jones, Domenico Vicinanza, DANTE EGI User Forum 2011 11-14 April 2011, Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, Vilnius

2 connect communicate collaborate The background: what changed in the past 15 years… Situation: Increasing cross-border collaboration between researchers across the world Sharing experiences, resources and facilities = sustainability Science, research and education uses high-capacity computing to: model complex systems process and analyse experimental results and deliver them in real time in different locations around the globe

3 connect communicate collaborate The need for Computing GRIDs Response: Computing grids for e-Science Research and Education (R&E) Networks Together, they allow: to respond to the requirements of the most demanding scientific disciplines to link and combine the power of distributed computation and the reliability of dedicated networks. Synergy

4 connect communicate collaborate EGI infrastructure lives in a Multi-Domain network environment UI RB WMS RB WMS CE WN1 SE WN2 WN3 Domain 3 Domain 4 Domain 2 Others domains Domain 1

5 connect communicate collaborate In more detail… GÉANT/NRENs interconnect NGIs Campus network Regional network Regional network National R&E network National R&E network GÉANT EGI/NGI site

6 connect communicate collaborate GÉANT: the pan-European network for R&E communities GÉANT is the pan-European data network dedicated to the research and education community GÉANT (with the European NRENs) connects 40 million users at over 8,000 institutions across 40 countries. An ideal infrastructure for scientific and research applications with demanding network needs: High capacity (stable sustained bandwidth) Low latency (or one-way delay) Low jitter (latency or one-way delay variation) Complex Applications are being built on top the network Collaborative tools, videoconferencing Distributed computing (GRIDs)

7 connect communicate collaborate GÉANT topology 15+ NRENs interconnected within the Dark Fibre (DF) “cloud” The others, via “lambda” and SDH circuits Hybrid architecture (routed IP traffic and switched special- purpose traffic)

8 connect communicate collaborate Reliability Research projects using GRIDS rely on EGI/NGIs infrastructure EGI/NGIs is a distributed computing facility  It relies on the network connections between: – computing elements – storage elements – workload management servers – logging and bookkeeping servers – grid user interfaces The reliability of EGI/NGIs is directly related to the reliability of GÉANT and the NREN networks

9 connect communicate collaborate High Speed Global Network GÉANT global connectivity and projects

10 connect communicate collaborate GÉANT coverage and EGI footprint GÉANT coverage: Europe International links to networks in – North America – Latin America – Africa – Middle East – Southern Caucasus – Central Asia and the Asia-Pacific region The footprint of the GÉANT and the NREN networks enables a seamless, reliable infrastructure for distributed grid computation.

11 connect communicate collaborate Support: The GÉANT Project Liaison Team GÉANT project is working in collaboration with EGI to constantly improve the research experience of scientists Dedicated team in GÉANT to Projects Liaison and Support Focuses on providing assistance and support to projects, initiatives and organisations (such as EGI) to facilitate and encourage a productive use of Research and Education Networks helping users to understand their network needs supporting projects having connectivity issues

12 connect communicate collaborate CONNECTIVITY SERVICESNECTIVITY SERVICES

13 connect communicate collaborate Dedicated connectivity services 1/2 Demanding projects require dedicated, specialised network connectivity services GÉANT offers three connectivity solutions: Routed IP – GÉANT IP Point-to-Point Circuits: – GÉANT Plus – GÉANT Lambda

14 connect communicate collaborate Dedicated connectivity services 2/2 GÉANT IP – high bandwidth connectivity for millions of academic users through NRENs via the shared GÉANT IP backbone network. GÉANT Plus and GÉANT Lambda – point-to-point circuit services – dedicated bandwidth and guaranteed QoS. GÉANT Plus – flexible allocation (155Mb/s to 10Gb/s) – user-dedicated point-to-point connections GÉANT Lambda – full 10 Gbps wavelengths – to support projects with particularly demanding network requirements

15 connect communicate collaborate MONITORING

16 connect communicate collaborate Multi-domain Monitoring for EGI GRID computing in a geographically distributed environment  Multi-domain monitoring solution EGI Network Support Group is liaising with GÉANT about perfSONAR

17 connect communicate collaborate perfSONAR for EGI perfSONAR is: Naturally multi-domain: Seamlessly covers multiple network domains Open NGIs may choose to install what they need for their troubleshooting NGIs may develop high-level tools using APIs Based on a OGF standard, open protocol Allowing a flexible access to network measurements Free No fee so it naturally fits in any open GRID business model

18 connect communicate collaborate perfSONAR for EGI perfSONAR enables: proactive monitoring of critical links between GRID components Making EGI NOC able to intervene to detect deteriorations before disruption Improving overall perception of the EGI/NGI resources

19 connect communicate collaborate HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS ART/HUMANITIES BIO-MEDICAL SCIENCES Examples: Some GRID projects already liaising with GÉANT

20 connect communicate collaborate LHC Optical Private Network built with GÉANT Lambdas ALICE CMS ATLAS lhcb

21 connect communicate collaborate Volcano Seismogram sonification: EGI + GÉANT synergy example The idea: making audible the volcano seismograms The ear better than the eye in detecting changes Transforming the volcano seismograms into music correlate volcano stages with melodies and/or sounds The final goal: the “signature tune” of an eruption Volcano scores are also musically interesting! They inherit the richness of the nature Huge amount of computing power to calculate sounds GRID computing (EGI) Advanced networking for reliable data transfer from seismic stations in the world to computing nodes

22 connect communicate collaborate Volcano sonification application: The Mountain, music from 4 volcanoes The Mountain: world premier 10-11 Sept 2009, The Kennedy Center, Washington DC, USA 4 volcanoes: Etna, Tungurahua, Pinatubo, Mayon Data transferred across GÉANT network, TEIN3, ALICE2 intercontinental links Computation on EGEE III (now EGI) infrastructure Music by Domenico Vicinanza; choreography by Jason Garcia Ignacio Info:

23 connect communicate collaborate Ancient Instrument Reconstruction and real-time network performances New artistic/cultural events based on remote collaborations fusing experiences and cultural backgrounds Live, real-time distributed performance Stockholm, 1-2 December 2009 Two continents, two cultures 9,300 Km apart – joined through a music and dance performance – made possible by advanced connectivity Two ancient instruments virtually reconstructed – made possible by distributed computing

24 connect communicate collaborate The intercontinental link between London and Singapore GÉANT-TEIN3 network link: 2.5 Gbit/s optical connection Madrid - Singapore spanning almost 10,000 Km. TEIN3: third generation of the Trans-Eurasia Information Network (TEIN) High-capacity Internet for research and education communities across Asia-Pacific.

25 connect communicate collaborate Two special instruments on stage Two very special musical instruments on stage: the Epigonion and the Barbiton Ancient Greek instruments reconstructed by the ASTRA project using physical modelling Computer virtual models based on archaeological findings Sound reconstruction and 3-D modelling on EGI Infrastructure The Epigonion (a) and the Barbiton (b) Photo courtesy of F. Baghino and F. Ugozzoli, VisArc Studio, Parma, Italy for ASTRA

26 connect communicate collaborate On stage, from Stockholm GÉANT Launch performance from Stockholm. Epigonion+Barbiton reconstructed on EGI, played by the first musician on the left Malaysian dancers choreography projected in the upper right corner, behind the musicians Video available on Epigonion and Barbiton Reconstructed on EGI Dancers real-time video from Kuala-Lumpur via GÉANT-TEIN3 networks

27 connect communicate collaborate neuGRID/outGRID neuGRID: new user-friendly Grid-based research e- Infrastructure for bio-medicine Collection and archiving of large amounts of imaging data Computationally intensive data analyses of the images Advanced visualisation of the results. Large sets of brain images to identify neurodegenerative disease markers, for example, for Alzheimer’s disease through the analysis of 3D magnetic resonance brain images The Grid infrastructure is based on EGI GLite middleware.

28 connect communicate collaborate Collaboration between GRIDs and R&E Networks The outGRID project aims at supporting three e-infrastructures neuGRID in Europe CBRAIN in Canada LONI at UCLA in the USA to converge into one unique worldwide facility thanks to Distributed Computation (EGI) & International Connectivity (GÉANT) GÉANT Project Support team is liaising with outGRID to improve network performances across the Atlantic

29 connect communicate collaborate Conclusions Computing grids and Research & Education (R&E) Networks are increasingly growing to respond to the evolving requirements of demanding scientific and education disciplines. Synergy: power of geographically distributed computation + reliability of advance networks dedicated to the research community. Advanced R&E networking provides the reliable connectivity which enables scalable, sustainable distributed grid computing infrastructure in Europe and other parts of the world. GÉANT supports EGI projects through its Liaison and Support team providing assistance and support to facilitate and encourage productive use of the network.

30 connect communicate collaborate Thanks! Questions? Sustainable, Collaborative Research EGI NGIs NRENs GÉANT

31 connect communicate collaborate Extra slides for Questions

32 connect communicate collaborate GÉANT IP The GÉANT IP service offers NRENs access to the shared European IP backbone. IPv4 and IPv6 support VPN, Multicast, Premium IP Robust high-bandwidth solution to the international connectivity requirements of the majority of academic users. Resilient service in the case of hardware failure or fibre cuts Advanced routing equipment to ensure fast recovery from unexpected events. GÉANT IP access is available to NRENs at capacities of up to 20 Gbps, subject to technical and commercial considerations.

33 connect communicate collaborate GÉANT Plus and GÉANT Lambda GÉANT Plus User access to point-to-point circuits of between 155 Mbps and 10 Gbps across an existing pre-provisioned network. Dedicated sub-wavelength point-to-point circuits configured over a network of dark fibre links and TDM (Time-Division Multiplexed) switches. Circuits can be established to many European NRENs Allows NRENs to configure transatlantic circuits to the GÉANT point-of-presence in New York (connecting to Internet2, ESnet and USLHCnet). GÉANT Lambda It provides private, transparent 10 Gbps wavelengths between any two GÉANT NRENs connected to the GÉANT dark fibre cloud. Available to pan-European projects and data intensive users via NRENs with access to GÉANT dark fibre. A GÉANT Lambda is presented to the NREN as a transparent wavelength on which they can then develop their own higher-level network layers.

34 connect communicate collaborate The new perfSONAR (1/2) Since past eight months perfSONAR is undergoing a major restructuring What’s new: Use-case driven design – User-centric rather then technology-centric Improved testing (  improved quality) – New, open, shared testing policies and results Agile/Scrum based software development – Fast release cycles (3 months) Product management function – To act as an user advocate and make sure to correctly steer the development New website being designed First (new) perfSONAR release foreseen for Spring 2011

35 connect communicate collaborate The new perfSONAR (2/2) Interoperability with US and Canada network monitoring New perfSONAR designed around interoperability principles, enabling: – intercontinental network troubleshooting in multi-domain environment, – Dynamic circuit monitoring and – SLA verification Closer interaction with the user community User panel to provide feedback and input to continuously improve the produce

36 connect communicate collaborate List of perfSONAR functionalities interesting for EGI

37 connect communicate collaborate Data Sonification: Dancing on Volcano Scores! Data sonification is the representation of data by sound signals (melodies, sounds, …) It can be considered as the acoustic counterpart of data graphic visualization 10 15 10 8 4 1 4

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