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Manifest Destiny: 1835-1848 Chapter 9. Western Pioneers Section 1.

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1 Manifest Destiny: 1835-1848 Chapter 9

2 Western Pioneers Section 1

3 Americans Head West Americans headed west to: (1) spread religion, (20) own their own farms, (3) GOLD Manifest Destiny: Americans should settled lands from Atlantic to Pacific oceans Plows – help farm the west – J. Wood – iron-bladed plow – J. Deere – steel bladed, sharp plow – McCormick – mechanical reaper

4 Settling the Pacific Coast Oregon was claimed by both the United States and Great Britain 1821, Mexico gained independence from Spain – Mexico now controlled the territory of California

5 Trails West Most popular trail west: Oregon Trail – California Trail & Santa Fe Trail Wagon Train Life – Travel in covered wagons – Used guidebooks made by earlier emigrants – A trip typically took 5-6 months traveling 15 miles/day

6 Native Americans Native Americans gave settlers gifts: food, water, horses, information Settlers did pose a threat to Native Americans’ way of life – Depended on the buffalo for food, shelter, clothes Treaty of Fort Laramie – 8 Native American groups met with the U.S. – U.S. promised lands would forever belong to the Native Americans

7 Mormon Migration Mormon were persecuted for religious beliefs Mormon Church founded by Joseph Smith Mormons led west to Utah by leader Brigham Young

8 Independence for Texas Section 2

9 Opening Texas to Americans Inhabitants established settlements in southern parts of present-day Texas Mexico invited foreigners to TX because Mexico could not persuade its own people to settle in upper parts of Texas National Colonization Act: (1) Mexico gave contractors large grants of TX land, (2) empresarios promised to settle land with certain # of settlers – Mexicans distrusted new settlers because of American lifestyle

10 Texas Goes to War Santa Anna – Mexico’s dictator Mexican Army’s Problems: – No training, no leadership, no support Sam Houston led the Texan troops The Alamo (March 6, 1836) Santa Anna sieges the old mission with only a few Texans inside to defend. Texans hold the Mexican troops, but eventually lose the battle – Goliad – loss, but it united the Texans behind a cause – “Remember the Alamo!”

11 Texas Goes to War San Jacinto – Texas victory! – 700 Mexican soldiers captured; Texans only lost 9 men & 34 were wounded Independence declared September 1836 – Sam Houston elected President of Texas – Texans voted in favor of annexation President Jackson did not want to recognize TX as independent & annex it because: (1) upset balance of free/slave states, (2) did not want to risk a costly war with Mexico

12 War With Mexico Section 3

13 Texas? U.S. claimed TX was part of the Louisiana Purchase President John Tyler wanted to annex TX, but Northern congressmen opposed it because TX would be a slave state & Mexico never recognized TX as independent

14 Texas & Oregon in the Union No reelection for Tyler because he included a pro-slavery letter in the annexation proposal of TX, oops! – TX annexation – Senate voted 35 against – 16 for – Election of 1844 Whig = Henry Clay Democrat = James K. Polk – 11 th U.S. President – He promised to annex TX & Oregon & buy California Oregon – U.S. & Great Britain split OR – 49°

15 Annexation of Texas 1845, Congress votes to annex TX as President Tyler is leaving office & Polk is taking office – Mexico cut off diplomatic ties with the U.S. – Mexico & U.S. disputed the location of the TX southwestern border Mexico = Nueces River U.S. = Rio Grande River – When Polk wanted to buy CA it made things worse Mexico refused to meet with Slidell, the representative from the U.S.

16 War With Mexico Polk ordered General Zachary Taylor to lead U.S. troops – He wanted to taunt the Mexican army so they would shoot first – 1846 = Americans @ war – “American blood has been shed on American soil!” 3-Pronged Military Strategy – Page 309 – read & find out

17 War with Mexico Americans took lots of Mexican land, but Mexico refused to surrender – 1847, Mexico City is captured by General Winfield Scott – important because it the capital Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the Mexican- American War – Mexico ceded more than 500,000 square miles of land to the U.S. – Rio Grande – TX border – U.S. paid Mexico $15 million & took $3.25 million in debts

18 War with Mexico Manifest Destiny dream is accomplished! But the question of slavery in the newly acquired lands would begin tensions leading to the Civil War

19 French – Bought it for $15 million Spain – Adams-Onis Treaty: Spain ceded (gave up) lands Mexico – Texas applied for statehood/approved 1845 Mexico – Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Mexico – Purchase it for $10 million in 1853 Great Britain – Border dispute settled by President Polk (49 degrees N Latitude)

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