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C.B.T. Administrator course
Training & Flight Operations Support and Services AIRBUS LMS C.B.T. Administrator course
AIRBUS LMS SUMMARY Introduction Quick installation
LMS Software Presentation LMS Installation Courseware Installation LMS Administration Backup, customization and security STUDENT NOTES
AIRBUS LMS: Introduction
MENU displayed to the STUDENT
AIRBUS LMS: Introduction MENU displayed to the STUDENT STUDENT NOTES
LMS ROUTER displayed to the STUDENT
MODULE displayed to the STUDENT
AIRBUS LMS: Introduction MODULE displayed to the STUDENT STUDENT NOTES
From USER to Courseware
AIRBUS LMS: Introduction From USER to Courseware USER What you manage GROUP COURSE STUDENT NOTES What you load Module Module Module Module
AIRBUS LMS: Introduction
Settings User’s Interface Users Administrators Instructors Statistics Login Routers STUDENT NOTES Lessons Menus Groups
AIRBUS LMS: Quick installation
Installing the LMS AIRBUS LMS Database: mySQL installation is not included since LMS due to new licensing constraints Create / Upgrade databases (auto) on a specified mySQL instance AIRBUS LMS: Apache and PHP Installation (auto) Link to the data folder (manual) AIRBUS LMS application STUDENT NOTES
AIRBUS LMS: Software Presentation
AGR-010 AICC Communication LMS Internet Explorer Firefox PHP Apache PPT GSM EXE MySql API STUDENT NOTES AICC Proxy Windows Windows LMS Web Server Client Workstation
AIRBUS LMS: Software Presentation
Architecture Airbus LMS components AICC proxy GSM viewer Acrobat PDF Viewer PPT Viewer Flash Viewer MSORun Exe launcher WINDOWS 2003 IE 5.5 or higher WINDOWS XP IE 7.0 / 8.0 / 9.0 Firefox 3 Internet Explorer Firefox HTTP protocol Network APACHE Airbus LMS SERVER STUDENT NOTES PHP Data of courses MySql
AIRBUS LMS: Installation
mySQL Installation The installation of mySQL is not part of LMS installer package since LMS for licensing constraints. You have to: Download a mySQL installer package Follow installation steps in order to install mySQL on a dedicated server or on the server which will be used to install LMS Application This is recommended to install mySQL workbench tool in order to manage mySQL operations (database backup...) LMS has been tested using mySQL 5.5. Thereafter some mySQL installation screenshot STUDENT NOTES
LMS Database Installation
AIRBUS LMS: Installation LMS Database Installation The installation of “AIRBUS LMS Database” must be done: Once mySQL has been installed on the server (use mySQL independant installer packager) Prior to AIRBUS LMS installation On the database server (where mySQL has been installed) Windows: Run DATABASE\AIRBUS LMS DATABASE (x.y.z) EN.msi from the Installation CD-ROM and follow the instructions. If the installation consists in a LMS prior to upgrade, existing data will be copied to target mySQL instance during “LMS Database installation” STUDENT NOTES
AIRBUS LMS: Installation
Server Installation The installation of the “AIRBUS LMS” must be done After AIRBUS LMS Database installation On the server Windows: Run SERVER\AIRBUS LMS (x.y.z) EN.exe from the Installation CD-ROM and follow the instructions. STUDENT NOTES
AIRBUS LMS: Installation
LMS configuration : Apache Web Server Apache Web server version 2 LMS specific configuration files Apache log files database PHP installation folder LMS base installation folder Part of LMS (not available over HTTP) Part of LMS (available over HTTP) STUDENT NOTES
AIRBUS LMS Configuration file webcmi.conf
This is the main LMS configuration file For the LMS application, it is only used to configure the DATA LOCATION by means of an AliasMatch definition. Example : AliasMatch ^/[wW][eE][bB][cC][mM][iI]/[dD][aA][tT][aA]/(.*) d:/data/$1 AliasMatch ^/[wW][eE][bB][cC][mM][iI]/[dD][aA][tT][aA]/(.*) ”d:/long filename/$1” Notes : All other parameters are set in the Administrator menus of the LMS The Apache service must be restarted after any modification For security the passwords for LMS login must be changed after installation STUDENT NOTES
Components installation
AIRBUS LMS: Installation Components installation STUDENT NOTES
AIRBUS LMS: Courseware Installation
CMI COURSEWARE CDROM AIRBUS LMS: Courseware Installation AIRBUS CMI Autorun CD / DVD-Rom structure Menus & routers Routers Modules STUDENT NOTES CMIBASE contains menus and routers (.MNU and .SER) MDB & XML contains routers (.MDB, VACBI CMI sources & .XML) DATA contains modules (.HTM, .HTML, .DAT, .PPT, etc...)
AIRBUS LMS: Courseware Installation
CMI COURSEWARE CDROM AIRBUS LMS: Courseware Installation AIRBUS LMS Autorun 1.X CD / DVD-Rom structure Modules Menus & routers (XML) STUDENT NOTES Routers for CMI DATA contains modules (.HTM, .HTML, .PDF, etc...) LMS\Menu-Router contains menus and routers (.XML)
AIRBUS LMS: Courseware Installation
CMI COURSEWARE CDROM AIRBUS LMS: Courseware Installation AIRBUS LMS Autorun 2.X CD / DVD-Rom structure Modules Menus & routers (XML) Routers for CMI STUDENT NOTES DATA contains modules (.HTM, .HTML, .PDF, etc...) LMS\Menu-Router contains menus and routers (.XML) Folders structure between AUTORUN 1.X and 2.X are far different because AUTORUN 2.X is based on HTTP and AIR runtime framework
AIRBUS LMS: Courseware Installation
AUTOMATIC mode Performed from media delivered in standard (data + routers) Automatic installation - Extraction from an Autorun CD-ROM STUDENT NOTES
AIRBUS LMS: Courseware Installation
AUTOMATIC Mode: Uploading a course Autorun-CMI CD-ROM extractor. Import the menus and routers. Copy the data files (Optional ). Update the filenames (URLs). Create a group linked to. STUDENT NOTES Note : This utility is called from the desktop menu Start >> Programs >> Airbus >> Airbus LMS CDExtractor >> LMSCDExtractor.exe
AIRBUS LMS: Courseware Installation
AUs filenames extensions CMI LMS .dat .dat.html .ppt .ppt.html .doc.htm .doc.htm .htm .htm .html .html .pdf .pdf .exe .exe.html STUDENT NOTES
AIRBUS LMS: Administration
User’s Profiles Administrator Instructor Student STUDENT NOTES
AIRBUS LMS: Administration
Roster Groups management A course is assigned to a group Users management A user is assigned to a group Type Manages Password STUDENT NOTES Administrators System,Students,Course Mandatory Instructors Students Mandatory Examination managers eTest Optional Students Runs Courses Optional
AIRBUS LMS: Administration
Add Delete Edit Copy Import Export Groups CSV Users Menus MNU XML Routers AICC AUs, TDs STUDENT NOTES RD Tool
AIRBUS LMS: Administration
Assignable Units Edition STUDENT NOTES
AIRBUS LMS: Administration AU: USUAL COMMAND LINES in LMS Filenames : Legacy: data/…/filename.dat.html {GSM} data/…/filename.ppt.html {Microsoft POWERPOINT} data/…/filename.exe.html {Executable} New devs: data/…/ filename.doc/ filename.doc.htm {Maintenance} data/…/filename.htm {Flight, Cabin} data/…/filename_files/fullscreen.htm {Flight, Cabin} STUDENT NOTES
AIRBUS LMS: Administration
Training Devices %PROGRAMFILES%/airbus/airbus lms/gsm/lmstgsm.exe {GSM configuration} C:/MFTD_Launch_LR/LR_Launcherforinstructor.vbs MFTD 2D C:/FapA318/FapA318.bat FAP C:/A320FMGS/SystExe.exe FMGS C:/Program Files/AIRBUS/MFTD/mtd3456.bat MFTD 3456 STUDENT NOTES
AIRBUS LMS: Administration
Customizing the LMS Manage settings Login text & picture Authentication setting Auto-enrol setting Group editing for instructors Display settings for configuration options Setup menu Tools menu Contact button Default resolution STUDENT NOTES
AIRBUS LMS: Administration
Student Reports STUDENT NOTES
AIRBUS LMS: Backup and securization
Backup / Restore / Secure Secure the station: basics Secure a workstation with GPO (Group Policies Object). through the Active Directory or Locally ( LGPO ). Customization of the station Internet Explorer , Windows Media Player,….. LMS database backup and restore Tool to save MYSQL Databases STUDENT NOTES
AIRBUS LMS: Backup and securization
phpMyAdmin tool mySQL is no more part of LMS installation package. For such a reason, you should install a dedicated tool to perform mySQL operations phpMyAdmin or MySQL Administrator are two possible tools. Rem: phpMyAdmin is no more installed with LMS and above STUDENT NOTES
Documentation AIRBUS LMS
AIRBUS CBT Workstation Technical Specification, AIRBUS CBT Server Technical Specification, AIRBUS LMS Installation. AIRBUS LMS User Guide. AIRBUS LMS Courses importation. AIRBUS LMS Manual Courses installation. AIRBUS LMS CMI Autorun Extractor. MySQL Administrator. Problem Report. Join AILMSSR.DOC STUDENT NOTES
© AIRBUS S. A. S. All rights reserved
© AIRBUS S.A.S. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. This document and all information contained herein is the sole property of AIRBUS S.A.S.. No intellectual property rights are granted by the delivery of this document or the disclosure of its content. This document shall not be reproduced or disclosed to a third party without the express written consent of AIRBUS S.A.S. This document and its content shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied. The statements made herein do not constitute an offer. They are based on the mentioned assumptions and are expressed in good faith. Where the supporting grounds for these statements are not shown, AIRBUS S.A.S. will be pleased to explain the basis thereof. AIRBUS, its logo, A300, A310, A318, A319, A320, A321, A330, A340, A350, A380, A400M are registered trademarks.
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