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Welcome to the 8 th Grade We are looking forward to a WONDERFUL year!!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the 8 th Grade We are looking forward to a WONDERFUL year!!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to the 8 th Grade We are looking forward to a WONDERFUL year!!

3 Meet your teachers:  Reading and LA: Mrs. Scroggs  Math: Mr. Morrison  Science: Mrs. Cleek  Social Studies: Ms. Pierce

4  Individually wrapped candy  Kleenex  Pencils  Paper towels  Dry erase markers  Hand sanitizer  Band Aids  Did I mention CANDY?

5 Supplies to bring EVERY DAY to class:  Pencil/Markers/Crayons  Paper  Binder or Notebook  Thumb Drive ***NOT being prepared for class will result in loss of break privileges, so keep up with your materials!

6 8:00-8:15 Homeroom 8:15-9:35 Connections 9:35-10:50 2nd Period 10:50-12:00 3rd Period 12:00-2:00 4th Period w/ lunch 2:00-2:15 Break time (switch to 5th period before starting) 2:15-3:30 5th period

7  Starter and Review  Daily Lesson: will include new material, practice and enrichment (journals/writing, reading, summarizing, problem solving and project work).  End of Class: will include any or all of the following: “Ticket out the Door”, review activity, collection of electronics.

8 GRADES  Tests/Projects will count as 60% of your grade, while daily work will count as 40%. Projects and presentations will make up a large percentage of you grade, so be thoughtful about your work. Starters and class work will count as daily work. Unit exams, semester final exams, and published writing pieces are all included in the Tests/Projects category.

9 Entering the classroom:  You are to stand in line outside of the classroom door and wait for the class before yours to empty.  Stand quietly in the hall and keep your hands to yourself!!  You will place all electronics (cell phone, I- Pod/MP3, PSP, Gameboy, etc) in a container as you enter every 8 th grade classroom.  They will be returned to you as class ends.  If there is an issue, please leave electronics at home.

10 What to do when you get seated:  You will have a STARTER at the beginning of each class.  This may be a journal entry, CRCT questions, or other activity.  When you turn in an assignment you will put your name, date, and period at top of paper.  Come in and get started quickly…we have LOTS of things to accomplish, so you’ll be prepared for high school!

11 What if you finish an assignment early??  You may read a book, magazine, etc.  Work on the computer.  Do work from another class

12 Getting your attention:  You have two eyes, two ears, and one mouth, you should look and listen twice as much as you talk!  Your teacher will give you a cue when they want you to pay attention.  I will count down from 3. When I get to 1 you should be quiet. If you continue to talk, prepare for consequences.

13 GUM Policy You can have gum if…  You do NOT ask for it during class or distract others about it  You do NOT blow bubbles or smack it with your mouth open (as some of you know this is a MAJOR peeve of mine )  It doesn’t end up on the floors, desks, walls or anywhere, except the garbage  You keep all wrappers and trash picked up

14 Tardy Policy Students are tardy at 8:00 every morning. They should check in at the front office before coming to class. If students are late to class throughout the day and do not have a hall pass from another teacher, they will be considered tardy.

15 RESTROOMS  You may get permission during Homeroom.  You may go between connections and 2 nd block with permission from your teacher. Don’t walk in, sit down, hang out, then ask…you’ll be denied.  All 8 th grade classes will take a group break after lunch.  You will be allowed to go during your break between 4 th and 5 th blocks.  You will be given 5 emergency passes to use for each semester. It’s your responsibility to keep up with them. If you lose it, too bad. Those 5 passes may be used during any class (not connections).

16 Hallway Passes  You must have the class pass to go to the office, media center, or any other teacher’s class.  Counselor: Mrs. Withrow is our only counselor this year. If you need to see her, then your teacher will email her. Then, she can call you out of class or make an appointment with you.  There is not a nurse this year and pain reliever will not be given out in the office. If you have a need for medicine, you must leave a bottle with your name and your parent’s signature in the office before school. You CANNOT carry it around with you during school.  Emergency Bathroom Pass (5 per semester)

17 Citations  1 st -parent signature on citation  2 nd -call/email parent  3 rd -parent meeting/team isolation 1 day  4 th -office referral *After 4 citations, you will be directly referred to the office and behavior contracts will be issued per Mrs. Blanchard.

18 What actions cause you to get a citation or lose your break… Break (Tues/Thurs): -Not coming to class with paper, pencil, and/or materials -Lunchroom misbehavior -Talking without permission or interrupting class excessively Citation: -Inappropriate comments/questions to teachers or students -Bullying (verbal or physical), even if “you’re just kidding” -Bad attitude towards teacher/students, temper tantrums, etc. NO EXCUSES OR ARUGMENTS!!!


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