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Improving Communication and Coordination in Highway Work Zones Kimberly Peters Incident Management Program Director, INDOT Event Date.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Communication and Coordination in Highway Work Zones Kimberly Peters Incident Management Program Director, INDOT Event Date."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Communication and Coordination in Highway Work Zones Kimberly Peters Incident Management Program Director, INDOT Event Date

2 The Problem

3 The Solution Incident Management Special Provision Coordination Maps Training Closure Points Equipment Communication Portable Dynamic Message Signs (PDMS) Live Video Feed

4 Incident Management Special Provision Coordination Reducing Incident Duration Improving Safety Training for Contractor Maps INCIDENT MANAGEMENT The Contractor is advised that INDOT will be implementing Incident Management initiatives on this project. This concept requires coordination between key project personnel and the various agencies responding to crashes and incidents within the limits of the project. This system makes the best use of the assets available to obtain access to the incident scene for emergency vehicles as quickly and safely as possible and return traffic flows to normal with the least inconvenience to the motoring public. This system will also better facilitate responses to injured workers within the project area. The single most valuable component in Incident Management is coordination. Coordination of resources on the job as well as coordination between all the emergency responders is a must for efficient response in emergency situations. Prior to the award of this contract, INDOT will establish an Incident Management Task Force comprised of many of the agencies that will likely be involved in the event of an emergency within or adjacent to the work zone. The Incident Management Task Force facilitated by INDOT is responsible for establishing policies and procedures that specifically address the detection, verification, response, management, and clearance of incidents within or adjacent to the work zone. The Contractor shall assign at a minimum the designated Worksite Traffic Supervisor to participate in the task force as the Contractor’s Incident Management Liaison. Prior to the start of construction the Incident Management Liaison shall arrange for a brief (1-2 hour) Incident Management training session for the Contractor’s key personnel (superintendents, lead foremen, and tow truck operators) to be conducted by INDOT. This training will help to familiarize the Contractor’s personnel with the Incident Management Plan and all procedures developed by the task force that will need to be followed throughout the project. It will be the responsibility of the Incident Management Liaison to update these personnel when changes to the Incident Management Plan are implemented. The Contractor’s Incident Management Liaison shall coordinate all incident response requirements per the Indiana Design Manual, Chapter 81, Traffic Incident Management Plan with the Director of Public Safety Operations. The Incident Management Liaison shall prepare and distribute Incident Management Maps (as approved by the Engineer) to agencies identified by the Incident Management Task Force. Maps shall be updated at a minimum of once per change of phase in maintenance of traffic plan or at the discretion of the Incident Management Task Force. The maps shall be no larger than 279mm X 432mm (11”x17”), in color, to scale, and include at a minimum the following:

5 Incident Management Maps Outline of Roadway Geometry Cross Section Rally Points Fire Hydrants Emergency Access Closure Points Diversion Equipment Locations



8 Closure Points Diversion Equipment Safety Drums Arrow Board

9 Communication Mutual Aid Channel Dispatch Centers Emergency Contact List Progress Meeting

10 Portable Dynamic Message Signs Contract Pay Item Aries Field Processors Lane Closures Secondary Crashes

11 Live Video Feed INDOT ATMS Network IP/Analog Cameras Video goes to TMC Redistributed thru AXIS Video Encoder https://

12 Questions

13 Kimberly Peters Incident Management Program Director INDOT - Indianapolis Traffic Management Center Office: (317) 899-8619 Cell: (317) 605-4798

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