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Evaluating the 21 st Century Educator with Fidelity School Executive Training Beaufort County Schools April 19, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluating the 21 st Century Educator with Fidelity School Executive Training Beaufort County Schools April 19, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluating the 21 st Century Educator with Fidelity School Executive Training Beaufort County Schools April 19, 2012

2 Before We Begin… 2 Visit:  Add this wiki space to your favorites  Download and save the presentation and handouts found under “Region 1 Events”  Username: Principaldemo (Any number 1-40)  Password: 123456

3 Can We Agree? Appreciation for one another Exchange ideas freely Influence what we can Opportunity to reflect Unite in purpose

4 Our Agenda Welcome, introductions, and agenda overview Identify the effective teaching practices found in the 21 st Century classroom? Review of the standards and the evaluation rubric with a focus on inter-rater reliability. Review summative evaluation procedures Review end-of-year reminders Ticket-out-the-door 4

5 Affinity Diagram Individually and Silently Consider the characteristics of a highly effective teacher. Write one thought that comes to mind per sticky note As a table group Categorize similar ideas Identify top five characteristics Be prepared to share with the group

6 North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards 6

7 Performance Rating Scale Developing Proficient Accomplished Distinguished Demonstrated adequate growth during the period of performance, but did not demonstrate competence on standard(s) of performance Demonstrated basic competence on standards of performance Exceeded basic competence on standards for performance most of the time Consistently and significantly exceeded basic competence on standards of performance Not Demonstrated Did not demonstrate competence on, or adequate growth toward, achieving standard(s) of performance *Requires documentation

8 The developing teacher tells The proficient teacher explains The accomplished teacher demonstrates The distinguished teacher inspires 8

9 Standard I: Teachers Demonstrate Leadership Activity Identify the descriptors for Standard 1 List examples of evidence that would illustrate a teacher who is rated from developed to distinguished Things to remember: The levels are cumulative across the rows of the rubric List teacher and students behavior It may be helpful to divide your paper into 4 quadrants Share with the group 9

10 Let’s Practice with Standard 4 Locate Standard 4 Log into the McRel demo site  Username: Principaldemo (Any number 1-40)  Password: 123456 View the video Record evidence that supports Standard 4 Discuss your observations with your table 10

11 Table Activity As a group: Go to the McRel demo site –Username: Principaldemo (any number 1-40) –Password: 123456 Open a “New Observation” Complete an Abbreviated Observation using the rubric Use the “Checking Evidence” guide to review the evidence collected by your group Discuss and share your impressions with the group 11

12 5 Minute Break

13 North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process: Preparing the Summative and Other End of Year Essentials

14 DRAFT Important Reminder *This is a minimum standard to meet the state requirement. The district may require additional observations. Any teacher may be moved to a full cycle as needed.

15 STEP 1: Training and Orientation STEP 2: Teacher Self- Assessment and Pre- Observation Conference STEP 3: Observations and Post- Observation Conferences STEP 4: Summary Evaluation Conference, Scoring the Teacher Summary Rating Form and Professional Development Plan Teacher Evaluation Process 15

16 Observe/Report

17 Observer Task Tab

18 New Form

19 Pre-Populated Form

20 Summary Rating Form

21 View Rubric Form

22 Viewing Previous Observations


24 Radio Buttons

25 Additional Documentation

26 Summary Status

27 Electronic Signature

28 Review Record of Teacher Activities Form Click Record of Teacher Evaluation Activities (form was automatically created when the Summary Rating Sheet was created) in the Forms box


30 Let’s Practice Log In to the NCEES System

31 Introduction – Getting Started – cval/demo/ cval/demo/ –Username: principaldemo (#1-40) –Password: 123456

32 Important Reminder The online tool will lockdown on June 30, 2012 for all teacher and administrator evaluations. All data needs to be in the tool by this deadline.

33 Important Reminder To be complete, all forms must be electronically signed by the evaluator and the educator. The system will archive all forms on June 30, 2012.

34 NC Educator Evaluation System (NCEES) Wiki

35 Questions

36 Reflection Visit: Complete the ticket-out-the-door by clicking on the link provided. Your feedback is important to us!

37 Contact Information Beth Edwards, PD Lead, Region 1 (252) 916-6842 Dianne Meiggs, PD Lead, Region 1 (252) 340-0113

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