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Policies Related to Natural Resource Management c (6) D Taken From: rights-surface-rights-2682.html

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1 Policies Related to Natural Resource Management c (6) D Taken From: rights-surface-rights-2682.html rights-surface-rights-2682.html

2 Can you name a rule or government policy you must follow? How about following posted speed limit signs? ? Government policies are like rules. These rules get proposed and passed so that we can ensure safety of the public. Government policies related to natural resources and energy production are much like our posted speed limit signs. Today we will: – Identify policy affecting the use of natural resources and energy production and – Research ecological controls of natural resources.

3 What is a POLICY? A policy is a plan or course of action intended to influence and determine decisions, actions and other matters. Government policies related to natural resource management provide the guidance to help us make decisions regarding our natural resources.

4 One example of policy in natural resource management is the Edwards Aquifer Act. Below are the laws and regulations applicable to the Edwards Aquifer – The Endangered Species Act – Senate Bill 1477 and House Bill 3189 – TCEQ and EAA Rules – Sole Source Aquifer Designation The Edwards Aquifer Website:

5 Energy policy is similar to natural resource policy, but the context is applied to the production of energy rather than natural resources. The All-of-the-Above Energy Strategy proposed by the Obama administration has been met with controversy, but seeks to address the following major issues: – Safe and Responsible Domestic Oil and Gas Production – Carbon Capture and Sequestration Technologies – Advancing Clean Energy – Advancing Energy Efficiency – Developing Clean Fuels – Reducing Our Dependence on Foreign Oil Energy, Climate Change and Our Environment:

6 Ecological Controls in Natural Resource Management When we test the natural limits of our environment, we are experiencing an ecological control Many believe issues such as climate change are a result of humans testing the limits of nature, because of pollution and energy use, our ecosystem will not be able to continue well into the future without major changes in society.

7 Activity… Review the Case Study over the Edwards Aquifer Consider the laws and regulations mentioned What would you propose to help clarify these issues?

8 Conduct a Search… For ecological controls such as desertification, global warming, and greenhouse gases. What changes must our society make to ensure our existence? cat=climateChange&vid=23#.VAIelvmwLYg cat=climateChange&vid=23#.VAIelvmwLYg

9 Summary & Evaluation – Describe a policy related to natural resource management. – Describe a policy related to energy production. – Discuss ecological control and how it may impact our lives in the future.

10 References The Edwards Aquifer Website: Energy, Climate Change and Our Environment: american-energy american-energy The World Preservation Foundation: Natural Resources Defense Council:

11 College and Career Readiness Standards Social Studies I. C. 3 Social Studies I. E. 1, 4 Social Studies IV. A. 1, 3

12 Developed by the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education & Communications, Texas A&M University for the Texas Education Agency, Educational Excellence Project for AFNR ©Texas Education Agency, 2014

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