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Objective: Enabling students to translate from English into Arabic and vice versa. Why teach translation: It develops accuracy, fluency, clarity, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: Enabling students to translate from English into Arabic and vice versa. Why teach translation: It develops accuracy, fluency, clarity, and."— Presentation transcript:


2 Objective: Enabling students to translate from English into Arabic and vice versa. Why teach translation: It develops accuracy, fluency, clarity, and flexibility. It develops the four basic language skills. It leads to vocabulary learning. It develops dictionary skills. It acquaints learners with grammar, spelling and punctuation.

3 How to make translation a more motivating learning process: 1. Teacher preparation phase: Set your learning objectives Contextualize the materials you use in translation Consider the degree of difficulty & topics Consider the translation problems to be solved, etc Use the materials in a communicative situation; it would help SS focus on meaning

4 The Reading phase: Read the whole text thoroughly and critically Things to do Underline unfamiliar words Detect translation difficulties Contextualize lexical items; never isolate them Use adaptation where necessary

5 Questions to ask Why has this been written this way? Why does this sentence or paragraph come first? Is there any reason for having this long sentence? Why is this sentence so short? Does it matter if I merge sentences? Does it matter if I split long sentences? What will be the effect if I do so?

6 3. Reconstruction of meaning Translation is about conveying meaning Translation is a process of decoding and encoding

7 4. Correcting a translation: (Correction techniques) Use various correction techniques Students correct an inaccurate translation Using an incorrect translation alongside a correct one Spotting mistakes in a translated text Confront the translated text with the original text

8 5. Correction checklist In the correction or revision stage the students should pay attention to the following: Comprehension: sense and ideas Lexis and Syntax Writing style and register Spelling and punctuation Creative solutions to translation problems Cohesion and coherence Assessment of the result and post-edition Format

9 Tips on how to make translation more motivating: Create comprehensible situations where SS could use translation communicatively such as interpreters, foreigners, diplomats, tourists, etc. Use group preparation 2- Use parallel texts 3- Use Bilingual Dialogues 4- Use role-play 5- Use the language lab for translation purposes 6- Translation tools reinforce language learning

10 Conclusion: When using translation... Always put translation work in context. Point out relevant cultural elements. Point out connotations, idioms, collocations, etc. Translate words in frequent collocations - not words in isolation. Point out differences in syntax. Use audio-visual aids whenever possible. Compare how the two languages categorise reality.

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