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The Political Spectrum Chapter 5: “Political Parties”

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1 The Political Spectrum Chapter 5: “Political Parties”

2 What famous historical figure do you share a spot on the political spectrum with?


4 First off, let us understand the TRUE meaning of the term LIBERAL * Liberal in the CLASSICAL sense of the word = “hands-off” * * George Washington’s “liberal democracy” – 1790 * America today… LIBERTARIANISM! Just kidding.

5 What are the problems with this linear representation of political philosophy? Stalin, Mao and… Gandhi? Pinochet and… Rand? Democrats? Republicans?

6 By adding a social dimension (y axis) you can show the differences between Stalin, Gandhi and Democrats; Pinochet, Rand and Republicans!


8 Complete Economic and Social freedom. Complete Economic and Social regulation. Complete Economic regulation, complete Social freedom. Complete Economic freedom, complete Social regulation.

9 First, let’s look at the economic scale (x axis)! * Communism (LEFT) and Liberalism (RIGHT) *

10 Left (Communism)Right (Liberalism) Economic Issues Planned/regulated markets High (or absolute) taxation Limits on prop. ownership Collectivization Free and open markets Free/open trade Limited or no taxation Private Property

11 Next, let’s look at the social scale (y axis)! * Authoritarianism (top) and Libertarianism (bottom) *

12 Authoritarianism (Fascism) Libertarianism (Anarchism) Social Issues Compulsory military service Regulated ind. behavior, social issues Censorship (speech/media) No (or very small) standing army Un-regulated behavior, social issues Free speech and media

13 Josef Stalin, the USSR and “Stalinism” Stalinist policies in the Soviet Union included: * Socialism * Centralized state * Collectivization of agriculture, industry and manufacturing * Subordination of interests

14 Noam Chomsky and “Libertarian Socialism” * Anti-Capitalism * Anti-Authoritarianism * OPPOSED to the ‘state’ * SPAIN – before WWII… * Strong advocates for CIVIL LIBERTIES, IND. FREEDOM

15 Augusto Pinochet and his Chilean Presidency… After Pinochet took control of the Chilean government: * Cut tariffs (free-trade) to promote global trade * Restricted labor unions… * Privatized social security… * Privatized hundreds of state-controlled industries…

16 Ayn Rand and “Objectivism” “…the police, to protect men from criminals – the armed services, to protect men from foreign invaders – the law courts, to settle disputes among men according to objectively defined laws…" * Objectivists believe government is both legitimate and critically important in order to protect individual rights…

17 Where do we typically designate European countries on the political spectrum?


19 American Politics: REMEMBER, this shows the WHOLE spectrum of political thought. NOT just the national average!

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