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Storyboard for Timeshare Sales Course Michelle Cloos University of Phoenix Online September 11, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Storyboard for Timeshare Sales Course Michelle Cloos University of Phoenix Online September 11, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Storyboard for Timeshare Sales Course Michelle Cloos University of Phoenix Online September 11, 2004

2 Overview Needs Assessment Overall Course Goal Target Audiences Teaching Style Learning Objectives and their Measure of Success Teaching & Assessment Methods Class Activities, Assessment Methods and Materials Internet Presentation Styles and Tools Communication Tools Content Presentation Tools and Features Student Participation/Study Tools Assessment Tools

3 Needs Assessment Overall Course Goal To re-train and revamp the sales industry, so that all sales representatives follow the same rules of sales. Sales Rep will be able to recite the 10 Steps to a Sale with 90% accuracy. Sales Rep will be able to provide examples of the “2 Silver Bullets” with 100% accuracy. Sales Rep will increase their sales stats by 5%

4 Target Audience Sales representatives that are currently in the vacation ownership sales industry. Experience will vary from no experience to 10+ years of experience. English Speaking All reps will do training from a computer provided by the company at the office during regular working hours.

5 Teaching Style Online classroom setting. The learner will be given several handouts about the 10 Steps to the Sale and the Discovery information. I will be available as the facilitator if the learner has any questions in house.

6 Class Learning Objectives and their Measure of Success Able to recite with 90% accuracy the 10 Steps to the Sale Measurement= A quiz is developed with a question “what are the 10 steps to a sale?” Able to provide an example of the 2 silver bullets with 100% accuracy Measurement= Divide into two pairs after completing course. Sales reps will grade each other.

7 Learning Objectives (cont’d) Improve closing sales % by 5% Measurement= At the end of each week we will compare sales reps stats to see if they improved by 5%. Provide written documentation how the course has helped them improve their sales %. Measurement= Weekly summary of techniques that came out of the course.

8 Teaching & Assessment Methods Performance of skill, or technique-Did the sales reps closing % increase by 5%? Peer Assessment- Was the sales rep able to demonstrate the 2 silver bullets with 100% accuracy to another rep? Written assignments- Did the rep complete a weekly summary of techniques that helped them improve their closing percent?

9 Teaching & Assessment Methods (cont’d) Quiz- Was the sales rep able to complete the question “what are the 10 steps to a sale?” with 90% accuracy? Self-test- Did the sales reps’ stats improve by at least 5%?

10 Class Activities, Assessment Methods and Materials Handouts 10 Steps To a Sale The Discovery Representative’s Functions Quiz questions What are the 10 Steps to a Sale? What are the reps functions? What are the 2 Silver Bullets? PowerPoint presentation Overview of the 10 Steps to a Sale, the discovery, reps functions and the 2 silver bullets

11 Internet Presentation Styles and Tools Email- the sales rep will be able to get in touch with the facilitator and ask questions when needed. Posted Discussion Questions- DQ’s will be posted and sales reps will be able to provide answers and post additional questions to their peers. Chatrooms- A safe place for sales reps to chat about what’s working and what is not. To gain knowledge and advice from other people in the sales industry.

12 Content Presentation Tools and Features Animations- Fun pictures of different places in the vacation industry. Possible pictures of rewards for improving their %. Hyperlinks to other sites- Other websites directly related to the sales industry. Links for bookstores where sales reps could purchase books to improve their sales. Self-directed materials- The sales rep will be able to move through the course at their own pace. They will be able to stop and save the information to finish on another day.

13 Student Participation/Study Tools Search tools or engines- The sales rep will be able to look up additional information on the web to help them increase their sales %. Comparison of performance to class- The sales reps will have visual stats of all members of the sales team and they will be able to see where they stand. Self-test- The sales rep will be able to repeat the quiz as many times as they like until they reach a 90% accuracy or higher.


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