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Virginia Department of Education Update Virginia Council for Mathematics Supervision Fall 2010 Virginia Department of Education Update Virginia Council.

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1 Virginia Department of Education Update Virginia Council for Mathematics Supervision Fall 2010 Virginia Department of Education Update Virginia Council for Mathematics Supervision Fall 2010 1 Michael Bolling, Mathematics Coordinator Dr. Deborah Wickham, Mathematics Specialist Dedra Wright, Mathematics Specialist


3 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) Provides ~$100 billion to PK-20 education  create jobs  improve student achievement  subject to additional and rigorous reporting requirements Provides ~$100 billion to PK-20 education  create jobs  improve student achievement  subject to additional and rigorous reporting requirements 3

4 October 28, 2010 4 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) “Stimulus Funds” State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) Formula Grants U.S. Sec. of Education’s Portion of SFSF – Competitive ($5 billion) Governor’s Portion of SFSF – Formula ($1.2 billion for Va.) Competitive Grants  Race to the Top (st. & LEAs – $4.35 B)  Innovation Grants (LEAs - $650 M) 18.2% ($218.9 million for VA)  Used to sustain gov’t. services, incl. education 81.8% ($983.9 million for VA)  Distributed between K-12 and Higher Education to cover state budget shortfalls  Based on state funding formulas One-Time Allocations  Title I, Part A  IDEA (school age and preschool)  School Improvement  Educational Technology Grant  Homeless Grant  Equipment Assistance for School Nutrition Programs

5 October 28, 2010 State Fiscal Stabilization Funds (SFSF) and the [Plan for] Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Linked closely through requirements and expectations 5

6 October 28, 2010 State Fiscal Stabilization Funds (SFSF) States MUST advance education reform in specific areas: achieving equity in teacher distribution;achieving equity in teacher distribution; improving collection and use of data;improving collection and use of data; standards and assessments; andstandards and assessments; and supporting struggling schools.supporting struggling schools. States MUST advance education reform in specific areas: achieving equity in teacher distribution;achieving equity in teacher distribution; improving collection and use of data;improving collection and use of data; standards and assessments; andstandards and assessments; and supporting struggling schools.supporting struggling schools. 6

7 October 28, 2010 State Fiscal Stabilization Funds (SFSF) Virginia MUST: Indicate if school divisions’ systems to evaluate teachers and principals includes student achievement outcomes or student growth data as an evaluation criteria;Indicate if school divisions’ systems to evaluate teachers and principals includes student achievement outcomes or student growth data as an evaluation criteria; Virginia MUST: Indicate if school divisions’ systems to evaluate teachers and principals includes student achievement outcomes or student growth data as an evaluation criteria;Indicate if school divisions’ systems to evaluate teachers and principals includes student achievement outcomes or student growth data as an evaluation criteria; 7

8 October 28, 2010 State Fiscal Stabilization Funds (SFSF) Virginia MUST: Provide for each school division in the State whose teachers and principals receive performance ratings or levels through an evaluation system, the number and percentage of teachers and principals rated at each performance rating level;Provide for each school division in the State whose teachers and principals receive performance ratings or levels through an evaluation system, the number and percentage of teachers and principals rated at each performance rating level; Virginia MUST: Provide for each school division in the State whose teachers and principals receive performance ratings or levels through an evaluation system, the number and percentage of teachers and principals rated at each performance rating level;Provide for each school division in the State whose teachers and principals receive performance ratings or levels through an evaluation system, the number and percentage of teachers and principals rated at each performance rating level; 8

9 October 28, 2010 Performance Evaluation Workgroup VDOE has formed a workgroup to conduct a comprehensive study of teacher evaluation as a tool to improve student achievement.VDOE has formed a workgroup to conduct a comprehensive study of teacher evaluation as a tool to improve student achievement. Workgroup will inform the creation of revised guidance documents and new evaluation models that can be used by school divisions.Workgroup will inform the creation of revised guidance documents and new evaluation models that can be used by school divisions. VDOE has formed a workgroup to conduct a comprehensive study of teacher evaluation as a tool to improve student achievement.VDOE has formed a workgroup to conduct a comprehensive study of teacher evaluation as a tool to improve student achievement. Workgroup will inform the creation of revised guidance documents and new evaluation models that can be used by school divisions.Workgroup will inform the creation of revised guidance documents and new evaluation models that can be used by school divisions.

10 October 28, 2010 State Fiscal Stabilization Funds (SFSF) Virginia MUST: Develop a student growth measure; andDevelop a student growth measure; and Provide data from the measure, at a minimum, to teachers of reading/language arts and mathematics in tested grades.Provide data from the measure, at a minimum, to teachers of reading/language arts and mathematics in tested grades. Virginia MUST: Develop a student growth measure; andDevelop a student growth measure; and Provide data from the measure, at a minimum, to teachers of reading/language arts and mathematics in tested grades.Provide data from the measure, at a minimum, to teachers of reading/language arts and mathematics in tested grades. 10

11 October 28, 2010 Student Growth Percentile (SGP) SGP determines progress made relative to other students with similar prior achievementSGP determines progress made relative to other students with similar prior achievement SGPs will be available for students who participate in the following SOL (not alternative) assessments:SGPs will be available for students who participate in the following SOL (not alternative) assessments:  Mathematics, grades 4-8, EOC Algebra I;  Reading, grades 4-8. VDOE is considering providing SGPs that measure growth for students who take the Algebra II assessment.VDOE is considering providing SGPs that measure growth for students who take the Algebra II assessment. SGP determines progress made relative to other students with similar prior achievementSGP determines progress made relative to other students with similar prior achievement SGPs will be available for students who participate in the following SOL (not alternative) assessments:SGPs will be available for students who participate in the following SOL (not alternative) assessments:  Mathematics, grades 4-8, EOC Algebra I;  Reading, grades 4-8. VDOE is considering providing SGPs that measure growth for students who take the Algebra II assessment.VDOE is considering providing SGPs that measure growth for students who take the Algebra II assessment. 11

12 October 28, 2010 School improvement Program evaluation Communications with parents, teachers, staff One component of comprehensive performance evaluation  Consistent with the Code of Virginia requirement to incorporate measures of student academic progress in evaluations (§ 22.1- 295) – enacted in 2000. Federal accountability (AYP-like Growth Models)  To be explored after Virginia meets current federal requirements for linking students to teachers and developing growth measure;  Cannot be implemented without two years of data from new tests. School improvement Program evaluation Communications with parents, teachers, staff One component of comprehensive performance evaluation  Consistent with the Code of Virginia requirement to incorporate measures of student academic progress in evaluations (§ 22.1- 295) – enacted in 2000. Federal accountability (AYP-like Growth Models)  To be explored after Virginia meets current federal requirements for linking students to teachers and developing growth measure;  Cannot be implemented without two years of data from new tests. Potential Uses of Student Growth Measures

13 October 28, 2010 State Fiscal Stabilization Funds (SFSF) and the Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Linked closely through requirements and expectations 13

14 October 28, 2010 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) 14

15 October 28, 2010 Comparison of the CCSS for Mathematics with the 2009 Mathematics SOL Both are rigorous sets of expectations for student learningBoth are rigorous sets of expectations for student learning Virginia’s SOL are aligned with the CCSS for MathematicsVirginia’s SOL are aligned with the CCSS for Mathematics DifferencesDifferences learning progressionslearning progressions philosophyphilosophy Both are rigorous sets of expectations for student learningBoth are rigorous sets of expectations for student learning Virginia’s SOL are aligned with the CCSS for MathematicsVirginia’s SOL are aligned with the CCSS for Mathematics DifferencesDifferences learning progressionslearning progressions philosophyphilosophy 15

16 October 28, 2010 Comparison of the CCSS for Mathematics with the 2009 Mathematics SOL Remember that quality is not just about standards…it’s about systems that support standards…including Curriculum Framework, assessment, professional development, and instructional practices 16

17 October 28, 2010 College and Career Readiness Initiative (CCRI) Website Website College and Career Readiness Initiative (CCRI) Website Website Defining college and career ready performance expectations (CCRPE)Defining college and career ready performance expectations (CCRPE) Developing elective "capstone courses”Developing elective "capstone courses” Providing technical assistance and professional development to educatorsProviding technical assistance and professional development to educators Adding quantitative indicators of achievement aligned with the CCRPEAdding quantitative indicators of achievement aligned with the CCRPE Identifying accountability measures and incentives for CCRPE achievementIdentifying accountability measures and incentives for CCRPE achievement Defining college and career ready performance expectations (CCRPE)Defining college and career ready performance expectations (CCRPE) Developing elective "capstone courses”Developing elective "capstone courses” Providing technical assistance and professional development to educatorsProviding technical assistance and professional development to educators Adding quantitative indicators of achievement aligned with the CCRPEAdding quantitative indicators of achievement aligned with the CCRPE Identifying accountability measures and incentives for CCRPE achievementIdentifying accountability measures and incentives for CCRPE achievement 17

18 October 28, 2010 18 College Board Standards for College Success College and Career Readiness ACT’s College Readiness Standards Common Core State Standards Virginia’s College and Career Readiness Performance Expectations Standards of Learning ADP Benchmarks

19 October 28, 2010 College and Career Readiness Performance Expectations Have been draftedHave been drafted Have been reviewed by VCCS and SCHEV faculty via surveyHave been reviewed by VCCS and SCHEV faculty via survey Are anticipated to be finalized in 2010Are anticipated to be finalized in 2010 Have been draftedHave been drafted Have been reviewed by VCCS and SCHEV faculty via surveyHave been reviewed by VCCS and SCHEV faculty via survey Are anticipated to be finalized in 2010Are anticipated to be finalized in 2010 19

20 October 28, 2010 CCRI Capstone Course for Mathematics Integrate college and career-ready performance expectations into an applied setting of mathematical investigationIntegrate college and career-ready performance expectations into an applied setting of mathematical investigation Require high-interest, high-level problem solving, decision making, analysis, and critical thinking, and evaluation in content and applied contextsRequire high-interest, high-level problem solving, decision making, analysis, and critical thinking, and evaluation in content and applied contexts Integrate college and career-ready performance expectations into an applied setting of mathematical investigationIntegrate college and career-ready performance expectations into an applied setting of mathematical investigation Require high-interest, high-level problem solving, decision making, analysis, and critical thinking, and evaluation in content and applied contextsRequire high-interest, high-level problem solving, decision making, analysis, and critical thinking, and evaluation in content and applied contexts 20

21 October 28, 2010 CCRI Capstone Course for Mathematics Designed for 12 th grade studentsDesigned for 12 th grade students Pilot year 2011-12Pilot year 2011-12 Superintendent’s email from 10/12/10Superintendent’s email from 10/12/10 Designed for 12 th grade studentsDesigned for 12 th grade students Pilot year 2011-12Pilot year 2011-12 Superintendent’s email from 10/12/10Superintendent’s email from 10/12/10 21

22 October 28, 2010 Superintendent’s Email Similar 12 th Grade Capstone- Courses 22 …the Department is interested in knowing if any school divisions have locally- developed courses designed primarily for 12 th -grade students who have (a) successfully completed English 11 and/or required mathematics SOL courses, (b) passed the SOL assessments, (c) intend to enroll in technical training or four-year or community college, but (d) whose overall performance suggests they may need additional preparation to succeed in the postsecondary education and/or work environment. This course would not be remedial in nature, but one where students reinforce and extend what they have learned in previous and current English and/or mathematics courses and engage in assignments and tasks that enhance reading, writing, and communication skills; and/or mathematics skills, in a context of research and application. In fact, the course could be constructed such that it would be of benefit to all high school seniors. Contact

23 October 28, 2010 Annual Measurable Objectives for Making Adequate Yearly Progress Proposed (goes to the BOE on October 28) 23

24 October 28, 2010 2010 VDOE Mathematics Institutes Harrisonburg – October 21Harrisonburg – October 21 Williamsburg – November 3Williamsburg – November 3 Abingdon – November 10Abingdon – November 10 Harrisonburg – October 21Harrisonburg – October 21 Williamsburg – November 3Williamsburg – November 3 Abingdon – November 10Abingdon – November 10 24

25 October 28, 2010 25 VDOE Mathematics Institutes support in the implementation of the 2009 Mathematics SOL;support in the implementation of the 2009 Mathematics SOL; training in the vertical progression of content and pedagogy;training in the vertical progression of content and pedagogy; instructional guidance in content areas of greatest challenge; andinstructional guidance in content areas of greatest challenge; and electronically archived training materials for districts and teachers for use as a professional development tool.electronically archived training materials for districts and teachers for use as a professional development tool. support in the implementation of the 2009 Mathematics SOL;support in the implementation of the 2009 Mathematics SOL; training in the vertical progression of content and pedagogy;training in the vertical progression of content and pedagogy; instructional guidance in content areas of greatest challenge; andinstructional guidance in content areas of greatest challenge; and electronically archived training materials for districts and teachers for use as a professional development tool.electronically archived training materials for districts and teachers for use as a professional development tool.

26 October 28, 2010 2010 Mathematics Institutes Grade bands K-2 Number and Number SenseK-2 Number and Number Sense 3-5 Patterns, Functions, and Algebra3-5 Patterns, Functions, and Algebra 6-8 Patterns, Functions, and Algebra6-8 Patterns, Functions, and Algebra 9-12 Functions and Statistics9-12 Functions and Statistics Grade bands K-2 Number and Number SenseK-2 Number and Number Sense 3-5 Patterns, Functions, and Algebra3-5 Patterns, Functions, and Algebra 6-8 Patterns, Functions, and Algebra6-8 Patterns, Functions, and Algebra 9-12 Functions and Statistics9-12 Functions and Statistics 26

27 October 28, 2010 Vertical Articulation Documents 27 Will be made available electronically through the VDOE Mathematics Institutes presentation resources.

28 October 28, 2010 VDOE Resources Technical Assistance Documents for A.9 and AII.11Technical Assistance Documents for A.9 and AII.11A.9 and AII.11A.9 and AII.11 Mathematics Institutes Available through the Tidewater Team at William and Mary WebsiteMathematics Institutes Available through the Tidewater Team at William and Mary WebsiteTidewater Team at William and Mary WebsiteTidewater Team at William and Mary Website Technical Assistance Documents for A.9 and AII.11Technical Assistance Documents for A.9 and AII.11A.9 and AII.11A.9 and AII.11 Mathematics Institutes Available through the Tidewater Team at William and Mary WebsiteMathematics Institutes Available through the Tidewater Team at William and Mary WebsiteTidewater Team at William and Mary WebsiteTidewater Team at William and Mary Website 28

29 October 28, 2010 Textbook Adoption Textbook review consensus committees met in July 2010Textbook review consensus committees met in July 2010 Correlations were provided to publishers for rebuttalCorrelations were provided to publishers for rebuttal Anticipated to be brought to the Board of Education in January 2011Anticipated to be brought to the Board of Education in January 2011 Textbook review consensus committees met in July 2010Textbook review consensus committees met in July 2010 Correlations were provided to publishers for rebuttalCorrelations were provided to publishers for rebuttal Anticipated to be brought to the Board of Education in January 2011Anticipated to be brought to the Board of Education in January 2011 29

30 October 28, 2010 Enhanced Scope and Sequence Revised and redevelopedRevised and redeveloped New layoutNew layout Provides differentiation strategies for all types of learnersProvides differentiation strategies for all types of learners Anticipated by Summer 2011Anticipated by Summer 2011 Revised and redevelopedRevised and redeveloped New layoutNew layout Provides differentiation strategies for all types of learnersProvides differentiation strategies for all types of learners Anticipated by Summer 2011Anticipated by Summer 2011 30

31 October 28, 2010 31 Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching  2011 awards will honor math and science teachers working in grades 7-12  Nominations due April 1, 2011  Applications due May 2, 2011  Supt.’s Memo #254-10 Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics & Science Teaching (PAEMST) Program Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics & Science Teaching (PAEMST) ProgramPresidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics & Science Teaching (PAEMST) Program  2011 awards will honor math and science teachers working in grades 7-12  Nominations due April 1, 2011  Applications due May 2, 2011  Supt.’s Memo #254-10 Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics & Science Teaching (PAEMST) Program Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics & Science Teaching (PAEMST) ProgramPresidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics & Science Teaching (PAEMST) Program

32 October 28, 2010 New SOL Assessments “Revised” versus “new”“Revised” versus “new” Increased rigorIncreased rigor Technology enhanced itemsTechnology enhanced items Higher-level questionsHigher-level questions “Revised” versus “new”“Revised” versus “new” Increased rigorIncreased rigor Technology enhanced itemsTechnology enhanced items Higher-level questionsHigher-level questions 32

33 October 28, 2010 Assessing Higher-level Thinking Skills 33 3.4 The student will estimate solutions to and solve single-step and multistep problems involving the sum or difference of two whole numbers… Pages Read by Deon Monday12 Tuesday16 Wednesday15 How many more pages were read on Monday and Tuesday combined than on Wednesday?

34 October 28, 2010 Assessing Higher-level Thinking Skills 34 3.6 The student will represent multiplication and division, using area, set, and number line models…

35 October 28, 2010 Assessing Higher-level Thinking Skills 35 3.7 The student will add and subtract proper fractions having denominators of 12 or less.

36 October 28, 2010 Assessing Higher-level Thinking Skills 36 3.9 The student will estimate…area and perimeter.

37 October 28, 2010 Assessing Higher-level Thinking Skills 37 4.3 d) The student will, given a model, write the decimal and fraction equivalents. 0.2 or 4.2 equivalent fractions

38 October 28, 2010 Assessing Higher-level Thinking Skills 38 4.4 d) The student will solve single-step and multistep addition, subtraction, and multiplication problems with whole numbers. Zach had 64 ounces of soda. He poured 8 ounces into each of 5 glasses. How much soda was left over?

39 October 28, 2010 Assessing Higher-level Thinking Skills 39 4.9 The student will determine elapsed time in hours and minutes within a 12-hour period. START 2:55 pm STOP 4:30 pm START 2:30 pm STOP 4:55 pm Watch your numbers! (avoid consistent use of easy subtraction of smaller from bigger)

40 October 28, 2010 Assessing Higher-level Thinking Skills 40 4.13 b) The student will represent probability as a number between 0 and 1, inclusive. Jennifer has 12 marbles. 1 Blue 3 Red 8 Green Where on the number line would you place an arrow to show the probability of choosing a green marble?

41 October 28, 2010 Assessing Higher-level Thinking Skills 5.4 The student will create and solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with and without remainders of whole numbers. 5.5 The student will a) find the sum, difference, product, and quotient of two numbers expressed as decimals through thousandths (divisors with only one nonzero digit); and a) find the sum, difference, product, and quotient of two numbers expressed as decimals through thousandths (divisors with only one nonzero digit); and b) create and solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving decimals. b) create and solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving decimals. 5.6 The student will solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition and subtraction with fractions and mixed numbers and express answers in simplest form. 5.4 The student will create and solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with and without remainders of whole numbers. 5.5 The student will a) find the sum, difference, product, and quotient of two numbers expressed as decimals through thousandths (divisors with only one nonzero digit); and a) find the sum, difference, product, and quotient of two numbers expressed as decimals through thousandths (divisors with only one nonzero digit); and b) create and solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving decimals. b) create and solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving decimals. 5.6 The student will solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition and subtraction with fractions and mixed numbers and express answers in simplest form. 41 5.5 b) Michael jogged 3.4 miles each day for 3 days. Jennifer jogged 4.2 miles each day for the same 3 days. What is the difference between the number of miles Jennifer jogged and the number of miles Michael jogged on these 3 days?

42 October 28, 2010 Assessing Higher-level Thinking Skills 42 Order of Operations evaluate for x = -2 5.7 6.8 7.13b

43 October 28, 2010 Assessing Higher-level Thinking Skills 5.8 c) The student will model one-step linear equations in one variable, using addition and subtraction. = x = 1

44 October 28, 2010 Assessing Higher-level Thinking Skills 44 6.4 The student will demonstrate multiple representations of multiplication and division of fractions

45 October 28, 2010 Assessing Higher-level Thinking Skills 45 6.20 The student will graph inequalities on a number line. 4 4

46 October 28, 2010 Assessing Higher-level Thinking Skills 46 7.3 a) The student will model addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of integers. What operation does this model? = 1 = -1

47 October 28, 2010 Assessing Higher-level Thinking Skills 47 7.3 a) The student will model addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of integers. What operation does this model? = 1 = -1

48 October 28, 2010 Assessing Higher-level Thinking Skills 48 7.3 a) The student will model addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of integers. What operation does this model?

49 October 28, 2010 Assessing Higher-level Thinking Skills 49 7.3 a) The student will model addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of integers. What operation does this model?

50 October 28, 2010 Assessing Higher-level Thinking Skills 50 7.5 c) The student will describe how changing one measured attribute of a rectangular prism affects its volume and surface area. Describe how the volume of the rectangular prism shown (height = 8 in.) would be affected if the height was increased by a scale factor of ½ or 2. 8 in. 5 in. 3 in.

51 October 28, 2010 Assessing Higher-level Thinking Skills 51 8.5 b) The student will find the two consecutive whole numbers between which a square root lies. Between which two square roots does 5 lie? Between which two whole numbers does lie?

52 October 28, 2010 Assessing Higher-level Thinking Skills 52 8.11The student will solve practical area and perimeter problems involving composite plane figures. Find the area of the shaded region.

53 October 28, 2010 Assessing Higher-level Thinking Skills 53 A.10 The student will compare and contrast multiple univariate data sets, using box-and-whisker plots. Which class had the most students scoring higher than 83? Class A has 36 students and Class B has 20 students. Which class has more students scoring above 83?

54 October 28, 2010 Assessing Higher-level Thinking Skills 54 G.11 b) The student will use angles, arcs, chords, tangents, and secants to a) investigate, verify, and apply properties of circles; b) solve real-world problems involving properties of circles; and c) find arc lengths and areas of sectors in circles. The longest side of the rectangle below the semi- circular window with center P is 30 inches in length. Kevin wants to put a wooden border around the yellow region. What is the length of this border, in inches? What is the area of the yellow region? Blue regions? P 78 °

55 October 28, 2010 Assessing Higher-level Thinking Skills 55 G.13 The student will use formulas for surface area and volume of three-dimensional objects to solve real-world problems.

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