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SLOVAK EVLM PORTAL European Virtual Laboratory of Mathematics Daniela RichtárikováDagmar Szarková Daniela Richtáriková Dagmar Szarková

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Presentation on theme: "SLOVAK EVLM PORTAL European Virtual Laboratory of Mathematics Daniela RichtárikováDagmar Szarková Daniela Richtáriková Dagmar Szarková"— Presentation transcript:

1 SLOVAK EVLM PORTAL European Virtual Laboratory of Mathematics Daniela RichtárikováDagmar Szarková Daniela Richtáriková Dagmar Szarková Institute of Natural Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Mechanical Enginneering Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Slovak Society for Geometry and Graphics

2 European Virtual Laboratory of Mathematics project within the Leonardo daVinci scheme project within the Leonardo daVinci scheme duration: 10/2006 - 12/2008 duration: 10/2006 - 12/2008 coordinator coordinator Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Faculty of Mechanical Enginneering Faculty of Mechanical Enginneering 8 partners from 8 European countries 8 partners from 8 European countries

3 European Virtual Laboratory of Mathematics project within the Leonardo daVinci scheme project within the Leonardo daVinci scheme duration: 10/2006 - 12/2008 duration: 10/2006 - 12/2008 coordinator coordinator Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Faculty of Mechanical Enginneering Faculty of Mechanical Enginneering 8 partners from 8 European countries 8 partners from 8 European countries University of Plovdiv, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgaria University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Plzeň, Czech Republic Miskolc University in Hungary University of Limerick, Ireland University of Salamanca, Spain Faculty of Informatics and Computing, Coventry University, United Kingdom Tullossilta, Finland Slovak Society for Geometry and Graphics, SR

4 Main ideas To build the communal supranational platform for sharing high-guality e-learning materials in maths on- line To build the communal supranational platform for sharing high-guality e-learning materials in maths on- line Created: 7 National Portals and one Central Portal To build a net of National Centres of Mathematics providing mathematical consultancy service and promoting new education methods including latest e- learning trends To build a net of National Centres of Mathematics providing mathematical consultancy service and promoting new education methods including latest e- learning trends Created: 7 National Centres of Mathematics

5 In order to improve better understanding and utilisation of mathematics, to promote general mathematical awareness improve better understanding and utilisation of mathematics, to promote general mathematical awareness improve the skills and competencies of teachers and trainers in utilising the existing e-learning sources as well as in creation of own e-learning materials improve the skills and competencies of teachers and trainers in utilising the existing e-learning sources as well as in creation of own e-learning materials

6 Target Groups educational institutions: university students of all levels, students of secondary schools, secondary and university school teachers, lecturers, researchers, and scientists educational institutions: university students of all levels, students of secondary schools, secondary and university school teachers, lecturers, researchers, and scientists research and training organizations; enterprises: interested people from non-academic sphere research and training organizations; enterprises: interested people from non-academic sphere individuals: self-learners, disabled people individuals: self-learners, disabled people

7 The Slovak EVLM portal is a communication portal of Slovak Centre of Mathematics created at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering STU in Bratislava is a communication portal of Slovak Centre of Mathematics created at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering STU in Bratislava

8 The Slovak EVLM Portal

9 Consultancy Centre

10 Consultancy Request

11 Questionnaire

12 Teacher’s guidebook

13 Student’s guidebook

14 Database Portal



17 Database Portal - Search

18 Database Portal - Algebra

19 Database Portal - Analysis

20 Database Portal - Statistics

21 Database Portal – Numerical Analysis

22 Database Portal - Probability

23 Database Portal - Programming

24 Database Portal - Geometry


26 Conics


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