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{ PSA Population Control Brittany and Conner. Countries in the Demographic Transition Model Stage 2: Afghanistan CBR: 38.84, CDR: 14.12, TFR: 5.43, IMR:

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Presentation on theme: "{ PSA Population Control Brittany and Conner. Countries in the Demographic Transition Model Stage 2: Afghanistan CBR: 38.84, CDR: 14.12, TFR: 5.43, IMR:"— Presentation transcript:

1 { PSA Population Control Brittany and Conner

2 Countries in the Demographic Transition Model Stage 2: Afghanistan CBR: 38.84, CDR: 14.12, TFR: 5.43, IMR: 117.23, NIR: 2.29%, Dependency Ratio: 93.1% Stage 3: Chile CBR: 13.97, CDR: 5.93, TFR: 1.84, IMR: 7.02, NIR: 0.84%, Dependency Ratio: 45.1% Stage 4: Australia CBR: 12.19, CDR: 7.07, TFR: 1.77, IMR: 9.86, NIR:.35%, Dependency Ratio: 51% Stage 5: Russia CBR: 11.87, CDR: 13.83, TFR: 1.61, IMR:7.08, NIR: -0.03, Dependency Ratio: 41.3%

3 Afghanistan: We chose Afghanistan to represent our stage two on the demographic transition model. We believe Afghanistan’s ecumene is Northeastern Afghanistan, mainly around Kabul and Asmar, due to the high population in those regions. Afghanistan’s current population is at 31, 822, 848.And since its NIR, or Natural Increase Rate, is currently at 2.29%, their estimated time it would take to double their population is 24 years. Some reasons for Afghanistan’s population to increase at this rate is that there is a lack of knowledge of contraception, and an inability to obtain it. They lack accurate education, and thus continue to increase the birth rate without the knowledge of the consequences that they impose on themselves. Consequences like, growing economic instability, political instability, and death rates. Afghanistan’s government lacks the know-how to support it’s ever growing population, and this causes a major issue.

4 Afghanistan’s Population Pyramid: From this population pyramid, you can tell that their dependency ratio is very high, due to the large amount of children/teens under working age. The elderly population in Afghanistan is undoubtedly low, because of the lack of adequate medicine.

5 Russia: We chose Russia to represent the fifth stage on the demographic transition model. We believe that Russia’s ecumene is Western Russia, primarily Moscow, Russia’s capitol, and we believe this to be true because of the higher density of people there than in other places of Russia. Russia’s current population is, 142,470,272, and it’s NIR, Natural Increase Rate, is -0.03, and so Russia’s doubling time can not be accurately calculated, because of it’s negative increase. An explanation for Russia’s decreasing population could begin with it’s fall of communism, and women’s slow rising status there. With the rise of the female status, women are working more, and choosing to wait until later on in life to reproduce. Russia’s rates in suicide and alcoholism are also climbing, and that could contribute to the population decrease. Another reason for it’s declining population is a surge in emigration.

6 Russia’s Population pyramid Russia’s population pyramid shows a small population of the elderly and a relatively small adolescent population. So, that means that they don’t have enough children to support those entering retirement age and those all ready in it.

7 Russia’s plan for population control: Russia’s government needs to step up and in to urge more births among its population. Russia need to promote fertility and birth by public advertisements and maybe start public clinics to help out with the medical bills and education of birth to those who would like to have children. With these clinics, they could regulate information that goes in and out of the computer systems, and there would be no hiccups in the system of regulation. Another possible solution would be to give incentive to those who conceive or already have children. Incentives such as; financial aid, free housing, etc…

8 Afghanistan’s plan for population control: Afghanistan’s government actually does not need to encourage births, because they may need to suppress them. They need to promote contraception usage, maybe even lower some of the prices of contraception so that it is more affordable, and they need to increase the education of female rights, and economic and family planning. If these were to increase, then, we believe, Afghanistan’s population would steady more, and their economy would improve and benefit greatly.

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