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Accessing Social Care. What do adult social care services do? – Assessing and arranging services for people with physical disabilities; mental health.

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Presentation on theme: "Accessing Social Care. What do adult social care services do? – Assessing and arranging services for people with physical disabilities; mental health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accessing Social Care

2 What do adult social care services do? – Assessing and arranging services for people with physical disabilities; mental health needs; learning difficulties; chronic illness and frailty; and carers –Safeguarding people experiencing or at risk of abuse or neglect –Providing information, advice and signposting to relevant services

3 Accessing Social Care Who is eligible? Care Act 2014 eligibility criteria: –Needs caused by physical or mental impairment or illness –Unable to achieve certain specific outcomes (see next slide) –As a consequence there is a significant impact on a person’s wellbeing

4 Accessing Social Care Care Act Outcomes –Nutrition (eating and drinking) –Personal hygiene –Managing toilet needs –Being appropriately clothed –Being safe in the home –Having a habitable home –Family and personal relationships –Work, training, education, volunteering –Using facilities and services in the local community –Caring for children

5 Accessing Social Care What kind of services are available? –Support to live at home / home care –Day services –Residential and nursing care –Equipment and adaptations in the home –Telecare and sensory equipment –Direct payments –Carers support services –Information, advice and signposting

6 Accessing Social Care What kind of information is available? –Booklets and leaflets (A Guide to Adult Services in Warrington) –Information on specific services (e.g. Direct Payments; Safeguarding) –Online information and directories: –Face-to-face support (Link Worker pilot only currently in certain areas of Warrington) –Telephone support (Access Social Care team)

7 Access Social Care Team (ASC) How can you contact us? Monday-Friday 8.30am-5pm (except public holidays) –Tel: 01925 444239 (Typetalk and textphone available) –Fax: 01925 444201 –Email: or at Contact Warrington, 26-30 Horsemarket Street, WA1 1XL if you are unable to phone, fax or email For urgent calls out of office hours: 01925 444400

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