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Wading into the Water Cycle! A look into the water cycle and its importance to the natural world around us.

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Presentation on theme: "Wading into the Water Cycle! A look into the water cycle and its importance to the natural world around us."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wading into the Water Cycle! A look into the water cycle and its importance to the natural world around us.

2 What is Water? Copyright, legal, version number? 2 Water is made out of two elements: – Hydrogen – Oxygen That is why water is called H ₂ O

3 Waters States Water can exist as either a: – Solid – Liquid – Gas Examples: Copyright, legal, version number? 3

4 Where does water come from? Copyright, legal, version number? 4

5 How old is my water? How old do you think your water is? – 1 day old – 10 days old – 100 days old – Millions of years old Copyright, legal, version number? 5

6 Your water is millions of years old! It is the same water that the dinosaurs drank The same water knights on the battle field drank The same water that your great great great grandparents drank Copyright, legal, version number? 6

7 How can my water be that old? The amount of water on earth never changes It is always being recycled through the – WATER CYCLE Copyright, legal, version number? 7

8 What is the Water Cycle? Copyright, legal, version number? 8 The water cycle describes the constant movement of water on, above, and below the surface of Earth. The water cycle has 4 steps: 1.Evaporation 2.Condensation 3.Precipitation 4.Accumulation

9 Step 1 Evaporation – When sun heats up water in rivers or lakes or the ocean and turns it into vapor or steam Copyright, legal, version number? 9

10 Step 2 Condensation – The water vapor gets cold as it rises and changes back into a liquid Copyright, legal, version number? 10

11 Step 3 Copyright, legal, version number? 11 Precipitation -Precipitation happens when so much water has condensed that the air cannot hold it anymore -The clouds get heavy and water falls back to the earth

12 Step 4 Collection – When water falls back to the earth as precipitation it may fall back in: Oceans Lakes Rivers Or it can soak into the earth and become part of the ground water. Copyright, legal, version number? 12

13 Then the water moves through the cycle all over again! What are the 4 steps ? 1.Evaporation 2.Condensation 3.Precipitation 4.Collection Copyright, legal, version number? 13

14 The Magic School Bus: Wet All Over! Copyright, legal, version number? 14

15 The Many Adventures of Drippy The Raindrop Copyright, legal, version number? 15

16 Copyright, legal, version number? 16 What happens if it rains too much?

17 BREAKING NEWS ALERT London gets 73 millimeters of rain in less than 24 hrs London is predicted to get 50 more millimeters in the next 48 hours Copyright, legal, version number? 17 FLOOD WATCH IN AFFECT

18 What is a flood and how do they happen? Floods happen when areas that collect water overflow Floods happen in low lying areas, as water usually flows down hill Copyright, legal, version number? 18

19 Copyright, legal, version number? 19

20 Floodplains in London Ontario A floodplain is an area of low-lying ground next to a river, formed mainly of river sediments and is subject to flooding. Copyright, legal, version number? 20

21 How can we prevent flooding? Defense Walls Copyright, legal, version number? 21

22 Defense Walls in London: Retaining Walls Copyright, legal, version number? 22 How can we prevent flooding?

23 Vegetation Copyright, legal, version number? 23

24 Sand Bags Copyright, legal, version number? 24 How can we prevent flooding? Sand Bags

25 How can we prevent flooding? Education is important for flood prevention. The more we educate people on how floods occur and where they are most likely to occur, the more prepared we can be. Copyright, legal, version number? 25

26 Preventing Floods Copyright, legal, version number? 26

27 Copyright, legal, version number? 27 What happens if it doesn’t rain at all?

28 Droughts Droughts are what occur when it does not rain at all or when it rains but not for long enough Droughts make areas look similar to deserts if they occur for long enough Copyright, legal, version number? 28

29 Preventing Droughts It is difficult to prevent droughts as they are generally due to an improper balance in the water cycle Tips for reducing drought effects are: – Water conservation – Planting drought tolerant plants Copyright, legal, version number? 29

30 Water Conservation Copyright, legal, version number? 30

31 Planting Drought Tolerant Gardens Instead of wasting water to try and save your garden you could plant drought tolerant plants Copyright, legal, version number? 31

32 How can you help conserve water? Go home and look around your home for five things or habits that require water. After finding five things suggest ways in which you could save water when using these things, or ways in which you can alter your habits to save water. Copyright, legal, version number? 32

33 What did you think about the lesson? What did you learn? What did you love? What do you want to learn more about? What was boring? How would you make the lesson better? Copyright, legal, version number? 33

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