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Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007.

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1 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007

2 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 A Biblical Examination Of How One Might Prepare Himself For The Work Of A Deacon

3 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 Some Introductory Comments… An age-old problem plagued Jesus’ early disciples…still plagues His followers today Mt 20:20-28 Lk 22:24-30 Some want to be “great in the kingdom of God” How Jesus dealt with His 12 disciples teaches us about “true greatness” in the kingdom

4 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 Some Introductory Comments… An age-old problem plagued Jesus’ early disciples…still plagues His followers today Mt 20:20-28 Lk 22:24-30 In the Lord’s eyes, “true greatness” will be determined by how much one serves, gives himself up for the benefit of others

5 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 Some Introductory Comments… “Servants” have always played a prominent role in the kingdom of God Understanding this helps prepare us for a detailed study of the work of the deacon

6 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 Some Introductory Comments… What or Who is a “deacon?” Term “deacon” is not an English word, but a word transliterated from the N.T. Greek Noun form (Mt 20:26) Ù Verb form (Mt 20:28) Ù There are several instances where this term for “servant” is used in the N.T.  diakonos  diakoneo

7 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 Some Introductory Comments… What or Who is a “deacon?” There are several instances where this term for “servant” is used in the N.T. The Lord Jesus Christ was a “deacon” Rom 15:8 His chosen apostles were “deacons” 2 Cor 3:6 Government officials are “deacons” Rom 13:4 All Christians are “deacons” Jn 12:26

8 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 Some Introductory Comments… What or Who is a “deacon?” However, our focus is more specialized There are “special servants” among servants The N.T. differentiates Phil 1:1 1 Tim 3:8-10, 12-13 These are the only passages in the English Bible where the word is translated “deacon” All other times it is “servant(s)” or “minister(s)”

9 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 Some Introductory Comments… What or Who is a “deacon?” Because of Phil 1:1 & 1 Tim 3:8-10, 12-13… we must conclude “deacons” are a distinct function in the local N.T. church of Christ Therefore, we must know his… …identity …character …family …work, responsibilities

10 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 The Prospective Deacon Some of what is revealed about him is distinct, germane only to him 1 Tim 3 He must be a man v. 12 Is a woman any less a “servant?” cp. Rom 16:1 He must be married v. 12 He is one devoted to relationships – esp. marriage Is a single person any less a “servant?” Identity

11 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 The Prospective Deacon Some of what is revealed about him is distinct, germane only to him 1 Tim 3 He must be a father v. 12 A man of responsibility Is a childless person any less a “servant?” He must be of proven (tested) character v. 10 Is a “new convert” any less a “servant?” Identity

12 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 The Prospective Deacon Other pertinent points about him would apply to all other “servants” 1 Tim 3 Ê He must be a “man of dignity” v. 8 Other translations have “dignified” or “reverent” It literally means “august, venerable, known for honorable character” [Thayer] It exalts the “higher way to live” found in Christ Character

13 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 The Prospective Deacon Other pertinent points about him would apply to all other “servants” 1 Tim 3 Ê He must be a “man of dignity” v. 8 This is also a requirement for the wife of an elder or a deacon 1 Tim 3:11 Character Required of all disciples Phil 4:8

14 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 The Prospective Deacon Other pertinent points about him would apply to all other “servants” 1 Tim 3 Ë He must not be “double-tongued” v. 8 Literally, “not one given to double talk” It refers to saying one thing to one person or group, then speaking the opposite to another person or group for “political expediency” Character

15 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 The Prospective Deacon Other pertinent points about him would apply to all other “servants” 1 Tim 3 Ë He must not be “double-tongued” v. 8 He is a “man of his word” and single of heart Character Required of all disciples cp. Mt 5:37 Mk 7:22 Jas 4:8

16 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 The Prospective Deacon Other pertinent points about him would apply to all other “servants” 1 Tim 3 Ì He is not “addicted to much wine” v. 8 He is one who abstains from alcohol, its effects The concern is the same re: elders v. 3 Titus 1:7 Character Required of all disciples 1 Pet 4:3

17 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 The Prospective Deacon Other pertinent points about him would apply to all other “servants” 1 Tim 3 Í He is not “fond of sordid gain” v. 8 Other translations have “not greedy for money” Again, it is the same concern as was stated for one who would be an elder v. 3 Titus 1:7 No “sordid means” to obtain wealth Character

18 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 The Prospective Deacon Other pertinent points about him would apply to all other “servants” 1 Tim 3 Í He is not “fond of sordid gain” v. 8 One who would be a deacon may at times have access to church funds as the treasurer, or be given monies to assist with some assigned task (e.g. some benevolent work, project, etc.) Character

19 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 The Prospective Deacon Other pertinent points about him would apply to all other “servants” 1 Tim 3 Í He is not “fond of sordid gain” v. 8 Biblical examples of “professed servants” who were “fond of sordid gain” Balaam Num 22 2 Pet 2:15 Judas Iscariot Mt 26:15 Jn 12:4-6 Character Gehazi 2 Kings 5

20 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 The Prospective Deacon Other pertinent points about him would apply to all other “servants” 1 Tim 3 Í He is not “fond of sordid gain” v. 8 Character Required of all disciples cp. Col 3:5 1 Tim 6:9-10, 17-19 Heb 13:5

21 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 The Prospective Deacon Other pertinent points about him would apply to all other “servants” 1 Tim 3 Î He “holds the mystery of the faith” v. 9 He does this with a “clear” or “pure” conscience He is a devoted follower of the “mystery” that has been revealed cp. Eph 3:2-5 He is a student of truth Character

22 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 The Prospective Deacon Other pertinent points about him would apply to all other “servants” 1 Tim 3 Î He “holds the mystery of the faith” v. 9 Unlike the elder, there is no requirement that he be an “apt teacher” of truth Character Required of all disciples 2 Tim 2:15

23 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 The Prospective Deacon Other pertinent points about him would apply to all other “servants” 1 Tim 3 Ï He is to be “beyond reproach” v. 10 Other translations say “blameless” This is the same requirement stated for elders 1 Tim 3:2 Titus 1:6-7 Charges of improper behavior won’t “stick” Character

24 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 The Prospective Deacon Other pertinent points about him would apply to all other “servants” 1 Tim 3 Ï He is to be “beyond reproach” v. 10 He won’t have “irregularities” in social settings Character Required of all disciples cp. Col 1:19-231 Tim 6:11-14

25 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 The Prospective Deacon Before he can serve in this capacity, he must “first be proven (tested)” 1 Tim 3:10 With respect to these character qualifications, he must have already demonstrated them prior to being such a “special servant” in the local church Character

26 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 The Prospective Deacon These requirements are very similar to what we studied re: the elder 1 Tim 3:11-12 The deacon’s wife v. 11 These words apply equally to the wife of both the prospective elder & the prospective deacon The deacon as a husband v. 12a It is the same as for the elder 1 Tim 3:2 Family

27 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 The Prospective Deacon These requirements are very similar to what we studied re: the elder 1 Tim 3:11-12 The deacon’s house, children v. 12b It is the same as for the elder 1 Tim 3:4 All in all, the prospective deacon is a committed family man, devoted to his wife and the rearing of his children Family

28 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 The Prospective Deacon Unlike the elder, the deacon’s work is not “specifically” addressed in the Scripture Some Christians adopt the adage, “Elders do the spiritual…Deacons do the physical” A sad, “cheap” assessment of just how truly important deacons are to the local church Work

29 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 The Prospective Deacon If all the deacon does is “glorified janitorial work,” then the Holy Spirit’s qualifications are too much How much character is required to push a broom, mow a lawn, or change a light bulb? After all, we can teach children these tasks Work

30 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 The Prospective Deacon Deacons are “special servants” who serve at the pleasure of the eldership Important work (both physical & spiritual) must be done Their “work” often goes unnoticed…many times, it is “behind the scenes” Work

31 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 Some Closing Comments… The office of deacon is not to be viewed as the “stepping stone” to the eldership Secular work often has “defined career paths” One job must be done before another can be done This is not the case in the Lord’s kingdom A man can serve as an elder without ever having served as a deacon

32 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 Some Closing Comments… The office of deacon is not to be viewed as the “stepping stone” to the eldership Yes, there is “honor” for the man who serves as a shepherd 1 Thess 5:12-13 1 Tim 5:17-18 There is also “honor” for the deacon…a “special servant among servants” 1 Tim 3:13 Whether or not he ever becomes an elder

33 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 Some Closing Comments… There is plenty of work to do…oftentimes, the shortage is people cp. Lk 10:1-2 You don’t need to be a “deacon” to serve in the local church It is proper for elders to ask any saint to perform tasks suited to his/her talent(s)

34 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 Some Closing Comments… There is plenty of work to do…oftentimes, the shortage is people cp. Lk 10:1-2 Yet, proper local church organization calls for both elders and deacons cp. Phil 1:1 Inspired example to illustrate is Acts 6:1-7 Not called “deacons”…yet, we see great similarity even without them being identified as “deacons”

35 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 Some Closing Comments… There is plenty of work to do…oftentimes, the shortage is people cp. Lk 10:1-2 Inspired example to illustrate is Acts 6:1-7 This text reminds us that important work can at times “fall through the cracks” v. 1 Apostles recognized their work could not be neglected to correct this mistake v. 2

36 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 Some Closing Comments… There is plenty of work to do…oftentimes, the shortage is people cp. Lk 10:1-2 Inspired example to illustrate is Acts 6:1-7 We are reminded that important work can at times “fall through the cracks” v. 1 Likewise, elders cannot leave their shepherding work to complete other important tasks

37 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 Some Closing Comments… There is plenty of work to do…oftentimes, the shortage is people cp. Lk 10:1-2 Inspired example to illustrate is Acts 6:1-7 Present among these disciples were men who could do the work and would do the work These men would be “placed over” such tasks – the idea is “empowerment” v. 3

38 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 Some Closing Comments… There is plenty of work to do…oftentimes, the shortage is people cp. Lk 10:1-2 Inspired example to illustrate is Acts 6:1-7 Present among these disciples were men who could do the work and would do the work Without “empowerment” – leaders may as well do the work themselves

39 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 Some Closing Comments… There is plenty of work to do…oftentimes, the shortage is people cp. Lk 10:1-2 Inspired example to illustrate is Acts 6:1-7 Present among these disciples were men who could do the work and would do the work This remedy allowed the apostles to continue to focus on their God-given work v. 4

40 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 Some Closing Comments… There are many things pertaining to the overall welfare of a church that need doing A wise eldership will assign such tasks to qualified men Ù “special servants” This will leave the elders free to tend, feed, pasture, and watch the flock

41 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 Some Closing Comments… Overall we see, in a larger view, the role of such “special servants” (deacons) The One who came to die for us = a “Servant” Mt 20:28 Those who follow Him must also serve others Mt 20:25-26

42 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007 Some Closing Comments… Overall we see, in a larger view, the role of such “special servants” (deacons) There can be men who will submit to this, and who can become such “special servants among servants”

43 Deacon Preparation StudiesEastside church of Christ – Mar. 2007

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