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How do you find security in life?.  IMAGE OF GOD Objective: Foundation #1 – To understand man as created  INSIDE OUT Objective: Foundation #2 – To understand.

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Presentation on theme: "How do you find security in life?.  IMAGE OF GOD Objective: Foundation #1 – To understand man as created  INSIDE OUT Objective: Foundation #2 – To understand."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do you find security in life?

2  IMAGE OF GOD Objective: Foundation #1 – To understand man as created  INSIDE OUT Objective: Foundation #2 – To understand man after the fall and after the new birth  IDENTITY RECOVERED Objective: How to recover your stolen identity  IDENTITY TESTED Objective: A test to determine if your lost identity has been recovered  INCREDIBLE TREASURE Objective: To know the power of God available to you  INHERITANCE OF GOD Objective: To know the completeness and greatness of Christ’s sacrifice for you  IN CHRIST Objective: To provide the key to consistent living for the believer

3 Part 7 In Christ – The Key to Consistency “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” Ephesians 1:3

4 Background:  There are many up and down Christians  There are many who have various doubts  As a result many live an inconsistent Christian life plagued by these feelings of doubt and insecurity  Today’s verse is the key to overcoming these feelings and living a consistent life  This key to consistency is found by realizing who we are in God’s sight and the full extent of what He has done for us

5 Key Verse: ”Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,” Ephesians 1:3 God [OUR SOURCE] every spiritual blessing [OUR SUCCESS] in Christ [OUR SECURITY]

6 OUR SOURCE:  God chose you – in eternity past (1:4)  God loved you – even when you were dead in sins (2:4)  God gave you new life – made alive with Christ (2:5)  God seated you – with Christ (2:6)  God displays you – to the host of Heaven (2:7)  God keeps you - He is able (3:20,21) and,  God blesses you - our verse

7 OUR SECURITY:  The expression “in Him”, or “in Christ” occurs over 100 times in Paul’s heavenly letters  What does “in Christ” mean? "in Christ" means a believer partakes in all that Christ has done, all that He is before the Father, and all that He ever shall be. The moment a person is saved, God views that individual as being "in Christ“. He stands before God in all the acceptability of Christ Himself. This is positional truth; the believer's spiritual condition can never alter this.

8 OUR SECURITY:  Born in Adam, reborn in Christ (1 Cor.15:22) Adam - the source and substance of our natural life Christ - the source and substance of our new life Adam deactivated and Christ activated - only one  Rest in the objective reality that you already possess God’s unconditional love for you = His love for Christ God’s unwavering acceptance of you = His acceptance of Christ No condemnation (Rom 8:1) No separation (Rom 8:35-39) Christ’s righteousness = attributed to you (2 Cor.5:21)

9 OUR SECURITY:  We were chosen in Him (Eph. 1:4)  Our redemption and forgiveness is in Him (Eph.1:7)  His will for us is found in Him (Eph.1:9)  Our inheritance is in Him (Eph. 1:10, 11)  We were sealed by the Holy Spirit in Him (Eph.1:13)  We are complete in Him (Col.2:10)  We are enriched in Him (1 Cor.1:5)  We are made holy in Him (2 Cor.5:21; 1 Cor.1:2)  We have no condemnation in Christ (Rom.8:1)  We have victory in Christ (2 Cor.2:14; Rom.8:37)  We are free in Christ (Gal.2:4)  We have eternal life in His Son (1 John 5:11)

10 OUR SUCCESS:  SUCCESS – What is it? Dictionary: Favorable outcome Accomplishment of the end aimed at Biblically: Enjoying God’s presence  SUCCESS – Where is it found? With Christ In the heavenlies (the heavenly places) A real place – where Christ is now (Eph.1:20) Your present place – seated with Him there (Eph.2:6) The place of your success – every spiritual blessing  Your success is secure

11 SUMMARY:  Your SOURCE – God  Your SECURITY – in Christ  Your SUCCESS – every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies

12 APPLICATION:  Be of the same mind as Christ (Phil.2:2) emptied, bond servant, humbled Himself, death  Renew your mind (Rom.12:2; Eph.4:23) transformed by the indwelling Holy Spirit  Guard your minds (Phil.4:7) Think about these things -true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, etc.  Set your mind on these things (Col.3:2) What things - Your position in Christ “As a man thinks so he is.” Proverbs 23:7

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