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Giuseppe Pecoraro Music Video. Why do we have music videos and what are they used for? Buggles, who done the first ever music video (Video killed the.

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Presentation on theme: "Giuseppe Pecoraro Music Video. Why do we have music videos and what are they used for? Buggles, who done the first ever music video (Video killed the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Giuseppe Pecoraro Music Video

2 Why do we have music videos and what are they used for? Buggles, who done the first ever music video (Video killed the radio star) mentioned that music videos are an entry point. What I think he means by this is that different genres are viewed by different people by the way that the artist has presented it. Giving certain people a unique experience when watching it. Music videos are so important because some artists would not be where they are today without them. A music video usualy shows the band singing there song, weather its live in a studio, on tour or a video of what they get up to. An example of this is the song ‘Omen’ by The Prodigy. For there video they have recorded one of there gigs, put there music to it and edited it. This is a good idea because the audience watching there video will have the chance to experience what one of there gigs would be like at home and they could buy a ticket to see them live. Another example is ‘Example – Kick Starts (BAR9 Remix) In this music video it shows a short story to so with the song.

3 Purpose The purpose of a music video is to promote the artist and their income. A music video can tell you a thousand things about the artists personality/style. Most songs that have a music video will sell more, for example PSY – Gangdam style would not be as famous if it didn’t have the music video due to everyone knowing the dance. Gangdam style has over 1 million record sales in the UK, was the first song to get over 1 Billion views on YouTube and beat the video views for Justin Biebers video ‘Baby’ (Now has 1,896,403,578 views) PSY then had a follow up single called Gentleman, however it was not as successful due to being not as catchy. One artist that has caused quite a stir is Miley Cyrus. She's changing her image from disnychannels Hannah Montana, to a ruthless crazy ‘bad girl’ who doesn't give a F***. She first caused a stir at the MTV awards when she tweaked (Well, tried to) on Robin Thicke causing a massive media storm and she was the most talked about person in the world, however doing this she unfortunately got dumped by text. Then, her video wrecking ball was the most talked about video on the internet. In an interview with her producers they mentioned that they wanted this to happen to her as she wanted to completely done with disney. Wrecking ball was inspired by Shanade O’connor.

4 Music Channels Before YouTube and the internet, people would watch MTV and Top of the Pops. MTV is a music channel that was launched on August the 1 st 1981, without this channel some Artists will not be where they are today. Also, Video stores like Blockbusters and HMV would sell artists music videos in there stores. The importance of this was great in the 90s because these were the only ways that they could promote and market there music videos. Now, in my opinion, MTV has gone downhill due to the uprising of YouTube and the internet. They now need to play corny shows like 16 and pregnant and Pimp my ride UK to keep the ratings and income rolling in. The internet has also destroyed blockbuster as now we can watch films on demand in the comfort of our own homes. Another reason is that if you had a music video you really liked you would have to watch MTV for a long time until it aired, this was good for MTV because it increased the amount of money they made due to people locking in there channel. Artists would also pay for there music videos to be aired, but now we can find there music videos on YouTube and artists can freely upload there music on YouTube without paying a penny.

5 Use of Synergy Synergy is when 2 areas of media work together, for example lets look at the singer Adel with her song Skyfall and the 007 James Bond film Skyfall. Firstly, they both share the same name which is good because we can understand that they are meant for each other. Another good reason, if someone who watches the film Skyfall likes the song and somehow dosnt know what its called, he could search skyfall and on google adel and the film will come up. At the start of every James Bond film there is a sequent's of events that happen, then a long in introduction which is animated. The theme song that plays over this is Adel’s ‘Skyfall’ In Adel's music video, the theme of the music video is like the introduction of skyfall. They are identical, if not the same. The songs lyrics also relates to the

6 Arctic Monkeys Florescent Adolescent This song by the Arctic monkeys is directed by Domino Records and was released in 2007. The camera angles used are establishing shots to show the scenery and close up shots to show the characters. There is also a shot reverse shot used and when the clown is beating up his old friend we see a worms eye shot and a birds eye shot. One shows authority and one looks intimidating. The genre of this music video is action and shows a lot of violent and graphic scenes. Around 1 minuet in, we have a cut to beat but its very short, the music video dose change pace as soon as the song uplifts. For example, at the start the music doesn't play as the cars are driving in, so its all very calm. (Picture 1) then as soon as they get out the car the music starts, we then get a 1st person view from character as he's running to fight people. In my opinion, the image that the video is representing is that they are a reckless band who want to have fun. The clowns/Fairground people represent the new rise of society attacking the old society. (picture 2) The mise en scene for this music video is an abandoned industrial building. Main conventions are, Sex, Drugs, 4/4 rock beat, middle 8 section, the lyrics about 'sticking it to the man, politics, love, editing goes to the beat of video, group shots show the band and there aura, sometimes you hear diegetic sounds at the start of the music video when they get on stage.

7 Arctic monkeys In this music video the band want the viewers to understand That there can be disagreements and misunderstandings in Society. They show this by one group of supposedly ‘Normal’ People and one group dressed up in clown costumes. They end Up beating each other up, then we get a flashback to when the 2 main characters are little and playing with each other and having Fun, like society and social relationships 2 people can be friends one Day then at war with each the the next. The band don’t show there Face, and don’t need to show there face because they have gained a Wider enough audience that know there sound, even though we don’t See there faces when we hear them sing we will say and know ‘This is The arctic monkeys. The song is written about Alex turners ex girlfriend, Like Adel and other artists, this band has made a song about an old love They have lost. A convention of rock music is energy, as soon as this video starts, there Is a lot of running around, violence and fighting. People say that rock music Pumps you up and some people listen to rock music before they play football Or do any other sport as it can ‘Mentally’ Get them ready for what they are doing. The video is a nice touch to the song, however the song is about a girl The bands Singer dated and in the video we see 2 sides of society fighting each other.

8 Omen – the Prodigy The song ‘Omen’ by the prodigy was recorded from live performances all over the globe. This is good because you can feel what a prodigy concert is like without actually being there. The only negative point about this video is I feel very disorientated watching it, and also I'm not epileptic but the flashing lights gave me a headache. The whole video is fast paced, however I do not think it is cut to beat. In fact, the only synchronised piece in this song when the girl is hitting the xylophone, and when the singer lips ‘Its an omen, NOW!’ The camera shots are all fast and zoom in and out. The conventions for drum and bass are,Dark, imagery Fast changing shots, Close ups of artist/ performers,possible lip synching possible eye contact with audience, cut to beat and lots of flashy lights.

9 Prodigy In this shot we now see them playing at an event, this is good because The viewers can understand what the experience at one of there raves Will be like without actually being there. The lights don’t match up with The sound so we can experience a disorientation, which works very well. In this music video we have shots from them playing at a rave And shots for an actual video. This is the first shot, we get a little Girl playing a xylophone which is cut to beat to the track. As she Hits the instrument the camera zooms in a little bit each time. Unlike the arctic monkeys video I have evaluated, in this video We are introduced with the band members. This is good because we Now can see who ‘The prodigy are’ And judging from there apperance we Can know what they are all about. The editor who has edited the music video wants to capture The fast paced action and Adrenalin in this video. In nearly every single shot we can experience a sound and vision disorientation, This works well because it captures exactly what one of there nights will be like. This will intrigue the user and make them want to experience it themselves, making them go out a buy tickets to there event. We also get to understand the amount of energy And dancing in this video, something which there band is all about (Making people want to get up And loose themselves) We get shots from the crowds point of view to understand what being the crowd Would be like, we also get OTS shots from from the members on stage and this shows how many people there Are dancing and enjoying themselves.

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